Sunday, January 1, 2017

Australian PM and the Last Night of Chanukah

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

The Central Synagogue in Sydney was privileged to host the Prime Minister and his wife Lucy this Friday evening just before Shabbat.

Here is a transcript of Rabbi Levi Wolff's introduction to the Prime Minister.

''Happy Chanukah! What a special moment! What a special guest to have with us on this last Shabbat of 2016! The Honorable Malcolm Turnbull Prime Minister of Australia together with his dear wife Lucy.

Earlier today I received a phone call from the Prime Minister, he related, that he was thinking lots about our community during this turbulent week for Israel and the Jewish people.

Ladies and gentleman, how truly heartwarming, this was a week where Israel found itself isolated by foes and allies alike. And yet there was one voice of morality and justice that refused to be silenced - it vibrated loud and clear across the world – and that was the voice of Australia, under the leadership of our Prime Minister The honorable Malcolm Turnbull and Foreign Minister Julia Bishop.

Mr Prime Minister, Israel and the Jewish community have a true friend in you, Israel and the Jewish world see you as a true leader who stands up for justice, for truth even when it’s not popular to do so! The miracle of Chanukah which commemorates the power of one little jug of oil, the victory of the few over the many. When our forefathers kindled the menorah and celebrated Chanukah 165 BCE they were not standing on occupied territory, and the people of Israel are not standing on occupied territory now!

Mr Prime Minister, today we say to you the words found in our ancient Bible. When G-d gave the promised land to the people of Israel, He said “Va’avorcha Mi’varchecha” and “I will bless those who bless you [Israel]” Mr Prime Minister, for what you do and for what you have done… May G-d bless you! May G-d bless your government! And May G-d bless your family!

May The Al-mighty bless this wonderful country of Australia and our Holy land of Israel! We are honored to ask the Prime Minister of Australia to share a few words with the congregation.''


  1. Australia, a blessed country where Mashiach showed first. We see that it does matter.

  2. And Yes....the historical tradition continues.....just as it did in 1917 when the Australian Light Horse Brigade charged and captured Beersheva enabling General Allenby to enter Yerushalayim during Chanukah and again during WW2 when the Aussies reversed the fortunes of the Allies in the famous battle of El Alemein stopping the Nazi juggernaut with Eretz Yisrael in sight.

    Unfortunately our Kiwi cousins in NZ have recently joined the world band wagon of isolating and condemning Israel. However, there has been a ground swell of public disapproval of the NZ Government's tabling of UN Resolution 2334. I pray that the ANZAC Spirit is restored as it once was.

    I am personally involved in establishing strong links between Israel and Australia together with the South Pacific in keeping with the HaShem's Prophetic Utterances through Yeshayahu ha Navi enabling the Messianic Redemptive Process.

    Australia has been involved from the very beginning of Israel's Restoration.
    We didn't get the due recognition that somehow unfairly went to the British.
    The British on three occasions back stabbed Israel from the signing of the Balfour Declaration and abused its Mandate responsibilities.

    The sacrifice of young Aussie men went a long way in establishing the modern State of Israel. B'Ezrat HaShem we can continue to aid and abet in the continuing process of making Israel "Rosh u'Mot."

    Best Wishes from Down Under.

  3. And Yes....the historical tradition continues.....just as it did in 1917 when the Australian Light Horse Brigade charged and captured Beersheva enabling General Allenby to enter Yerushalayim during Chanukah and again during WW2 when the Aussies reversed the fortunes of the Allies in the famous battle of El Alemein stopping the Nazi juggernaut with Eretz Yisrael in sight.

    Unfortunately our Kiwi cousins in NZ have recently joined the world band wagon of isolating and condemning Israel. However, there has been a ground swell of public disapproval of the NZ Government's tabling of UN Resolution 2334. I pray that the ANZAC Spirit is restored as it once was.

    I am personally involved in establishing strong links between Israel and Australia together with the South Pacific in keeping with the HaShem's Prophetic Utterances through Yeshayahu ha Navi enabling the Messianic Redemptive Process.

    Australia has been involved from the very beginning of Israel's Restoration.
    We didn't get the due recognition that somehow unfairly went to the British.
    The British on three occasions back stabbed Israel from the signing of the Balfour Declaration and abused its Mandate responsibilities.

    The sacrifice of young Aussie men went a long way in establishing the modern State of Israel. B'Ezrat HaShem we can continue to aid and abet in the continuing process of making Israel "Rosh u'Mot."

    Best Wishes from Down Under.

  4. Thank you for posting Yaak.

    Also,Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott wants Australia to suspend aid to the Palestinian Authority because “it keeps paying pensions to terrorists and their families”.


    Mr Abbott also flagged that Australia could demonstrate “unswerving support for Israel” by joining any move by the incoming Trump administration to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

  5. I think it's very interesting that both the PM and former PM Tony Abbott are both being so vocal about this. Even though they supported Israel in the past, it seems that with Donald Trump's incredible endorsement [of israel], they now have the confidence to go out on a limb with this issue.

  6. LOVED the video!!!! So moving... may all the nations of the world follow suit!!! AMEN!!!!


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