Pesach Sheini: The real beginning of the 60 day black fire in Shamayim (Zohar VaYeira 119a) is really the next day after this full moon on the 15th of Iyar. By then the results of the French election will be known, and if Sarkozy loses which is almost a certainty now, the Jewish population of Israel will finally swell above 6 million Jews. Then stranger things than what goes on with a Full Moon will begin to happen.
There have been three great plateaus in the history of the modern state of Israel. The first was in 1947 when the Jewish pop. of EY rose above 600,000 Jews since the crushing of the Bar Kochba revolt. On November 29th, 1947 the State of Israel was founded by the United Nations although it was finally declared as an independent country on the 5th of Iyar, 5708 (May 14th, 1948). So the crossing of this plateau made possible the first miracle. Rav Avraham Yitzchak Kook had spoken about this plateau years earlier before he passed away in 1935. 600,000 Jews in EY would bring about the first great miracle, and it came true. The 2nd great miracle happened 20 years later in 1967 as the Jewish pop. of EY rose above 2.6 or 2.7 million. At that time based on calculations of how many children under the age of 20 lived in Israel, there were 600,000 men age 20 and up in Israel. So at that male adult pop. plateau of over 600,000 men, the 2nd great miracle occurred, the 6 Day War. In 2005 we had a big test of our common decency to see if we deserved to have Mashiach come B'itah but Achishena within its time. We failed the test miserably. just plain and simple. Gog W. Bush Jr. was set to be Gog. And Mashiach ben Yosef was supposed to appear in the Galil in the year 5766 (according to the Zohar above). It did not occur because how badly we behaved in 5765. End of discussion about that. Then the Zohar says (if you really mess it up) just wait 6 more years to 5772 1/2 to witness the final redemption in the 2nd half of that year. Based on what? We failed a basic test in common decency. In whose merit would this redemption come? Why, in the merit of the 6 million, it would come. Their pain and agony and their extinction would bring the final redemption. For a deeper discussion of this you can go to my blog and read 6 Million for Machzit HaShekel which I wrote years ago. The 6 million mark is therefore the last plateau. After the French election with a Sarkozy loss almost assuredly guaranteed, tens of thousands of French Jews will make Aliyah before Rosh Chodesh Av, especially after the school year has ended. The French Jews are ready to go. The present Jewish pop. of Israel is 5.93 million Jews. Within the next 60 days when Sarko loses, the Jewish pop. will top 6 million.
The 6 million plateau is the ultimate plateau. It reminds me of a true story. Rav Shlomo Carlbach zt"l years ago was davening at the Rema Shul in Crakow, Poland the last remaining synagogue within close proximity of Auschwitz. As he was davening, he was humming a funeral dirge, the first half of what was to become his famed "Crakow Nigun". As he was davening and humming the funeral dirge for the 6 million, he saw them, the 6 million who perished. And they asked Reb Shlomo, "Is this the way to Yerushalayim?? Let's dance!" From this he wrote the 2nd half of the Crakow Nigun. So you see now that all Achishena moments have passed, we only have the merit of all the Jews who have suffered and died Al Kiddush HaShem throughout Jewish history. As a Klal at least, the Redemption which is at our doorstep is in their great merit, and because of their great sacrifice and horror, G-d will heal our pain.
From Nisan until the end of 5772, a 6 month period. The 2nd half of 5766 was also active in stopping a major Churban because of missiles flying all over the place including Red Haifa in the Galilee. That war started on the 16th and 17th of Tamuz. It effectively ended hitkansut, Olmert's version of hitnatkut for Judea and Samaria. All unilateral evacuations of approved and legalized yishuvim were stopped forever. So because of that and the lack and impossibility of any negotiated solutions, it effectively ended evacuations of all registered and approved yishuvim forever. That was the extent of Mashiach ben Yosef's appearance in the Galilee in 5766. And the same Zohar speaks of his appearance in the Galilee in the year 5766 1/2, but notice that the yeshua came around the 17th of Tamuz, 5766. So perhaps we should expect the same thing, but much much bigger, about 6 years later in 5772 1/2?? We shall see. This year the 17th of Tamuz falls on Shabbat for the first time in 14 years. And exactly 60 days before the 16th of Tamuz, the 6th anniversary of he war, is the day after the French elections this coming Sunday. Is this the 60 day black fire spoken about in the same Zohar? If it brings the Jewish pop. of Eretz Yisrael above 6 million by the 17th of Tamuz, then we are at least on the right track. The fact that the rare Venus transit is on the 15th or 16th of Siwan right smack in the middle of that 60 day period is worth noting since it is Klipah Noga (Venus), the last klipah of the Erev Rav that must fall in order to bring the New Messianic Era. I recently spoke to Rav Fish about this very matter.
