Sunday, May 13, 2012

Lies from Obama's Past

Glenn Beck reviews the Lies of Obama [video] HT: Joe


  1. Pinocchio was a fairy tale. Obama is not………my pardon, his ideas are still “evolving.” His push for a second term in office makes one cringe. Lie upon lie, fantasy upon fantasy, he will eventually evolve into the world’s worst nightmare.

    His position of same sex marriage is evolving. His position on Iran is evolving. His position on religion is evolving………and yes, his position on Israel is evolving.

    Alas, American Jewry is still spell bound by Obamocchio’s fantasy world. However, the nose is still growing past Hawaii all the way to Indonesia and back to Kenya.

    Anyone got a pencil sharpener ?

    1. The Medrash Sefer Eliyahu calls him lanky. But for some reason the medrash does not describe his nose that keeps growing or his exceptionally large ears.

    2. We all look forward to the day when Obama will cease evolving and start dissolving.

    3. You obviously havn't read Sefer Geppetto :-)

    4. anonymous, that was funny. it actually made me smile. if only some of the people would dissolve!!!!!

  2. Oh how could we forget that speech on July 27th, 2004 at the Democratic Convention. For those keeping track of who this man is. That day was Tisha B'Av 5764. But move on. Nothing to notice here. It's all about hope and change.

  3. As I personally look back over my life and interaction with people for say 40 years, those who told me little white lies, little lies the ones which seemed not to matter, those people are the ones who have hurt me the most. Also those same people seemed to care the least for those around them. Many times I wanted so much to believe in such people and give them chance in hope for a change. Then being let down and hurt.


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