Friday, February 17, 2017

The Perception of the Divine Prophecy and the Messianic Process

For everyone who couldn't hear the Rabbi Kessin video I posted the other day, here it is again, this time in a professional format.

Part Two can be found here.


  1. If you live in Sydney, try to interview him for your blog? :-)

  2. Such a privilege to be able to watch this unfoldment. Thanks so much for posting. I'd love to see a film encompassing this history. Love and Light. Shalom.

  3. Absolutely impossible. he has unbelievable security, no-one will get near him unless they are extremely important people.

  4. Rabbi Kessin is speaking at our Ladies' Community Shiur Monday am. There are over 300 frum ladies that come from all over the Jerusalem area and even beyond.

  5. Where and what time is the ladies Shiur he is speaking at?

  6. Anonymous, gosh, sorry I didn’t get this in time. It is held every Monday morning from 9 to 1 (three speakers) held at the Yeshurun Central Synagogue, 44 King George (next to Beit Avi Chai). He already spoke there this morning. I believe he was speaking about what is in this video.

    If you join their website notification page, I believe you can download any shiur you want to listen to.


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