Rav Yekutiel Fish, who has been quoted frequently on YeranenYaakov blog for at least the last year, and I spoke about this Klipah of the Erev Rav. We spoke that Alot HaShachar is 72 minutes before sunrise, and that Ya'akov received his wound on his thigh vein at Alot HaShachar, the most serious wound of his long night wrestling match with the Angel of Esau. And that historically Alot HaShachar was Rosh HaShana 5700, the beginning of the Shoah. Soon after Alot HaShachar Venus at its western elongation appears and Noga (Venus) rules for 64 minutes /years. Now normally the greatest Western elongation of Venus is longer than that (sometimes two hours), but in the context to the physical aspects of the Geulah from the Shoah, Noga rules for 64 years. Why? because the Gematriah of Noga is 64. So 64 years ago was 1948 (5708). Then sunrise comes, and Ya'akov is healed of his limp in the 2nd half of the 72nd year. The extra half year is so that the yeshua should come with Rachamim associated with Adar, Nisan, Iyar, and Siwan. There is just too much Midat HaDin starting in Tishrei for it to begin in the late Fall and Winter months since the Geulah b'itah depends on Midat HaRachamim. But Noga must be vanquished by the brilliance of the sun (Atereth HaYesod) in order for Noga to disappear while Ya'akov is healed at Peniel (The Face of G-d). So in a sense the same 6 million who perished at Alot HaShachar must be around when Ya'akov is healed of his limp 72 1/2 years later. We will understand how by seeing what awaits us in the next 3 months. b'itah b'itah but still with Rachamim. It is important that Noga be subsumed in the light of the sun at the time of its transit, for as it passes before the disc of the sun for 6 1/2 hours it will appear as a black spot on the brilliant sun during the 15th and 16th of Siwan. Keep in mind these astronomical events are just simanim since it is HaShem who orders the stars and the planets in their Heavenly Courses in the rakia in accordance to His will. So this b'itah event was planned when He created the solar system according to Dr. Gerald Schroeder on the 2nd day of Creation even though because of the poisonous and opaque gases of early Earth, the sun, moon, planets, and stars could not be seen until the 4th day. The vegetation of Day 3 cleared up the atmosphere.
The return splashdown of Apollo 11 took place on Tisha b'Av 5729 - July 24 1969.Rabbi Mordechai Miller of Gateshead pointed out at the time the significance of this. The astronauts had been told to be prepared being swamped by lunar dust many feet thick, and were astounded to find that there was only 1/2 inch depth on the surface.This caused quite a stir at the time, because the rate of deposition of micro-meteoric dust on the surface indicated that "the moon had to be less than 10,000 years old"!The Moon's motions are so complex that Sir Isaac Newton was almost driven to a nervous breakdown attempting to resolve them: "The Sun knows his own course, but the Moon does not know hers" (Rosh Hashana 25)!Eclipses only occur because of the fantastically exact Sun-Earth/Moon-Earth size-distance ratio, which is unique in the universe and hints of the primordial days of Creation, before the Moon’s diminution and bespeaks of Geocentricity and of the Earth's special location in the cosmos.The halting of the Moon at Yehoshua's command, "the precious things put forth by the Moon" (Dvorim 33:14), ocean tides, weather forecasting, eclipses, lunar phases, nutation, libration, the Jewish calendar, gyroscopy, satellite and space-shot calculations etc. are best understood in a Geocentric context: "The Earth is suspended at the center of the Universe" (Rambam, Hilchos Yesodei Hatorah 3).
So Dov Bar Leib, do you think that when 6 Million Jews actually live in Israel, it is the reincarnation of the 6 Million Jews who died in the Shoah (excluding the survivors who live there?).
From what Rav Shlomo Carlbach seemed to intimate, the answer is yes. We here, minus the survivors and others who are older than 70 years old, may very well be gilgulim. As far as the original 600,000 wort that actually was an insight by Rav Avraham Yitzkhak Kook zt"l based on Chazal. The wort about the 6 million may have been uttered by his son Rav Tzvi Yehudah Kook zt"l long before he passed away in 1982. I will be investigating the authenticity of that sometime today.
Complaints from people living in the East because they are being woken up every night by the helicopters flying very low doing surveillance....
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"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
It might not be scientific, but when I worked at the police dept., it was very obvious that assaults increased during the full moon.
