Friday, January 20, 2017

Vertical Clouds

This photo on Instagram taken by a friend of mine in Israel shows vertical clouds - perhaps the same kind that Rivka wrote about in More Weird Things in the Sky - ''There were a lot of thin, wispy clouds that were placed vertically in the sky, like figures with arms, instead of the more usual horizontal layout.''

Looks like Hashem is using a paintbrush.

Anyone else seen these kind of clouds?

Photo: DLea


  1. These are not clouds. They are Chem Trails. I live in Tiveria, and a few days ago saw the "clouds" overhead and took photos of them as well. This is an attempt to alter the weather system. They have been flying over Israel for at least 7 years, as there was one woman who took a video from Tzfat Israel of the "strange" looking clouds, explaining that they were Chem trails
    You can see them on my Facebook page, as I don't know how to send them to you.

    Chana Sarah

  2. My Facebook page is Chana Sarah Levin

  3. yes i saw a wide circle of them surrounding the moon at 2 am a few nights ago. not one other cloud anywhere else i could see.

  4. These are chem trails, it means somebody is poisoning us.

  5. I don't know, but to me it looks like a giant Dollar Sign. ($)


    They are the clouds that look like those clouds on the list of clouds..

  7. Oops sorry.. wikipedia cloud dude here. Didn't mean to be rude.. just saying those clouds look like pretty standard clouds. It is pretty though. I don't know if they are unusual wherever that photo was taken. Love your blog !

  8. Don't panic if you see the chemt trails. God will protect you. Have strong faith in Him. Keep God in your mind daily. God loves you. Smile


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