Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Current Events [Moshiach] and the Existence of God

 New shiur from Rabbi Mendel Kessin

He also responds to the controversial comment at the end of his last shiur regarding Gerim. [you can hear this within the first 10 minutes of the lecture] - and for those who tried to comment on that on this blog, I did not publish those comments as I thought it was just extending the lashonhara even further.


  1. Today, the 22nd of Sivan, was the day Miriam was quarantined. I don't know what that has to do with Israeli politics although discussing Israeli politics can sometimes lead to LH. I daven that those seeking office, including Mr. Naftali Bennett, Mr. Avigdor Liberman, Mr.Yair Lapid, Mr. Benny Gantz, Mr. Bibi Netanyahu teshuva and learn Torah and uphold mitzvos. Before Rabbi Akiva learned Torah, he was opposed to Torah study too. Are these people part of the erev rav or ignorant and influenced by their environment?

  2. Making an observation or questioning a comment the rabbi made as long as it is respectable is not LH. Looking forward to listening to his new shiur.

  3. I commend the speed with which you got hold of Rabbi Kessin's latest. Kol ha'kovod.

  4. I think that most people are taking the concept of'loshon hara' to an extent where it does not pertain. Loshon hara is when people are talking to each other and picking apart another person or even worse, slandering people, especially as we know only too well in this day and age of the internet where people are literally publicly being slandered. That is real loshon hora and rechilus. When we speak of politics and those in powerful positions in our holy Land who go, and are doing everything they can, against Hashem, that is not loshon hara! These are supposed to be leaders of our nation. Those who want to lead like Lapid, Bennett, etc. are the very reason Israel and the Jewish people are in the low state we are in at present. There is no leadership and I don't think there will be a government formed (thankfully) because this is one of the biggest signs that Moshiach is even closer than we think. That was foretold by our holy Sages of centuries ago and we pray it will soon materialize.

  5. I planned to comment on that wild LH without LH bur new it would be censored.

    Imagine listening to an hour shiur on LH and then commuting wild Jew against Jew LH.

    And the embarrassment caused to the Good Rabbi…

  6. G-d Bless Rabbi Mendel Kessin for addressing this egregious Chillul ha Shem and then telling Torah Truth.

    Please haShem may I never share a community or Shabbos table with this woman.

    - 370 Ohrot

    1. Never say never. As a convert, I was also offended but instead of responding in a negative way towards this woman, I would try to reach out to her to convince her of the sincerity of true converts, Th Rabbi has addressed it BH and I think the lady, who I give the benefit of the doubt, now understands the truth.

  7. In response to the comment above that "Israel and the Jewish people are in the low state we are in at present". This was a common theme I heard for a long time when I was younger and then one day I went to a Simchas Beis HaShoeva where a Lubbavitcher Rav explained how we as a people are doing amazingly. I don't think we can judge how the Jews are doing based on political leaders who are merely Hashem's puppets (as it says in Mishlei, The Kings heart is in Hashem's hands, he manipulates it however he wants). I think after thousands of years of Golus it is incredible how well we are doing, just think about this blog for starters. I think when Moshiach comes, we are all going to be pleasantly surprised.

    Gershon - Israel

  8. I would like to add the reason Saar did not accept Netanyahu's offer goes beyond the natural because the time of our redemption has come; we are already in the end process. No one, I think, unless, just only for a short while, no one will be able to form a government. We are told by our Sages that at the end of days when we are back in our Land, at the very end, the people will be leaderless and that is what will usher in Moshiach! Believe also that Netanyahu is the one who will be the last prime minister because his name gives us a hint. 'G-D will give forth Moshiach tzdkeinu through him'. Netan (give forth) yahu (H' will give through him). May it be so very soon b'rachamim!

  9. If this new leftist government holds, then we can assume that H' is hastening the Geulah. Just like in the U.S., where instead of the real elected candidate, it was turned upside down and there is now a leftist one, so everything is going downhill there, and so it will be in E.Y., under such a G-Dless regime and that will usher in Moshiach!
    May he come immediately.
    The Geulah process always takes a step forward and two steps back and that is why it seems to take so long, but the worse it gets, the faster the Geulah will materialize. Jews must wake up.

  10. The rabbi would agree with "anonymous" above on the topic of politicians. He once said that they, leaders that they are--for good or bad--are able to be critiqued without it being loshon ha'ra.

  11. Everything happens for a reason. She said it, we heard it, and Rabbi Kessin fixed it. Maybe there was a cosmic spiritual reason that it had to have happened....

  12. Transcription here:


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