Monday, January 9, 2017

The Secret to Bring Moshiach

I have not listened to this, but obviously the title of the video is enough to merit a blog post.  Rabbi Alon Anava speaks about the fast of the 10th of Tevet.


  1. Is Yisrael fasting on this 10th of Tevet? No! So, Mashiach won't come, but the calamities. As it is written in the Tanach. But people having merits should do the fasting to make the calamities less painful.

  2. Excelent shiur. We should stop si at jinam urgently

  3. You meant to type sinat chinam.

  4. Excellent video! Almost missed the fast but a good Noahide friend texted me this am and it was all good!! Moving forward, will be more careful with dates...Thank you SC, you saved the day. Ms. AP

  5. The terrorists in Yisrael are using unconventional means to kill Jews. Their burials should also be unconventional. A dead terrorist body has to be buried along a pig body. This will stop the fanatics to kill Jews in Yisrael.
    All the people from the village of the last Arab terrorist are to be deported to Gaza. Yisrael should declared a state of war in the country. Her weakness has brought inside all the external wars she has won against the terrorist nations around. Is Yisrael listening?

  6. I am working on a post based on this shiur and the two I attended in Yerushalayim. Its working title: An "I found it" moment?

    Many, many thanks for posting.

  7. Please post the link when you've written it - I had one of those moments as well, when I listened to this shiur.

  8. Everyone needs to listen to this shiur. Everyone !

  9. Devorah, here's the link: An "I've Found It!" Moment?

    I just got off work - sorry I couldn't get it to you sooner; I had just posted it before going in! I wonder if we figured out the same thing or not. If not, would you kindly share?

    Many thanks!


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