ReplyDeletePesach Sheini: The real beginning of the 60 day black fire in Shamayim (Zohar VaYeira 119a) is really the next day after this full moon on the 15th of Iyar. By then the results of the French election will be known, and if Sarkozy loses which is almost a certainty now, the Jewish population of Israel will finally swell above 6 million Jews. Then stranger things than what goes on with a Full Moon will begin to happen.
ReplyDeleteDov, could you please be more specific and explain in detail what you mean?
DeleteThanks, and all the best
There have been three great plateaus in the history of the modern state of Israel. The first was in 1947 when the Jewish pop. of EY rose above 600,000 Jews since the crushing of the Bar Kochba revolt. On November 29th, 1947 the State of Israel was founded by the United Nations although it was finally declared as an independent country on the 5th of Iyar, 5708 (May 14th, 1948). So the crossing of this plateau made possible the first miracle. Rav Avraham Yitzchak Kook had spoken about this plateau years earlier before he passed away in 1935. 600,000 Jews in EY would bring about the first great miracle, and it came true. The 2nd great miracle happened 20 years later in 1967 as the Jewish pop. of EY rose above 2.6 or 2.7 million. At that time based on calculations of how many children under the age of 20 lived in Israel, there were 600,000 men age 20 and up in Israel. So at that male adult pop. plateau of over 600,000 men, the 2nd great miracle occurred, the 6 Day War. In 2005 we had a big test of our common decency to see if we deserved to have Mashiach come B'itah but Achishena within its time. We failed the test miserably. just plain and simple. Gog W. Bush Jr. was set to be Gog. And Mashiach ben Yosef was supposed to appear in the Galil in the year 5766 (according to the Zohar above). It did not occur because how badly we behaved in 5765. End of discussion about that. Then the Zohar says (if you really mess it up) just wait 6 more years to 5772 1/2 to witness the final redemption in the 2nd half of that year. Based on what? We failed a basic test in common decency. In whose merit would this redemption come? Why, in the merit of the 6 million, it would come. Their pain and agony and their extinction would bring the final redemption. For a deeper discussion of this you can go to my blog and read 6 Million for Machzit HaShekel which I wrote years ago. The 6 million mark is therefore the last plateau. After the French election with a Sarkozy loss almost assuredly guaranteed, tens of thousands of French Jews will make Aliyah before Rosh Chodesh Av, especially after the school year has ended. The French Jews are ready to go. The present Jewish pop. of Israel is 5.93 million Jews. Within the next 60 days when Sarko loses, the Jewish pop. will top 6 million.
DeleteThe 6 million plateau is the ultimate plateau. It reminds me of a true story. Rav Shlomo Carlbach zt"l years ago was davening at the Rema Shul in Crakow, Poland the last remaining synagogue within close proximity of Auschwitz. As he was davening, he was humming a funeral dirge, the first half of what was to become his famed "Crakow Nigun". As he was davening and humming the funeral dirge for the 6 million, he saw them, the 6 million who perished. And they asked Reb Shlomo, "Is this the way to Yerushalayim?? Let's dance!" From this he wrote the 2nd half of the Crakow Nigun. So you see now that all Achishena moments have passed, we only have the merit of all the Jews who have suffered and died Al Kiddush HaShem throughout Jewish history. As a Klal at least, the Redemption which is at our doorstep is in their great merit, and because of their great sacrifice and horror, G-d will heal our pain.
Deleteso 5772 1/2 is Nisan 5772?
DeleteFrom Nisan until the end of 5772, a 6 month period. The 2nd half of 5766 was also active in stopping a major Churban because of missiles flying all over the place including Red Haifa in the Galilee. That war started on the 16th and 17th of Tamuz. It effectively ended hitkansut, Olmert's version of hitnatkut for Judea and Samaria. All unilateral evacuations of approved and legalized yishuvim were stopped forever. So because of that and the lack and impossibility of any negotiated solutions, it effectively ended evacuations of all registered and approved yishuvim forever. That was the extent of Mashiach ben Yosef's appearance in the Galilee in 5766. And the same Zohar speaks of his appearance in the Galilee in the year 5766 1/2, but notice that the yeshua came around the 17th of Tamuz, 5766. So perhaps we should expect the same thing, but much much bigger, about 6 years later in 5772 1/2?? We shall see. This year the 17th of Tamuz falls on Shabbat for the first time in 14 years. And exactly 60 days before the 16th of Tamuz, the 6th anniversary of he war, is the day after the French elections this coming Sunday. Is this the 60 day black fire spoken about in the same Zohar? If it brings the Jewish pop. of Eretz Yisrael above 6 million by the 17th of Tamuz, then we are at least on the right track. The fact that the rare Venus transit is on the 15th or 16th of Siwan right smack in the middle of that 60 day period is worth noting since it is Klipah Noga (Venus), the last klipah of the Erev Rav that must fall in order to bring the New Messianic Era. I recently spoke to Rav Fish about this very matter.
