Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Shavuot Video: King David's Passing

Rabbi Y. Y. Jacobson - Exploring a strange Talmudic story about the passing of King David - 
''A Dead King and Hungry Dogs''


  1. Rabbi Jacobson is the greatest teacher ever and we are so fortunate to have him on the internet.

    1. Absolutely! A few of his lectures changed my life about 15 years ago when he was visiting Sydney.

  2. Rabbi Jacobson, this was a very good teaching. Thank you. The insights are so wonderful to hear. It seems it's almost..endless, the Truths that can be learned from every happening recorded. Thank you so much for your insights and teaching to everyone.

    Just wondering... if also, when King David passed away, and Solomon said the dogs were hungry... and he was told to put bread or a child on his father to move him.... wondering if maybe the "dogs" that were hungry... were the wicked nations that saw that the Righteous King David was now gone, and would try to consume Israel... but the "bread/Torah" or a "child/Solomon" would be the one who would lead them?

    Could this happening also stand for something else in the future, at out day and age...... On Shabbat... on the 6th Day/now... when it looks like Israel is gone/King David has died.... and dogs of the nations are gathering to devour... it's a child/Moschiach.... that will lead them.. and the Torah/Bread out...???

    1. Anonymous: You may want to repost this comment at Rabbi Jacobson's site, where he is more likely to respond.

  3. I think it has to do what is permissible to move on Shabbos as King David died on Shabbos. So in order to move the body he had to put something on him that was permissible to move on Shabbos.

    And no, you can't fit this into the christian dynamic. Nice try.

    1. Did I miss something here? [re christian dynamic]

  4. So sorry for the post about King David... was not at all trying to do a christian dynamic. I probably totally misunderstood. I apologise completely and stand corrected. annie/anonymous Thank you for the correction.

    1. I think Moriah misunderstood you, no need to apologise.

  5. I apologize if I assumed you were coming from a Christian perspective. That's not a crime but it usually results in proselytizing. It was the wording. My fault. Forgive me. I have to work on that ;-)

  6. I totally accept your apology. Used to come from christianity but trying to bury it. Sometimes you are still wearing those horrible "glasses" you once wore, but trying to throw them away, and you don't realize how steeped in them you are.

    Trying very hard here to leave it all behind and learn the Correct Way of thinking and Way to live now... Thank you.



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