Friday, December 15, 2017

Must Reads

If you still doubt that we are in the End Times, please read What is Time?

Also see the latest article from that site: Israel's Borders:  A Divine Gift


  1. This is a great site, thanks for unearthing it, Devorah

  2. Excellent Devorah, one of my favorite quizzical fascinations.

    Chanukah Samayach!

  3. Todah Rabbah Devorah.
    I have printed them out to read over Shabbat. I am looking forward to these interesting topics.

    Shabbat Shalom v'Chag Sameach.

  4. Probably the most fascinating post I've ever read. Fantastic, the beauty and perfect Truth of H' & Torah!

  5. Devorah
    wisdom understanding and knowledge.
    Thank you so much for your post. It will take some time for my small mind to grasp.

  6. It says 5778 is the beginning of Geula but according to Rav Berland shlita the Final Redemption will be in 5881 during Nissan. 3.5 more years. But I expect those years of years of Wonders, BH".

  7. I downloaded the author's book 'nothing is a coincidence' and there were a couple of references in it that made me wonder where he's really coming from. one reference was to: 144,000 being 'saved' at the end, according to the book of Revelations (!) and there were also a couple of references to xtianity, islam and Judaism joining together at the end of times.

    I'm not jumping to conclusions, but I'd like to know more about the author's background, religiously, if anyone has any insights?

  8. I don't have any knowledge of him apart from the articles above.

  9. You could leave a comment on his site and ask him.

  10. Here's the link to the post on the Rav Berland site, where the Rav explains that redemption / moshiach occurs as part of a process, i.e. we're slap bang in the middle of it at the moment, and it started a couple of years' back and will continue for another three years, as Moshe stated above:

  11. It’s written in “Sefer Karnaim” of Rabbi Shimshon of Ostropoli that Mashiach will be revealed in the Hebrew month of Tevet. ‘Tik’demenu Berachot Tov (You will precede us [with] good blessings)’ – initial Hebrew letters: TeVeT.
    Hopefully this year!


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