Friday, November 4, 2011

On bombing Iran...

What is all this propaganda all over the internet about a plan to bomb Iran?  Why would they announce such a thing anyway?   Do you believe it, or think it's just a scare tactic and/or diversion?


  1. So, I've read recently in a Jewish news source that it is bogus. The person commenting was a professor who deals with this sort of thing and he says the media brings it up every so often. He also said, "Do you really honestly think that they (Israel) would announce it publically? Also, that Israel never confirms nor denies these allegations- She likes her privacy etc.... So, who knows?

  2. we dont know . if israel really announced it or leaked it to the press, perhaps its to warn enemies they are prepared, not to try anything . it could be a tactic. however a journalised from, aaron klein wrote that he feels all this media noise is actually nato getting ready to attack syria and israel is getting ready to protect itself. there was no reason for the israeli papers to tell about the successful missile test that can cover to iran. it came out in the news on t v too.

  3. Political sabotage:

  4. Pray for peace in the world. Hashem expects nothing less from us all. I truly believe that.

  5. Jean-Marie,
    We should ALL pray for peace in the world.
    But in particular "pray for the welfare/peace of Jerusalem" for she is the 'heart' of the world.

    Chapter 20 is a good start.


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