Monday, December 19, 2016

Who Am I? A Tale of Two Souls

Rabbi Y. Y. Jacobson's famous series "a journey through the fundamentals of chassidus''.  This is just an introduction to the entire series, if you are interested, you can learn the entire Tanya with Rabbi Jacobson by downloading all the MP3s at this link.


  1. Thank you so very much! I've been wanting to learn Tanya for a while now, but being that I do not belong to Chabad, I never had the opportunity..... 'cuz this is something that's hard to learn on one's own. I happen to be listening to R YY Jacobson's Emunah series right now, and it's truly amazing.


  2. Rabbi Jacobson is the best teacher you could find. We are so lucky to have access to his shiurim.

  3. This shiur is a perfect demonstration of how to bring Jews closer through Love and not through Fear. Listen and you will understand.

  4. Beautiful, beautiful shiur - Rabbi Jacobson is the best


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