Monday, November 7, 2011

Don't Attack Iran; G-d Will Ruin Ahmadinejad

Rabbi Shalom Berger, the Rebbe of Mishkoltz, says there is no need to attack Iran because G-d will get rid of Ahmadinejad.

“In my opinion, there is no necessity to take any military action against Iran," he said in a recent lesson to students. “The wicked Iranian [Ahmadinejad], who threatens to destroy Israel, will disappear shortly, before he will have time to vent his anger.”

The rabbi explained, “G-d brings a horrible ruler against Israel. He [the Creator] brings problems on Israel in order to unite the People of Israel."

“The wicked Haman [from the Scroll of Esther] did not do anything. He wanted to, but he could not do anything. We must stop with divisions and factions and we must love all the People of Israel and care about every individual.

“This is the way to deal with the Iranian threat, just like in the days of Haman.”

The Rabbi was referring to the story told in the Book of Esther, which notes that the Queen asked to gather all the Jews, without exception , to fast and pray for her success in going before the King to try to save the Jews. They were all, from the smallest to the greatest, young and old, set to be exterminated by the king's advisor Haman. She succeeded in her mission and the Jewish sages said that this shows that when the Jews are unified, they can withstand those who wish to harm them.

Source: Israel National News


  1. Its not about ahmadinejad, that nation (iran) has been hating israel since 1979, if he dies its not going to make a difference. The mullahs control iran anyway.

  2. No, perhaps not. there are many iranians who dont like the mullahs and have nothing against israel. their voices are not heard. initially i too thought the whole of iran was the same, but later i found out from iranians who left iran that many are not like the wicked haman. ahmadinejab's days are numbered. he and the ayatollah dont hit off and much of his authority has been removed. Hashem will bring him down by his own or any other way. for everything and everyone Hashem has given a period of time.soon the wicked people's time will be over.

  3. I'm sure these same sentiments were expressed as they gas chambers of Auschwitz were filling up.

  4. Please see Yalkut Shimoni On Yeshaya perek Samech- where there is a reference by the revealed Moshiach to the "wicked Persians" which implies that the Iranians will be the foremost adversary to Klal Yisroel before Moshiach comes.

  5. Moriah, I came to comment the exact same thing then I saw your post.

  6. I believe that hashem wants our prayers and for us to change one small thing about our behavior or observance or whatever. The more I read teh Torah and hear the rabbanim speak the more I think that it does not matter so much about all of our technology and the money and the like. Hashem really truly runs the world and has a plan. Our job is to get on the bandwagon and to help other Jews who are unaware to get on the same wagon....

  7. Moriah said...

    I'm sure these same sentiments were expressed as they gas chambers of Auschwitz were filling up.

    I am sure you are also aware there were people who risked their lives to help Jews as the gas chambers of Auschwitz were filling up.

  8. The biggest thing hurting Jew's as a whole is: Lack of unity in Torah.
    We can not force fellow Jews to be more observant in one way or another so stop trying, look only into your own self and ask what can "I" do better to bring HaShem and His Torah into this dark world. Love each other and hold each other in our hearts closely. Love truly conquers all. Only with G-ds help can we achieve this Teshuvah.


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