Toward the end of his shiur, he mentions the excelerated exceleration of events, and he mentions that at some point Trump will tell Israel,
“Do what you need to, its all up to you” or something like that.
Well just now, I read "the Trump administration has abandoned its plans to offer a new framework for negotiations intended to lead to a final status agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. According to the report, the move was prompted by the Palestinian Authority’s angry reaction to President Donald Trump’s December 6th announcement that the US recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and that the State Department was beginning work to relocate the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.”
The above could be the next step! Especially when Persia/Iran is building factories to build missiles to bomb……….
I like how 128 nations were against president Trump like when ahashverosh ruled 128 countries and his son Inlaw is like queen Ester at the end these countries will be allies with USA!! That's my opinion
Our Sages have always taught that Israel can only rise to prominence upon the downfall of Edom. Furthermore, the rule of Mashiach will put Israel in complete opposition to American values of democracy, pluralism and tolerance of all religions. This will antagonize the egotistical Trump. I am unaware of any Torah commentator who ever indicated Eisav would repent.
And if you want to continue to believe that Trump will repent for America's portion of Eisav's sin - pleasure and materialism - how does that provide exculpation for his other sins? Those represented by Europe and Russia? An incomplete teshuvah? Mind-boggling.
Finally, it is beyond imagining how anyone can claim that Rubashkin was innocent of any wrongdoing. Even Pollard's supporters do not claim he did not break American laws - only that the sentence was unjust. Rubashkin's sentence was also unjust and I'm very happy for him that he has been released, but innocent he was not. And as long as Pollard continues to be persecuted by the US Justice system, all the Rubashkins in the world won't appease Hashem.
With all respect to you, Devorah. None of this makes any sense to me.
Whatever the case with Rubashkin, you can't deny that a release on the 8th day of Chanukah after serving 8 years 8 days is not a sign from Above.
Perhaps there are reasons why Hashem is making Jonathan Pollard remain in the US.... I don't know.... but I do know that people are generally where Hashem wants them to be.
I don't know about Europe and Russia, I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens next. To me it is obvious that Donald Trump is a changed man and doing a great job - so far everything Rabbi Kessin has said has happened in the way he predicted, so I'm not seeing what your seeing. We'll have to agree to disagree :)
I didn't watch the video, we know he's a Xtian etc. Nobody said he converted to Judaism, or became a Noahide. But he has changed his attitude and as far as I can see he is doing good things for the Jews as Hashem wants him to.
Maybe the commenter above does not know that the Rubashkin sentence was a far cry from the worst punishment that he got. Mr. Rubashkin was an exceptional Bal Chessed, Oived Hashem, and asset to his community. The 'sin' that he did, did not warrant 'any' of the other bombardments, irrational condemnations, and ruin that they washed over him. He was ruined. Period. His home, his business, his mortgage in the millions,,,,,, this was all done simply due to anti semitism without any ligitimate reason. 'In addition' to that, he got a sentence that made no sense at all. And this was 'after' he was cleansed of almost the entire 'misdeed' that he carried out! One needs to be as blinded as the liberals, not to see this.
Pollard, by all means, did 'something'. True, his sentence is way out of proportion to his crime. It's a different person. A different story. And most people's feeling of connection to him stems more from the fact that he has done something for the 'State of Israel' than for the actual crime/punishment. B"H he was somewhat released, and we should daven still more.
Klal Yisroel cried out to Hashem for many years, and the time has come for Rubashkin's release. B"H many of us see this as a sign from Hashem. He has listened.
If you want to say he was guilty of something, that's fine. They finetooth combed him, and this is the most they can find on him. Amazing indeed. I wish most yidden and lehavdil gentiles alike, would be as clean as he is....
Now, for my disclaimer. I've never met Rubashkin before. I am not Chabad. I'm a simple jewish mother/housewife/businesswoman, who feels that something great has happened. The emotions that I felt upon hearing the news, is indescribable. I've never felt this way before.
Rubashkin was a great example of just how great a Yid can be!
It's insane to lower our euphoria due to other many yidden languishing in prison. Why do we need to bring up Pollard in conjunction with this story? Talk about him yesterday. Talk about him tomorrow. Today we rejoice. We thank Hashem for each released individual, especially when it comes to something like such a story.
