Monday, December 4, 2017

Incredible !

This is a video from 2013 which came up on my FB feed..... now normally I don't watch too many random videos, but something drew me to this one, and it totally blew me away.  I just had to share it here.   Watch the amazing story of how Diabolo became Spirit.  There is so much to be learned here.  Names affect animals too.


  1. Reminds me of Daniel in the lions' den: what is it they sensed about him that made all of them treat him with care and respect instead of ripping him to shreds? Was it a miracle, or simply his extreme goodness? Yet Hashem told Man that we have dominion over animals; are we really to relate to them as equals?

    Not for me, thank you. But nice and impressive anyway.


  2. Fascinating. We will all have this ability in the future. And not just with animals but with humans, too! Perfect communication without misunderstandings.

  3. We must be on the same wavelength because I have an interesting article to be posted later about animals. I love animals, and always loved the majesty of the Big Cats. They do have emotions, feelings and can convey this to humans. I confess that I even talk to my animals and they respond. This is a great video. Thank you.

  4. It's all very nice and the big cats are a beautiful animal. But, we must remember that an animal is an animal and not a human being. We have tzelem Elokim and they, of course, do not. They can be trained and taught and they do have a certain amount of intelligence, but we cannot be carried away. This woman could have a way of hypnotizing the animal. Remember the story of the two animal trainers of lions and leopards who were working with these animals for years and being 'best' friends with them like they were house pets (this was Las Vegas but forgot the names of the famous trainers) and one day out of the blue the big cat almost ripped one or both of them apart, for no apparent reason. They are animals and that's their behavior. Also, we believe in reincarnation and there might those who, c'v, were for whatever reason H' deemed, had come into another life as an animal. We don't know or understand. That animal might have the feelings of a human being. When Moshiach comes and the world will be full of bliss and peace and only goodness, even the animals will reach a level of communication with humanity.

  5. Thanks so much for putting this up. I'm very interested in the spiritual aspects of horses (inspired by Perek Shirah) and this was fascinating. I've always felt that being an animal is such a painful gilgul. As DS points out, we do have dominion over them, so it's our responsibility to make their tikkun as easy as possible.

    And yes, with a bit of observation and sensitivity it's possible to 'communicate' with them. The gift is (like this lady) understanding the response.

  6. Thank you for posting this. I always tell my children that when Moshiach comes, if I'm around, I would like to have a pride of Black Leopards with cubs.

  7. Wonderful video, wonderful post. Thank you.

    Sharing. Hope it's ok?

  8. Anonymous with a very strange question, no I'm not showing anything of that nature.... if something is being advertised to you by You Tube, or pre-viewed to you, it is because someone on your computer has accessed those things. You Tube shows you previews of videos that it feels you are interested in, based on your previous viewing habits.

  9. I wonder if Shlomo HaMelech used the same technique to communicate with animals.

  10. Yes, I wondered that too, regarding the Baal Shem Tov.

  11. Holy Leopards
    The verse states that Nimrod was a fierce hunter (גבור ציד). The first three letters of Nimrod (נמר) mean “leopard.” Similarly, the midrash teaches us that Nebuchadnezzar rode upon a leopard, and sported a crocodile as a tiara. Ibn Ezra states that by ruling over the animal kingdom and proving his power over animals, Nimrod became a successful tyrant over people.

    In the Torah, the fourth and final letter of Nimrod’s name is the letter dalet (ד), which is the first letter of David (דוד). In Chronicles, his name is written with the two letters vav and dalet (וד), the two last letters of David’s name, added to the “leopard” (נמר). Thus, the spark of monarchy that must be redeemed from Nimrod is the spark of King David, who will return as the ultimate monarch in the guise of Mashiach.

    In the first law of the Shulchan Aruch, we are taught to mimic the leopard for its boldness. Even though the leopard is not a kosher animal, it is the subject of the very first law in the Shulchan Aruch, which teaches us to be as bold as a leopard and to feel no shame for serving God. In this way, each one of us has the ability to redeem Nimrod’s bold and royal spark, turning his fierce hunter into a holy leopard.

  12. Thanks, that's very interesting - I will try and send this video to Rabbi Ginzburgh at


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