Friday, February 28, 2020

The Writing's On The Wall - Updated

מְנֵא מְנֵא, תְּקֵל וּפַרְסִין

And this is the writing that was inscribed: MENE MENE, TEKEL UPHARSIN.  [Daniel 5:25]

See the final letters of the words above :  סִין - China
[another hint here is that China has a great Wall - Devorah]

When they chose the Name Covid-19 (19 – כוביד) they chose a Name that begins with a Name of G-d. It begins with (כו) or 26, as in the Tetragrammaton (יהוה), and it ends in Yad (יד), Hand, as in the Hand of G-d. In fact, being split into 28 and 14, Covid reflects the 3 Hands of G-d we just saw in the final word of “the writing on the wall” in Daniel 5:25

Read the entire article at Kabbalah Secrets: The Coronavirus: What's Really Going On

And in this we see yet another connection to Purim: [HT: AK]

The Handwriting on the Wall 

Evil Merodach ruled 23 years, then his son Belshazzar assumed the throne in the year 3386. In 3389, the third year of his reign, he realized that 70 years had elapsed since Nebuchadnezzar’s domination of the Jewish people in 3319. Assuming that the 70-year period was up, and that the Jewish people would never leave exile, Belshazzar decided to celebrate. At his lavish feast, he demonstrated his contempt for G‑d by drinking from the holy vessels that his grandfather Nebuchadnezzar had plundered from the Bais Hamikdash. Suddenly, a hand appeared and wrote a mysterious inscription on the wall: Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin. These words were written in a strange script and in an acrostic form; thus they were seemingly indecipherable. Nevertheless, Daniel interpreted the words as follows: Mene, Mene: G‑d has counted the days of Belshazzar’s kingdom, and they are numbered. Tekel: G‑d has weighed Belshazzar on the scales of justice and has found him guilty. 

Source: Chabad


  1. So much going on Devorah. Makes it seems like months ago are faded into the dust bin of history like it was nothing....

  2. Anonymous, unpublished, I am not panicking and I would have thought that bringing proofs in gematriot etc. gives people a sense that Hashem is running this show, and there is no need to panic. You are looking for the negative in my blog posts, and I am not a negative person, far from it. No-one should ever panic on this blog. And the reason why I did not publish your comment is because it felt very nasty, and you were of course anonymous.

  3. Leah agree with you as usual 😀

  4. And for anyone who missed this comment on the Rav Berland prayer, please see this Fake Recordings

    Another note for anonymous: I do not read InfoWars, that link was emailed to me precisely because he mentions Rabbi Kessin. I am not interested in Alex Jones' opinion, I was just interested in the mention of the Rabbi on such a site.

    And further, anonymous, please read the link to Yeranen Yaakov in the comments above, and if you are still panicking after that, there's not much more I can do for you. The gematriot from Rav Fish are hardly panic-worthy, they come from a holy rabbi.

  5. wowowowowowowowowowowow!!!!!!!!

    there is so much excitement and all you have posted is incredible...its really almost hard to believe!! but believe is what i feel is all we are being asked to do...
    in so many ways we do not see the complete truth
    we are admitting our human limitations
    we are telling Hashem ...YOU ALONE RUN THIS SHOW and i trust YOU
    like the yidden before yetzias mitzrayim we are choosing to believe and choosing to leave this constriction
    beH we will all share the amazing besuros tovos of the actual real geulah shelema bmeheira brachamimin in just we know when!?! no of course not, before shabbos? after shabbos? yom rishaon? yom sheni? on moshe rabeinus birthday?!! who knows when!?! Only the Borei Olam...and we trust Him

    What is our role... haloshon..teshuva more!!
    looking forward to playing our tambourines together beH

    good shabbos
    shabbat shalom umevorach
    thank you devorah for your sharing and support and your being mechazek the rabim. thank you, may Hashem bless you.

  6. Note the letters פַרְסִ in the word וּפַרְסִין

    פַרְסִ - Persia - Iran

  7. Just an FYI, CoViD 19 is just an abbreviation for CoronaVirus Disease 2019. I guess the WHO likes disease names with fewer syllables.


  9. Amen, Michal Rus!!
    Yes, things are speeding up. True, we don't know when, but one would have to sleeping not to see the writing on the wall.
    Great Rabbi Kessin video shiur.
    Shabbat shalom u'mevorach!

    הודעה דרמטית מגדולי ישראל! לאור הסכנות 🔥 זירוז הגאולה ברחמים בהשתתפות כל עם ישראל!

    Rav Zizolholtz said this motzai shabbat 29-02-2020
    Anyone who can must take their suitcases and make aliya asap.

    I can't give the exact place as it just shows up as a live broadcast with no time markers.

    On taanit esther there will be a big tefila to bring the geula shleima berachamim. Please advertise.

  11. Not easy to make ALiyah now, I heard that only visitors with an Israeli passport are being allowed in due to Coronavirus. Citizens of several countries have been blocked altogether from coming to Israel. The YouTube video may be well intentioned but it is not necessary, this virus will affect anyone Hashem wants it to affect, wherever they are, Israel or Timbuktoo. Those who can't make Aliyah cannot do it whether there are travel restrictions or not.

  12. Devorah, i found interesting that Infowars mentioned Rabbi Kessin. The rabbi's style probably resonates with Alex.

    On the topic of the virus, Rabbi Glazerson should run a Codes search for both 5G and Coronavirus, to see if they overlap significantly in a relevant area. If anyone here has a way of reaching him to suggest it, that would be great.

    The below should interest, including the links in the purple sidebar:


  13. Thank you Devorah for continuing you amazing blog.

    in your last comment you write

    "I heard that only visitors with an Israeli passport are being allowed in due to Coronavirus..."

    I didn't hear this, except that Israel is currently banning flights from several countries. I know people who are currently in EY who don't yet have their Israeli passports, and they will be coming to the states for just one week after which time they want to make sure they can get back into EY!!! Want to know for myself as well so if you have any updates or any sources please let me know! Thank you so much!

  14. MM re 5G I think that is being alarmist - they don't have 5G in Iran or Italy as far as i'm aware, and I saw people in Iran dropping in the same way they did in China. I've read reports that the scare mongering over 5G is not warranted, so I'm not going to worry about it.

    Anonymous, a friend of mine told me about the Israeli passports, otherwise I really don't know. If I find out anything I'll post it here.


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