Thursday, September 7, 2017

Hurricane Irma Prophecy in the Torah

Rabbi Yaron Reuven

Note for non-Jews: when Rabbi Reuven speaks about "Jews'' it is understood by me to also include righteous non-Jews, Noahides et al., just bear that in mind if you watch this.


  1. newscaster didn't make it up. the scientists make it up. but yes...hashem knew that the scientist would make it up. just like He knew that scientists would discover everything they've discovered...which was already there...waiting to be discovered.

  2. Why is the note to non Jews necessary ?

  3. I was just trying to pre-empt someone asking why the Rabbi is only talking about Jews.... and not including the Noahides, many of whom read this blog.

  4. The Rav Berland site feed is working again, visit Rav Berland and see what you've missed reading over the last few weeks.

  5. Devorah, at the very end, the Rabbi does say, "if you're a good Jew or good gentile, don't worry ..."

  6. Thank you, I didn't hear the very end :)


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