Excellent shiur! Makes me realize for fully just how horrible and detrimental loshon hara is. We are now coming into summer when things "heat up." 4 elections and the erev rav is working overtime.... We live in perilous times. New york has displays of anti-semitism and Israel was attacked, especially in the center of Israel-Yerushalayim! We need to be kind to our brothers and sisters and prevent ourselves from speaking loshon hara. Please Hashem may we greet Moshiach speedily and soon.
Re: the bleacher-collapse, guess what, my relative (a Stoliner who was attending yeshiva in Israel) was among them, but he got off lightly B"H. Just some bleeding in his leg, which they stitched up at Sharei Tzedek.
I’ve considered MBD’s arrival as being the beginning of a new process. The comparison to the pregnancy process makes me think that Mashiach could be “born” not just metaphorically but physically. I’ve been searching everywhere for information and sources/backup on this.
I learned that there is a Zohar in Parshat Balak about Bilaam’s prophecy. Bilaam had foresight into the ultimate birthing process of Mashiach. “On the top of mountains I see him and from the hilltops/valleys I behold the Jewish people.” The Zohar says the mountains are referring to the father (HaKadosh Baruchu) and givaot/hills to the mother (Shechina).
There is supposed to be a higher and lower mother (from the higher mesivtah/academy above and the lower academy/rakiah/firmament). The higher mother never separates from her son, and the lower mother needs help from the higher valley. When Mashaich is about to come, his life is in jeopardy, but the higher/lower combination will come out (a combination through the sephirot). Maschiach’s neshama will not remain alone. There is a joining of forces of MBD and MBY. Mashiach is already present in the world from conception during the time of pregnancy (binah is able to reach the ein sof and bring Hashem down). MBY’s energy becomes included in MBD and he becomes strong. But there is a moment of lifelessness pre-birth and according to the AriZal, “her thighs become cold.” This is for the ultimate demise of the klipah. The shechina is in exile and the klipah gets a hold of her during pregnancy. Energy must be retracted for new energy/light to enter the world. MBD brings in the ein sof and a new consciousness that Hashem exists from the smallest atom to infinity in every aspect.
I’ve also been wondering if MBD could come from impurity/Edom/America. The same way that Moshe was raised in the House of Pharaoh, perhaps the leader who ultimately gathers everyone from exile and brings the final geulah will come from exile.
We know that MBY and Eliyahu HaNavi precede MBD. To enter “yemot hamashiach,” I would imagine MBD needs to come on the scene/ be born. If he was already here, we’d already be in yemot hamashiach. So perhaps we are waiting for the birth of a child whose identity won’t be revealed for some time. First we need MBY and Eliyahu HaNavi to do their jobs.
Art: Rabbi Mordechai Becher "And Aaron shall carry the names of the Children of Israel in the Breastplate of Judgment over his hear...
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"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
Excellent shiur! Makes me realize for fully just how horrible and detrimental loshon hara is. We are now coming into summer when things "heat up."
ReplyDelete4 elections and the erev rav is working overtime....
We live in perilous times. New york has displays of anti-semitism and Israel was attacked, especially in the center of Israel-Yerushalayim!
We need to be kind to our brothers and sisters and prevent ourselves from speaking loshon hara.
Please Hashem may we greet Moshiach speedily and soon.
Re: the bleacher-collapse, guess what, my relative (a Stoliner who was attending yeshiva in Israel) was among them, but he got off lightly B"H. Just some bleeding in his leg, which they stitched up at Sharei Tzedek.
Thank G-d!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe edited transcription accompanying the audio class is now available on the rabbi's FB page: Rabbi Mendel Kessin.
ReplyDeleteI’ve considered MBD’s arrival as being the beginning of a new process. The comparison to the pregnancy process makes me think that Mashiach could be “born” not just metaphorically but physically. I’ve been searching everywhere for information and sources/backup on this.
ReplyDeleteI learned that there is a Zohar in Parshat Balak about Bilaam’s prophecy. Bilaam had foresight into the ultimate birthing process of Mashiach. “On the top of mountains I see him and from the hilltops/valleys I behold the Jewish people.” The Zohar says the mountains are referring to the father (HaKadosh Baruchu) and givaot/hills to the mother (Shechina).
There is supposed to be a higher and lower mother (from the higher mesivtah/academy above and the lower academy/rakiah/firmament). The higher mother never separates from her son, and the lower mother needs help from the higher valley. When Mashaich is about to come, his life is in jeopardy, but the higher/lower combination will come out (a combination through the sephirot). Maschiach’s neshama will not remain alone. There is a joining of forces of MBD and MBY. Mashiach is already present in the world from conception during the time of pregnancy (binah is able to reach the ein sof and bring Hashem down). MBY’s energy becomes included in MBD and he becomes strong. But there is a moment of lifelessness pre-birth and according to the AriZal, “her thighs become cold.” This is for the ultimate demise of the klipah. The shechina is in exile and the klipah gets a hold of her during pregnancy. Energy must be retracted for new energy/light to enter the world. MBD brings in the ein sof and a new consciousness that Hashem exists from the smallest atom to infinity in every aspect.
I’ve also been wondering if MBD could come from impurity/Edom/America. The same way that Moshe was raised in the House of Pharaoh, perhaps the leader who ultimately gathers everyone from exile and brings the final geulah will come from exile.
We know that MBY and Eliyahu HaNavi precede MBD. To enter “yemot hamashiach,” I would imagine MBD needs to come on the scene/ be born. If he was already here, we’d already be in yemot hamashiach. So perhaps we are waiting for the birth of a child whose identity won’t be revealed for some time. First we need MBY and Eliyahu HaNavi to do their jobs.