Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Rabbi Kessin: US Politicis and Messianic Process

I've been hanging out for Rabbi Kessin to do a new shiur......  and here it is.

Shiur #14 in the Current Event series.  He talks about the UN Resolution against Israel and Gog u'Magog.  The UN is Magog and Obama is Gog.

When an audience member asked if there would be a big war, Rabbi Kessin answered that he believes the Holocaust fulfilled that part of the prophecy - and in saying that, Rabbi Kessin is in agreement with the Lubavitcher Rebbe, who also said that the Holocaust was the last major war.  [As for all the prophecies of dreadful wars, they do not necessarily have to happen as any prophecy of a negative occurrence is not a definite actuality, and Hashem can avert it.  Only good positive prophecies can be relied upon to actually occur.]

This shiur is a celebration!

And here is the video Rabbi Kessin mentioned =  the 2011 Correspondents' Dinner where Obama mocked Donald Trump.


  1. In regards to the video of Obama roasting Trump it reminds me of the Pasuk in Tehilim "Even Ma'aso Habonim Haysah L'rosh Pina" The stone that was derided by the builders became the cornerstone.. Hope Obama watches it.

  2. Ayonde, actually Rav Kessin speaks of this very pasuk in one of his recent shiurim. He says that Trump is the stone because he was derided - not only by his opponents, but also by his own party!

  3. Yes I remember now, he actually made a big point of it.

  4. Yes, Devorah, he did. The next pasuk in that Psalm is, "me'eit Hashem hayta zot, hi niflat b'eineinu." (This is Hashem's doing; it is wonderous in our eyes). Against impossible odds, Trump was elected. In this current shiur, R' Kessin goes so far as to say that Hashem removed Trump's free will, so he had no choice but to run for president. He was Hashem's chosen to lead America at this point. Compelling stuff for sure!

  5. My take is that Trump had to be elected to propel Yared Kushner into a pivotal position.

    I have a question about something Rabbi Kessin said. He said that the 2-State thingy was dead as of 2334. I don’t understand how he means that; and it seems no one else thinks that is so, because they are still harping on it. Can anyone explain what he meant?

  6. I think that because 2334 already takes away from Israel all of its territories over the green line AND Jerusalem, there is nothing left to negotiate.

  7. Sorry I'm a few days late to this thread but as for the two state thing, we already have that. Re: Israel + Jordan.


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