Sunday, February 2, 2020

Crows over Hubei

Guest Post by Rivka

An unpredecented amount of crows have been flying over cities in Hubei Province.  Crows are associated with death because crows feed on carrion, dead meat.  Video below shows masses of crows over cities in Hubei China, where the coronavirus is killing thousands. In the Hanchuan City video, a large, dense flock of crows was videotaped flying around and cawing loudly. One observer said, “This situation has never occurred before.” [See Epoch Times]

The Hebrew word for “crow” and for “raven” is oreiv. Some see the two birds as two versions of the same.

...every raven according to its kind...[Shemini 11:15]

Why is the raven (oreiv) forbidden to be eaten while the dove (yonah) is kosher?

The Raven (Oreiv) is identified with selfishness and betrayal and it is universally despised as the symbol of heartlessness and cruelty. 

Is this a Divine message of Middah K'neged Middah for a heartless, cruel and selfish country whose society is devoid of compassion just like the crow/raven!?

Our Creator created this world as a kind of mirror, which reflects the actions of mankind. When people behave cruelly to each other, causing damage to each other, then the world treats us the same way and is filled with natural disasters and harmful animals.


  1. The word ''Hubei'' to me sounds like Hu Bo - ''He comes'', hinting to Moshiach.

  2. The government of China may be selfish and heartless, but the people aren't.

  3. Good point Anonymous. Nevertheless some of those people need to stop eating live animals. Unfortunately when judgments come down from Shamayim, the innocent suffer along with the guilty.

  4. China is gross and disgusting place. Full of Avodah Zarah, bad treatment of animals, and a corrupt justice system.

  5. Yasher koach, Devorah! I didn't see that one!!!
    I've met wonderful Chinese people and am also aware of the evil of what goes on in their country with regards to Eiver min hachai.....
    Serious consequences to not upholding this mitzvah. It is one of the sheva mitzvos B'Nei Noachide- even if they are not aware.
    Too many examples on the internet that show torture of live animals before eating them while they are still living.
    Anything that screams while you are inflicting pain on it and you show it no mercy should be enough of a sign to you that it is wrong....

  6. Torah Code:


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