Upon seeing the massive crowds coming to greet him on Shabbos, people of all stripes and colors, all I can think of is; 'Mi Keamcha Yisroel'!
Exactly right SK!!! I really resent the negativity of certain remarks. For heaven's sakes both Pollard and rubashkin did something that enabled the courts to go after them. However, they are both very good men, yirat shmayim and clearly both were insanely persecuted due to their Jewish identities. Ironically both were freed but with strings attached. I. Why in heaven's name is Pollard being brought up in conjunction with Rubashkin. Pollard was freed BH, are you begruding the same for Rubashkin. Furthermore, the achdut that we saw upon his return was nothing short of miraculous. Jews if all types were openly rejoicing in the streets of Brooklyn. This is truly remarkable. This is the era if Moshiach. Please try to be positive. Don't write off everyone that is 100% perfect. It's a struggle to live in this world and Hashem doesn't expect us to be saints, he expects us that we will sin but we will keep struggling to do what's right.we are not meant to be flawless, we aren't angels. I just watched a shuir and the Rav said that Hashem knew Adam sinned and when Adam admitted he not only sinned but wanted to again and would have to fight the desire, this was exactly what Hashem wanted to hear. The truth we are flawed and we admit it and it's gonna be a struggle not to do it. So if Hashem can give people a break, shouldn't us humans try to do the same. Cut people a break. Why go after Rubashkin like that? He didn't deserve what happened to him anymore then Pollard did. We shouldn't judge other people, only G-d should do that. Baruch Hashem, both men are out of prison. Also one other thing I really don't like, why write off an entire civilization like America, even ninveh was given the chance to repent. Shouldn't we hope for the same for the US and the world. There are good people out there and we should pray the do teshuva, not that they get wiped out? I don't like that aspect of the moshiach blogwriters, sometimes it feels like vultures waiting for the big catastrophic event. Why can't we daven for global teshuva and an easy gentle arrival for moshiach. I agree with Shirat Devorah, Trump feels like he has changed as a person. And esav was meant to be a tzaddik, his head was buried in kever machpelah. How do we know what Hashem intends, really. We dont
This was just posted up on the website, from Rav Ofer Erez:
A good eye
When a Jew accustoms himself to looking at the world with a good eye; and when he’s used to saying good things about every other Jew; and when he tries to judge favorably when he sees something that’s not so good; and when he tries to find a good point in the other person – Hashem gives that Jew the present of happiness.
Rabbi Nachman tells us that in order to merit having happiness, we need to search after the root of good, which can be found inside all of the ‘not good’ that we think we’re looking at.
Think everything should be quite clear and simple here. First, I agree with Devash on the matter of Rabbi Kessin's hashkafa with Esav and Trump. But definitely do not agree as far as the Rubashkin saga is concerned. Agree very much with SK's beautiful comment. He was clearly a victim of anti-semitism. By now, anyone keeping up on this whole saga knows that the Judge and prosecutors were in collusion against Rubashkin and it was made clear that the Judge is openly anti-semitic. There's much written about all this; please look it up. Let's not forget also that Senators and Congressmen, together with attorneys and former atty. generals were fighting his cause throughout his ordeal because they were outraged at this extreme sentencing, but to no avail. Rubashkin's release was definitely miraculous. He was in prison for 8 years, 8 days and released on the 8th day of Chanukah,Zot Chanukah. The number 8 is above the natural! There were many cases where the same charge was made against others and they received no more than 13 months in prison or a slap on the wrist. That says it all. I am also not a Chabadnik but was elated at his release and we must thank the President for his good deed, hakorat hatov. He deserves a yasher koach for this!
