Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Noahides and Conversions

I get quite a lot of emails, and some comments, from Noahides who want to convert or don't know whether they should convert.

The thing is, I don't know either.  I am totally unqualified to give advice on this issue.

If you have any useful information  or  you can recommend a good website that could help other Noahides, please leave a comment below.   

I definitely do not want to be giving out advice on something I know very little about.

If you do leave a comment, please also explain how this Rabbi or website has helpful to you.  


  1. Shalom,
    Speaking for myself, i went directly to an Orthodox Rabbi, and i decided to attend conversion classes. Right after the first class, i knew for me it would be very hard, as being an elderly person, too much to learn, and besides one must stay near a synagogue. So i opted out, and the Rabbi said, Noahide is a good thing too.

    My advice, if anyone is thinking of conversion, go meeet with any Orthodox Rabbi, speak and see where it goes.
    Wish all who are wishing to join the Chosen nation, the best, and Hashem guide and help each of you.


  2. yonatan galed its an excelent speker in spanish both for jews and bnei noaj,I read somewhere that he has contact with a posek regarding noahid halajot. here its a link:

  3. The above comment is a very good one. There is really no need for someone who is or becomes a Noahide to convert; in other words, living by the Seven Laws of Noach and believing only in Hashem is just fine. A Noahide will have a portion in the World to Come just as Jews have a portion in the World to Come. A Rabbi will turn away a potential convert three times and only after the third time where the potential convert shows he/she is very sincere will the Rabbi start discussing the option of conversion, because there is no need whatsoever for a non-Jew to convert but only to become a person who will live by the 7 Laws according to the Torah and knows that there is only Hashem.

  4. Well... we are noahides. There are only two families that live where we are...but we learn Torah from a couple of places. Every Monday evening at 6:00 PM PST we learn from Rabbi Dov Neal in this room... ...

    and on Wednesday evenings we learn from a Rabbi and Professor in this room ... here:

    5:00 PM PST we learn from Professor Uri Yosef
    at 6:00 PM PST we learn from Rabbi Shlomo Truzman

    Daily, Sunday thru Thursday at 11:00 AM PST we learn from Rabbi Elirok in PalTalk in a room called The Jewishhome .

    These Rabbis have committed to teaching us gentiles Torah. It is very exciting going thru daily parshas, daily readings, and discover things we've never known before about Torah for the first time in our lives!!!

    We also learn from online classes from Rabbis and especially This is a site for anyone to learn Torah from, especially noahides...needing to learn Truth about Torah from Rabbis, Teachers, Rebbetzins, Group Gatherings...!! *:-)

    I cannot give you any advice about conversion, just learning Torah and the Jewish Way of Life, which will lead you TO the Truth of being able to convert is all we can offer...

    It is an exciting Time for all of us... finding our way in this world... the Right Way of Life, this time!!! Leaving avodah zarah and learning about Torah is amazing...

    These are Rabbis that take time with you, anytime of the day, night, anytime....Teaching people from the "start" is challenging, for sure... and they are taking time dealing with people that are not anywhere near their level of understanding, Torah, GD, intellect, and EVERY thing!!

    Shirat Devorah is a blogspot we love to learn from daily, many times a day, and link from there to other sites that are dependable and give you small vorts of Truth of Torah....

    Hope this helps... sorry it's so lengthy, but if you're looking for Truth, these are places we've been connected to for ... well over 8 years... you'll love them!!! *:-) Keep Learning!

    These are dependable Rabbis that you will love to learn from... and be told Truth, not bubkus!!

  5. There's not a lot of publicity about non-Jews becoming Noachides, no discrete worshipping houses, etc. There are only churches, which definitely do not preach the one Deity - so not much option for them, is there?

  6. Angela! I learned Hebrew online with Professor Uri Yosef!

  7. To GoldieZP... yes, Professor Uri Yosef does a Hebrew Class online at this address:

    There are other archived classes for Rabbi Elirok on this site, as well as others... Check it out!! *:-)

  8. To convert ask to an orthodox rabbi. To Know more about your identity as Ben Adam (Ben Noach) there is a wonderful book titled "To perfect the world", from Rabbi Yehoishopot Oliver, which is a comprenhensive and marvelous guide to the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on the subject of the Seven Laws.

  9. As Yisrael will become in the future a nation of priests, her major mission, after the coming of Mashiach, is to gradually transform the entire mankind as Noahide nations. Only people wishing to be priests in olam haba need converting to Judaism.

  10. If you are really serious to convert and find a rabbi to supervise your conversion, it is a process that you will not be able to reverse once finished. That said, it is advisable to find a rabbi who is recognized for Orthodox conversions with the State of Israel. Otherwise, you will not be considered a Jew by any standards and cannot make aliyah with the status of the "Right of Return" to Israel as a Jew. You can find a rabbi for geirus through the Orthodox Rabbinical Council...there are several in the United States. You can also call them to get referred to a rabbi in an area close to you. Myself, after several years of keeping halachos and living as a Jew, I moved to Brooklyn and lived by a frum family and learned with a chavrusa through Partners in Torah. I needed a recommendation from a Rabbi before learning. Rabbis need to verify that you are keeping the halachas as much as needed. They will verify your references. My rabbi taught me the whole Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, with subject pertaining to a woman. I was verbally tested before I could go on to other chapters. Then you get interviewed by the beis din to see where you are in pursuing a life-long commitment to yiddishkeit and knowledge of what you have learned thus far. I had to pay for the use of the mikveh where my rabbi and the beis din witnessed my going down the mikveh. Afterward, you receive an official conversion certificate which is also registered with the State of Israel. Just remember that the reward for a Jew in the world to come is tremendously vast compared to the other nations. You are considered "married" and one with Hashem and Klal Israel. It is a forever commitment and lifestyle...

  11. One more thing needs to be added to all of this wonderful information of conversion to Judaism. As a gentile, wanting very much to convert, if you are married already, and your husband/wife does not want to convert, we were told that HaShem looks at Shalom Bayit/Peace in the home very much so with purpose, and you are not allowed to break up a home in order for one of these two people to convert, and not the other. This is what we were told... we are gentile women... We are to be content with our lot in life, and accept what is IN our lives, and to be content .

    Having said this... we have also heard that where there are two Jews, there are three opinions... and none are wrong .

    Just having the desire TO convert, we are told, shows that it is possible that there is a soul inside of you that IS a Jew or WAS a Jew and is longing to come Home to Judaism, and in your converting, it is fixing something that was wrong in the past, rectifying something. Bringing that soul back to it's origins.

    These are just things we have been told. My sister and i are gentile/women/noahides... searching our way thru this world, looking for Truth .


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