Monday, December 11, 2017

Donald Trump and the Last War

The Tamar Yonah Show

In this fascinating show, we talk about the spiritual meaning of Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. We also talk about ‘The Last War’ and what we might see happening in the near future. Rabbi Mendel Kessin  joins Tamar and shares his insights into the Messianic process that we are seeing unfold in front of our eyes. A ‘DON’T MISS’ show!

Click here to listen


  1. Very good interview. Rabbi Kessin’s words were well organized and capsulized for the short time of the broadcast. Did you hear him compare Trump to Antoninus? I thought that of Trump after listening to his Declaration of Yerushalayim, and said so in my reply to you.

    Thank you Devorah for all your hard work for your blog. We appreciate you.

  2. I looked at a picture of Aurelius and I can see a likeness to Trump, including the hair colour.

  3. Thank you for posting this. Also, does anyone know the update on Rabbi Menachem Robinson?

  4. I've always imagined Trump to be the gilgul of Eisav himself. He is often mocked for his "orangeness", and we know Eisav was ruddy (hence the name Edom - red). If Trump is the "mashiach of Edom", as R' Kessin says, then why not reincarnate Eisav to do the job?

    Fun to speculate.

  5. Excellent shiur. I thank you for posting this.

  6. There is an update on Rabbi Menachem ben Rifka, may he have a refuah shelaimoh. I'm about to read it, but wanted to alert you to it. Check out Absolute blog.

  7. BH improvements!! Thank you leah for alerting us.
    Let's do as Rav menachem would tell us to and keep coming closer to living a life of the absolute truth. Doing teshuva and correcting the parts of our lives that need correction.

    Even in his silence he calls upon us to do good - what a sign of a great leader. Thank you Hashem for the gift of Rav menachem. May our tefilos and our teshuva and our good deeds be a zechus for his complete and speedy refuah.
    Thank you devorah so much for this blog and for keeping us together working towards getting ourselves ready for the imminent geulah beH may it be bmheira byamenu brachamim rabbim! Chanukah is almost here BH to light up the darkness of galus!

    1. :). Yes, we can do mitzvos!!! I really hope he overcomes this obstacle. He is a treasure!

  8. Sorry, there is much about the Rabbi's interpretation of events which is hard for me to believe. Between him and as an example, Rabbi Mizrachi's type of visions, believe we need to go to the middle! They both seem to have extreme opposite perspectives on the outcome. No one knows exactly what will be but truly do not believe in either extreme. There are so many questions here, such as how can Yishmael be allied to us at the end when lands they occupy are part of the yerushah for the bnai Yisrael? Yishmael himself did teshuvah but nothing is said about his descendants (and most are not his descendants, because they overtook much of the world by the sword and there is much mixture that there is really little of Yishmael himself). Of course, there is good and bad in all peoples and the righteous amongst all peoples will persevere, but not the wicked. Believe his interpretation on Trump is correct and there is much good about the U.S., but don't believe some of what's been said here.


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