I just finished reading a post on one of my favorite blogs but was very disturbed at what was written about Rubashkin in that post. Since no comments are being taken at this time on that blog, and the commenters here are writing in regard to his case, I just would like to make a comment on this also for clarification/truth. I have been reading up on his case since the very beginning and listening to the facts on radio programs told by many (his attorneys and some influential govt people, etc.) people on the inside of the case and it was almost like sitting in a jury and listening to the facts of how and when it started. The authorities approached him at first for one thing only and that was the hiring of illegal alien workers. He proved that his people were on top of that more than anything else because he didn't want to have problems and they found there was nothing to hold him for so they dropped that but found something that might get him in trouble and that was the 'bank' business. He kept up his payments and the Bank came forward to say he was not behind in payments and they were satisfied, but it seems they had to, for some reason, to find something against him and his business. One of his leading and famous high integrity atty, who happens to be an Orthodox Jew said the Judge's two former husbands (think they were attys. themselves) didn't understand why the counsels didn't see to get the judge off the case, since she was very antisemitic. At the end, after the sentence was reduced to 25 years from a life sentence, she added two more years to it. From all that has already been said in this particular case, it is clear, this was a miscarriage of justice! BTW, every single case where the same charges were brought up against someone, they received either no more than 12 to 13 months in jail or let off altogether.
Strangely enough when I was calculating Rubashkin's jail time, including the time he spent in there before being released on bail... it came to 2813 days.... which I then divided by 365 to get the years... and that came to 7.70 years.
This article is a synoposis of video #25 in the "21st Century" series. It's in the Jerusalem Herald.
My husband did a few calculations about the time length of the incarceration---accounted for leap year and no leap year, accounting for time between arrests and releases, re-arrests etc. It does not come to 8-8-8. It either comes to about 7.70 or over 9 counting the entire saga without imprisonments and reimprisonments.
Thank you mselbit, for the link to the article and the calculation... I also came to 7.70 and I would have thought that figure would be enough to cause celebrations [770 being the number of Chabad HQ] without the mysterious 8 year amount.
The name Bibas is shown three times, written backwards Terumah 25:24-25
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"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
I'm listening to this now, loving it. What a perfect day to listen to some Rabbi Kessin revelations.
ReplyDeleteToward the end of his shiur, he mentions the excelerated exceleration of events, and he mentions that at some point Trump will tell Israel,
ReplyDelete“Do what you need to, its all up to you” or something like that.
Well just now, I read "the Trump administration has abandoned its plans to offer a new framework for negotiations intended to lead to a final status agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. According to the report, the move was prompted by the Palestinian Authority’s angry reaction to President Donald Trump’s December 6th announcement that the US recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and that the State Department was beginning work to relocate the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.”
The above could be the next step! Especially when Persia/Iran is building factories to build missiles to bomb……….
He mentions Gog u Magog in regards to the UN's votes against the Jerusalem capital. Just as we thought...
ReplyDeleteI like how 128 nations were against president Trump like when ahashverosh ruled 128 countries and his son Inlaw is like queen Ester at the end these countries will be allies with USA!! That's my opinion
ReplyDelete127 to be exact ( Esther / Sara Imeinu's years....)
Excellent shiur! I truly love this man's chelek of Torah!!! Inspirational for sure.
ReplyDeleteOur Sages have always taught that Israel can only rise to prominence upon the downfall of Edom. Furthermore, the rule of Mashiach will put Israel in complete opposition to American values of democracy, pluralism and tolerance of all religions. This will antagonize the egotistical Trump. I am unaware of any Torah commentator who ever indicated Eisav would repent.
ReplyDeleteAnd if you want to continue to believe that Trump will repent for America's portion of Eisav's sin - pleasure and materialism - how does that provide exculpation for his other sins? Those represented by Europe and Russia? An incomplete teshuvah? Mind-boggling.
Finally, it is beyond imagining how anyone can claim that Rubashkin was innocent of any wrongdoing. Even Pollard's supporters do not claim he did not break American laws - only that the sentence was unjust. Rubashkin's sentence was also unjust and I'm very happy for him that he has been released, but innocent he was not. And as long as Pollard continues to be persecuted by the US Justice system, all the Rubashkins in the world won't appease Hashem.
With all respect to you, Devorah. None of this makes any sense to me.
Regarding Eisav: I found an old shiur from Rabbi Kessin where he goes into more detail about Eisav actually being one of the Avos: see 21st Century #10: The Hidden History of Eisav... and America today... just before the 10 min mark.
ReplyDeleteWhatever the case with Rubashkin, you can't deny that a release on the 8th day of Chanukah after serving 8 years 8 days is not a sign from Above.
Perhaps there are reasons why Hashem is making Jonathan Pollard remain in the US.... I don't know.... but I do know that people are generally where Hashem wants them to be.
