Thursday, November 10, 2011

Why Iran's Top Leaders Believe That the End of Days Has Come

By Joel C. Rosenberg
Why would Iran authorize a major terrorist operation on American soil? Skeptics say the much-discussed “foiled” Iranian plot makes no sense. We will know soon enough if the Feds have sufficient evidence related to this specific plot. But Iranian leaders may, in fact, have a motive to accelerate direct attacks on the U.S.: Shia Islamic eschatology, or "End Times" theology.

Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are convinced that the End of Days has come. They believe the Shia messiah known as the “Twelfth Imam” or the “Mahdi” will appear soon to establish a global Islamic kingdom known as the caliphate.

What’s more, they believe the way to hasten the coming of the Twelfth Imam is to annihilate Israel (which they call the “Little Satan”), and the United States (which they call the “Great Satan”). We should not, therefore, be surprised that Iran is probing for weaknesses in American intelligence and homeland security.

Khamenei told Iranians in July 2010 that he personally met with the Twelfth Imam. He also claimed to be the personal representative of the Mahdi on earth, and said all Muslims must “obey him.” Meanwhile, Western intelligence agencies say he continues to work with Ahmadinejad and the Iranian military to develop nuclear warheads and the ballistic missiles to deliver them.

Much of the media has focused on Iran’s threats to wipe Israel “off the map.” But journalists have generally ignored the fact that the Iranian regime is equally determined to destroy the United States.

On October 26, 2005, for example, Ahmadinejad said, “God willing, with the force of God behind it, we shall soon experience a world without the United States and Zionism.”

On June 2, 2008, Ahmadinejad said, “Today, the time for the fall of the satanic power of the United States has come, and the countdown to the annihilation of the emperor of power and wealth has started.”

Iran’s leaders actually believe that the destruction of the U.S. is foreordained, just as the Soviet Union’s implosion was predetermined. They see U.S. economic weakness as a sign that the end of America is near.

Other signs include President Obama’s political weakness in the polls and his unwillingness to use force against Iran even after the Iranian murder of Americans in Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon over the years.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sees the gravity of the situation. “The Obama presidency has two great missions: fixing the economy, and preventing Iran from gaining nuclear weapons,” he told The Atlantic magazine in March 2009. “You don’t want a messianic apocalyptic cult controlling atomic bombs,” Netanyahu said of the Iranian leadership. “When the wide-eyed believer gets hold of the reins of power and the weapons of mass death, then the entire world should start worrying, and that is what is happening in Iran.”'

Unfortunately, Netanyahu hasn’t seen the Obama administration strengthen the American economy or take decisive measures to stop Iran from getting the Bomb, and he is getting anxious. “The international community must stop Iran before it’s too late,” Netanyahu warned in his United Nations speech last month. “If Iran is not stopped, we will all face the specter of nuclear terrorism, and the Arab Spring could soon become an Iranian winter….The world around Israel is definitely becoming more dangerous.”

To truly understand how just how dangerous Iran’s regime really is, American leaders need to better understand Shia eschatology.

Read more: Fox News


  1. Israel Official: El Baradei an Iranian Agent:,7340,L-4146150,00.html

  2. So true,Devorah. Obama is doing either nothing or he is not doing anything on purpose. I think it's on purpose. I think he wants it this way....(because no one could really be this dumb..)

  3. Its ok Leah, he's part of The Plan.

  4. Khamanei personally met the 12th Imam? He's just a Rav Kaduri wannabe!

  5. It's better to prevent than to cure. My prediction: Obama won't prevent Iran from gaining nuclear weapons, something like 9/11 might again (I pray it won't) happen in the US 'Iran will destroy the world' (or something or some place (edom) that represents it) , see here:

    ,all the nations (Edom, America and Europe) will come to Israel to supposedly save her/ solve the Israeli-Arab problem, they'll attack Jerusalem by surpise, Hashem will take revenge on all of them (gilgulim) for their present and past evil actions against Hashem's nation and His Torah (Iran might fire something to Jeru'm, the 'small satan' too but Israel though will be saved miraculously, in supernatural ways), the entire world will accept Hashem's malchut and Am Yisrael's real status), Achmadinejad will finish like Hitler yemach shemo, Moshiach and geulah, a purified world.

  6. "Unfortunately, Netanyahu hasn’t seen the Obama administration strengthen the American economy or take decisive measures to stop Iran from getting the Bomb"
    The narcisistic child in the White House has more important things to do like golf and sun at Martha's Vineyard.

  7. Despite his name, and although he apparently considers himself to be Jewish, Joel C Rosenberg is actually an evangelical Christian. A lot of his political views appear to be based on his eschatology, which is very different to that of normative Judaism. I don't know whether this is important to you, but I thought it would be worth mentioning.

  8. Devorah, I'm not showing up on ur "recent posts" anymore, don't know if you have control over it, but, if so, could you put me up again?


  9. Joe in Australia said...

    Despite his name, and although he apparently considers himself to be Jewish, Joel C Rosenberg is actually an evangelical Christian. A lot of his political views appear to be based on his eschatology, which is very different to that of normative Judaism. I don't know whether this is important to you, but I thought it would be worth mentioning.

    He's no longer Jewish because he's a Christian LOL ?

    Is Jew a religion or a race ?


    Joel Rosenberg is a Jew:

  11. great article but by aware of the author (joel c.rosenberg) who´s a born again xtian

  12. Not Jewish: [quoting that link Moriah]

    ""To make matters worse for my grandparents, my mother wasn’t just a Gentile. She was of English descent—a white Anglo-Saxon Protestant. A Methodist, of all things!""

  13. Devorah,

    Christianity negates the fundamentals of Jewish faith, and one who accepts it rejects the very essence of Judaism.

    Even if he continues to keep
    all the rituals, it is the same as if he abandoned Judaism completely. The Talmud teaches us, “Whoever accepts idolatry, denies the entire Torah.”

    A Jew who accepts Christianity might call himself a “Jewish Christian,” but he is no longer a Jew.

    He can no longer even be counted as part of a Jewish congregation.

    Conversion to another faith is an act of religious treason. It is one of the worst possible sins that a Jew can commit. Along with murder and incest, it is one of the three cardinal sins which may not be violated even under pain of death.

    The Real Messiah Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan

  14. He is not a jew by halacha since his mother and her mother etc. aren't Jews, meaning that he is not obligated under the 613 commandments and the additional rabinic ordinances as a Jew is. Whether he is following the noahide law against idolatry, that is another discussion, but he does not have the obligations of a Jew.


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