Friday, December 30, 2016

Australia Proud to Support Israel

Australia has broken ranks with the United States and New Zealand over Israel, indicating that it would most likely have opposed the UN Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

In a statement released on Thursday, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said Australia was not currently a member of the Security Council and was not eligible to vote on the resolution.

However, she said, "in voting at the UN, the Coalition government has consistently not supported one-sided resolutions targeting Israel".

Source: Sydney Morning Herald

1 comment:

  1. Rabbinical Council of NSW Australia Statement on the UNSC Resolution 2334

    Rosh Chodesh Tevet 5777
    30 December 2016
    7th Day of Hannukah

    During our Festival of Lights, Hannukah, the world witnessed an extra bout of darkness emanating from the UNSC in the form of a one-sided UNSC Resolution 2334 condemning Israel.

    The Rabbinical Council of NSW is deeply appreciative of the unambiguous stance of the Australian government in relation to this resolution.

    We welcome the comments made by Australia’s Foreign Minister, Julie Bishop stating that "In voting at the UN, the Coalition Government has consistently not supported one-sided resolutions targeting Israel,”.

    We continue to pray in our synagogues for the leaders and legislators of our nation; that G-d put a spirit of wisdom and understanding into their heart and into the hearts of all their counsellors, that they may uphold the peace, advance the welfare of the nation, and deal kindly and justly with all of the House of Israel.

    In their days and in ours may our Heavenly Father spread the tabernacle of peace over all the dwellers on earth; and may the redeemer come unto Zion; and let us say Amen.

    Rabbi Eli Cohen
    President RCNSW


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