I don't know about Europe and Russia, I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens next. To me it is obvious that Donald Trump is a changed man and doing a great job - so far everything Rabbi Kessin has said has happened in the way he predicted, so I'm not seeing what your seeing. We'll have to agree to disagree :)
ReplyDeleteI didn't watch the video, we know he's a Xtian etc. Nobody said he converted to Judaism, or became a Noahide. But he has changed his attitude and as far as I can see he is doing good things for the Jews as Hashem wants him to.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the commenter above does not know that the Rubashkin sentence was a far cry from the worst punishment that he got. Mr. Rubashkin was an exceptional Bal Chessed, Oived Hashem, and asset to his community. The 'sin' that he did, did not warrant 'any' of the other bombardments, irrational condemnations, and ruin that they washed over him. He was ruined. Period. His home, his business, his mortgage in the millions,,,,,, this was all done simply due to anti semitism without any ligitimate reason. 'In addition' to that, he got a sentence that made no sense at all. And this was 'after' he was cleansed of almost the entire 'misdeed' that he carried out! One needs to be as blinded as the liberals, not to see this.
ReplyDeletePollard, by all means, did 'something'. True, his sentence is way out of proportion to his crime. It's a different person. A different story. And most people's feeling of connection to him stems more from the fact that he has done something for the 'State of Israel' than for the actual crime/punishment. B"H he was somewhat released, and we should daven still more.
Klal Yisroel cried out to Hashem for many years, and the time has come for Rubashkin's release. B"H many of us see this as a sign from Hashem. He has listened.
If you want to say he was guilty of something, that's fine. They finetooth combed him, and this is the most they can find on him. Amazing indeed. I wish most yidden and lehavdil gentiles alike, would be as clean as he is....
Now, for my disclaimer. I've never met Rubashkin before. I am not Chabad. I'm a simple jewish mother/housewife/businesswoman, who feels that something great has happened. The emotions that I felt upon hearing the news, is indescribable. I've never felt this way before.
Rubashkin was a great example of just how great a Yid can be!
It's insane to lower our euphoria due to other many yidden languishing in prison. Why do we need to bring up Pollard in conjunction with this story? Talk about him yesterday. Talk about him tomorrow. Today we rejoice. We thank Hashem for each released individual, especially when it comes to something like such a story.
Upon seeing the massive crowds coming to greet him on Shabbos, people of all stripes and colors, all I can think of is; 'Mi Keamcha Yisroel'!
Thank You Hashem! How Great are You!!
SK took the words right out of my in this case, my keyboard. ;)
ReplyDeleteExactly right SK!!!
ReplyDeleteI really resent the negativity of certain remarks. For heaven's sakes both Pollard and rubashkin did something that enabled the courts to go after them. However, they are both very good men, yirat shmayim and clearly both were insanely persecuted due to their Jewish identities. Ironically both were freed but with strings attached. I. Why in heaven's name is Pollard being brought up in conjunction with Rubashkin. Pollard was freed BH, are you begruding the same for Rubashkin. Furthermore, the achdut that we saw upon his return was nothing short of miraculous. Jews if all types were openly rejoicing in the streets of Brooklyn. This is truly remarkable. This is the era if Moshiach. Please try to be positive. Don't write off everyone that is 100% perfect. It's a struggle to live in this world and Hashem doesn't expect us to be saints, he expects us that we will sin but we will keep struggling to do what's right.we are not meant to be flawless, we aren't angels. I just watched a shuir and the Rav said that Hashem knew Adam sinned and when Adam admitted he not only sinned but wanted to again and would have to fight the desire, this was exactly what Hashem wanted to hear. The truth we are flawed and we admit it and it's gonna be a struggle not to do it. So if Hashem can give people a break, shouldn't us humans try to do the same. Cut people a break. Why go after Rubashkin like that? He didn't deserve what happened to him anymore then Pollard did. We shouldn't judge other people, only G-d should do that. Baruch Hashem, both men are out of prison. Also one other thing I really don't like, why write off an entire civilization like America, even ninveh was given the chance to repent. Shouldn't we hope for the same for the US and the world. There are good people out there and we should pray the do teshuva, not that they get wiped out? I don't like that aspect of the moshiach blogwriters, sometimes it feels like vultures waiting for the big catastrophic event. Why can't we daven for global teshuva and an easy gentle arrival for moshiach. I agree with Shirat Devorah, Trump feels like he has changed as a person. And esav was meant to be a tzaddik, his head was buried in kever machpelah. How do we know what Hashem intends, really. We dont
This was just posted up on the website, from Rav Ofer Erez:
ReplyDeleteA good eye
When a Jew accustoms himself to looking at the world with a good eye; and when he’s used to saying good things about every other Jew; and when he tries to judge favorably when he sees something that’s not so good; and when he tries to find a good point in the other person – Hashem gives that Jew the present of happiness.
