Tuesday, September 26, 2017

5778 is Upon Us

This is perhaps one of the most incredible things I've read on the internet.   I'm not even sure if the website is regarded as ''kosher'' - but the information contained is actually mind-blowing.

Here is an extract:

Text by Jeffrey [Ezra] Meiliken

The year 5778 is finally upon us and the entire world has been witnessing the changes over the past year with the ominous signs recognizable to all.

For 5778 years the Earth has been circling the Sun at 66,600 miles per hour, or 107,000 kilometers per hour if you use that system.

Most people will recognize 666 as an apocalyptic sign but be that as it may, it is also a deep Kabbalistic concept and the numerical value of 2/3.

Rav Ashlag of blessed memory used that principle to determine the year of 5778 as the time of the geula (final redemption), and the Arizal hinted at its use to determine a specific date within the year 5778.

Equally significant is that the sum of the integers from 1 to 107 is also 5778 and that there are 107,000 letters in the Torah preceding the 10 Commandments, which were given in the 70th Chapter in the Torah, but that has already been written.

Since the beginning of consciousness, the biblical birth of Adam, the Earth has been hurtling through space at 66,600 miles per hour, and when it traveled exactly 1,666,666,666,666 miles, King David was born. 35 years later, at the midpoint in David’s 70-year lifespan, in the year 2889 HC, we reached exactly the midpoint to the year 5778. Let that sink in for a moment, and connect to the journey that began with Adam, paused with David, and brought us to this fateful point in time. The ancient kabbalists told us that ADAM (אדם) stands for Adam-David-Moshiach(א–ד–ם).

Continue reading: click here

for a critique on this article  see Mashiach is Coming in 5778 - or is He?


  1. What do you mean ''kosher''?

  2. It makes sense. The letters of the year 5778/ תשע"ח spell out תהא שנת עולם חדש, it will be the year of a new world [i.e Geulah - Redemption] (http://bit.ly/2wgKRzh, #56).

  3. I'm not too enhralled with all these kabbalistic interpretations, as it gets too involved for the layman to understand. At a certain point, we lose interest. Jeff seems to put most of his emphasis on the U.S. while we are talking about the geulah; this is about the redemption of the Jewish people which will then be the redemption of the world. Also, let's not speculate too much on dates and postpone, chas v'sholom, the geulah. We need to also understand H' promises us the geulah, in its time, whether we are deserving or not. Doubt that every Jew will repent (unless we mean it to be at his/her very last moment). It will be the Jews who truly yearn and are trying to influence fellow Jews to do teshuvah who will bring Moshiach. There's a very good chance it will be this year which ends in '8', the supernatural number. Many of our greatest events happened when the year ended in 8.


  4. If you read the critique, you will understand what I mean when I say I don't know if it's kosher - that is, has it been correctly understood and brought down [as we would expect from a tzaddik] - and therefore it is pure Torah - or, as it is not brought down by a tzaddik, does it contain some things which are not 100% correct

  5. the talmud says moshiach will come motzai shviis - rashi says somewhere that the 3 years after shviis is also considered motzai shviis. that would be 5778

  6. "Anonymous said...
    I'm not too en[t]hralled with all these kabbalistic interpretations, as it gets too involved for the layman to understand. "

    Quoting R' Yaakov Shapiro on an am ha'aretz learning kabbalah: The Bais HaLevi once said, "Someone who can walk on his hands is an acrobat. Unless he cant walk on his feet. Then he's a cripple."

  7. Thanks for posting! I absolutely love reading things like this. Totally fascinating! It helps me appreciate the amazing Creator of the universe and through the mathematical impossibilities we know that the world couldn't exist without Hashem.

  8. Reply to yosef:

    You said, "The talmud says moshiach will come motzai shviis - rashi says somewhere that the 3 years after shviis is also considered motzai shviis."

    Please find me the source where Rashi says this.

  9. I dug around his site. Several mentions of being affilated with berg, so it sounds like pop kabbalah to me.

  10. Yes the connection to the Kabbalah Centre was a bit problematic for me, but in the end I decided it was extremely worthwhile.

  11. No where does the Tenach attribute any diurnal or annual motion to the Earth. Instead it speals only of its staticity. All attempts to measure the purported 66,000mph speed of the Earth have failed - witness the zero-velocity result of the famous Michelson-Morley experiment. "It is my firm belief that it is the Sun that revolves around the Earth, as I have also declared publicly on various occasions and in discussion with professors specializing in this field of science" (Lubavitcher Rebbe): "The Earth is suspended at the center of the universe" (Hilchos Yesodei HaTorah 3).

  12. @Unknown: If the Sun is revolving around the Earth, then the Sun is traveling 66,000 mph around the Earth, and the numerology still works.


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