Deleteand what Rav said?
DeleteRav Yekutiel Fish, who has been quoted frequently on YeranenYaakov blog for at least the last year, and I spoke about this Klipah of the Erev Rav. We spoke that Alot HaShachar is 72 minutes before sunrise, and that Ya'akov received his wound on his thigh vein at Alot HaShachar, the most serious wound of his long night wrestling match with the Angel of Esau. And that historically Alot HaShachar was Rosh HaShana 5700, the beginning of the Shoah. Soon after Alot HaShachar Venus at its western elongation appears and Noga (Venus) rules for 64 minutes /years. Now normally the greatest Western elongation of Venus is longer than that (sometimes two hours), but in the context to the physical aspects of the Geulah from the Shoah, Noga rules for 64 years. Why? because the Gematriah of Noga is 64. So 64 years ago was 1948 (5708). Then sunrise comes, and Ya'akov is healed of his limp in the 2nd half of the 72nd year. The extra half year is so that the yeshua should come with Rachamim associated with Adar, Nisan, Iyar, and Siwan. There is just too much Midat HaDin starting in Tishrei for it to begin in the late Fall and Winter months since the Geulah b'itah depends on Midat HaRachamim. But Noga must be vanquished by the brilliance of the sun (Atereth HaYesod) in order for Noga to disappear while Ya'akov is healed at Peniel (The Face of G-d). So in a sense the same 6 million who perished at Alot HaShachar must be around when Ya'akov is healed of his limp 72 1/2 years later. We will understand how by seeing what awaits us in the next 3 months. b'itah b'itah but still with Rachamim. It is important that Noga be subsumed in the light of the sun at the time of its transit, for as it passes before the disc of the sun for 6 1/2 hours it will appear as a black spot on the brilliant sun during the 15th and 16th of Siwan. Keep in mind these astronomical events are just simanim since it is HaShem who orders the stars and the planets in their Heavenly Courses in the rakia in accordance to His will. So this b'itah event was planned when He created the solar system according to Dr. Gerald Schroeder on the 2nd day of Creation even though because of the poisonous and opaque gases of early Earth, the sun, moon, planets, and stars could not be seen until the 4th day. The vegetation of Day 3 cleared up the atmosphere.
DeleteThe return splashdown of Apollo 11 took place on Tisha b'Av 5729 - July 24 1969.Rabbi Mordechai Miller of Gateshead pointed out at the time the significance of this.
ReplyDeleteThe astronauts had been told to be prepared being swamped by lunar dust many feet thick, and were astounded to find that there was only 1/2 inch depth on the surface.This caused quite a stir at the time, because the rate of deposition of micro-meteoric dust on the surface indicated that "the moon had to be less than 10,000 years old"!The Moon's motions are so complex that Sir Isaac Newton was almost driven to a nervous breakdown attempting to resolve them: "The Sun knows his own course, but the Moon does not know hers" (Rosh Hashana 25)!Eclipses only occur because of the fantastically exact Sun-Earth/Moon-Earth size-distance ratio, which is unique in the universe and hints of the primordial days of Creation, before the Moon’s diminution and bespeaks of Geocentricity and of the Earth's special location in the cosmos.The halting of the Moon at Yehoshua's command, "the precious things put forth by the Moon" (Dvorim 33:14), ocean tides, weather forecasting, eclipses, lunar phases, nutation, libration, the Jewish calendar, gyroscopy, satellite and space-shot calculations etc. are best understood in a Geocentric context: "The Earth is suspended at the center of the Universe" (Rambam, Hilchos Yesodei Hatorah 3).
So Dov Bar Leib, do you think that when 6 Million Jews actually live in Israel, it is the reincarnation of the 6 Million Jews who died in the Shoah (excluding the survivors who live there?).
ReplyDeleteFrom what Rav Shlomo Carlbach seemed to intimate, the answer is yes. We here, minus the survivors and others who are older than 70 years old, may very well be gilgulim. As far as the original 600,000 wort that actually was an insight by Rav Avraham Yitzkhak Kook zt"l based on Chazal. The wort about the 6 million may have been uttered by his son Rav Tzvi Yehudah Kook zt"l long before he passed away in 1982. I will be investigating the authenticity of that sometime today.
DeleteThank you for your reply Dov Bar-Leib.
ReplyDeleteso we will know truth by sunday france will fall with sain the whole europe in summer or before