Rabbi Nachman tells us that in order to merit having happiness, we need to search after the root of good, which can be found inside all of the ‘not good’ that we think we’re looking at.
Azamra is definitely the way to go.
anonymous with the video link: most of the things publicized were untrue, therefore I am not posting that link.
ReplyDeleteThink everything should be quite clear and simple here. First, I agree with Devash on the matter of Rabbi Kessin's hashkafa with Esav and Trump. But definitely do not agree as far as the Rubashkin saga is concerned. Agree very much with SK's beautiful comment. He was clearly a victim of anti-semitism. By now, anyone keeping up on this whole saga knows that the Judge and prosecutors were in collusion against Rubashkin and it was made clear that the Judge is openly anti-semitic. There's much written about all this; please look it up. Let's not forget also that Senators and Congressmen, together with attorneys and former atty. generals were fighting his cause throughout his ordeal because they were outraged at this extreme sentencing, but to no avail.
ReplyDeleteRubashkin's release was definitely miraculous. He was in prison for 8 years, 8 days and released on the 8th day of Chanukah,Zot Chanukah. The number 8 is above the natural! There were many cases where the same charge was made against others and they received no more than 13 months in prison or a slap on the wrist. That says it all. I am also not a Chabadnik but was elated at his release and we must thank the President for his good deed, hakorat hatov. He deserves a yasher koach for this!
" He was in prison for 8 years, 8 days "
ReplyDeleteCan anyone explain to me how this count was determined? Thanks.
I just finished reading a post on one of my favorite blogs but was very disturbed at what was written about Rubashkin in that post. Since no comments are being taken at this time on that blog, and the commenters here are writing in regard to his case, I just would like to make a comment on this also for clarification/truth.
ReplyDeleteI have been reading up on his case since the very beginning and listening to the facts on radio programs told by many (his attorneys and some influential govt people, etc.) people on the inside of the case and it was almost like sitting in a jury and listening to the facts of how and when it started. The authorities approached him at first for one thing only and that was the hiring of illegal alien workers. He proved that his people were on top of that more than anything else because he didn't want to have problems and they found there was nothing to hold him for so they dropped that but found something that might get him in trouble and that was the 'bank' business. He kept up his payments and the Bank came forward to say he was not behind in payments and they were satisfied, but it seems they had to, for some reason, to find something against him and his business. One of his leading and famous high integrity atty, who happens to be an Orthodox Jew said the Judge's two former husbands (think they were attys. themselves) didn't understand why the counsels didn't see to get the judge off the case, since she was very antisemitic. At the end, after the sentence was reduced to 25 years from a life sentence, she added two more years to it. From all that has already been said in this particular case, it is clear, this was a miscarriage of justice! BTW, every single case where the same charges were brought up against someone, they received either no more than 12 to 13 months in jail or let off altogether.
Strangely enough when I was calculating Rubashkin's jail time, including the time he spent in there before being released on bail... it came to 2813 days.... which I then divided by 365 to get the years... and that came to 7.70 years.
ReplyDeleteThis article is a synoposis of video #25 in the "21st Century" series. It's in the Jerusalem Herald.
ReplyDeleteMy husband did a few calculations about the time length of the incarceration---accounted for leap year and no leap year, accounting for time between arrests and releases, re-arrests etc. It does not come to 8-8-8. It either comes to about 7.70 or over 9 counting the entire saga without imprisonments and reimprisonments.
ReplyDeleteThank you mselbit, for the link to the article and the calculation... I also came to 7.70 and I would have thought that figure would be enough to cause celebrations [770 being the number of Chabad HQ] without the mysterious 8 year amount.