Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Is Hurricane Irma Part of the Messianic Process?

Tamar Yonah interviews Rabbi Mendel Kessin

Click here to listen


  1. Now I know what happened to my iPad and iMac!!
    I opened up yesterday and didn't have sound, plus more. After some research I found in my 'history' a link to "Cloud" and after checking that out I found I had to update cloud and then got back my sound. Strange, but B"H got it fixed.
    It was an action but her site's software notification that took away my video sound. Corroborated by your post. Thank you.

  2. Wow, two great shiurim to squeeze into my schedule! Great Devorah.

  3. Irma amazing is the bare seabeds where like 5-8 ft waters should be due to storm surge, makes me think of the splitting of the sea

  4. Irma was terrible but it wasn't unique. We're also seeing massive storms and flooding in India, Yemen, several places in Africa...


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