Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Hashem's Interaction with YOU

One of the most interesting things that Rabbi Kessin mentioned in his shiur last week "Hopelessness and Despair before Moshiach" is this:

G-D is a “shadow” in that He “follows” the actions of man. If you believe in G-D, then G-D will interact with you. If you don’t believe in G-D, believe, rather, in yourself and that you are the ultimate cause of events, he will not interact with you.

In other words, Hashem reacts to you in the same way that you react to Him.  If you believe 100%, then you will get 100% results from your interactions.  If you don't believe, then you won't get much assistance at all.  

For example.... I believe 100% that my mezuzot protect my house. Whilst I still take necessary precautions, I don't worry about things that other people worry about.  I live a carefree life because I believe with all my heart that Hashem protects me, and if there is a problem then that problem is also brought by Hashem and I deal with it.  Life is so simple when you have faith.

It's not a fairy tale, it's the truth.  Work on your Emunah [belief] and ask Hashem for assistance in everything.  You will get it, just trust in the ability of Hashem to help you.  Work on it as though you are in a gym working on your fitness.  It will change your life.


  1. When we apply this to the Geulah: [quoting Rabbi Kessin]

    We have to have bitachon because we have nothing left. We can’t do anything so we have to trust G-D. One of the purposes of the Darkness is to force us to make a choice, to realize there is nobody else on whom to rely but G-D. If there were a way out, maybe we wouldn’t have bitachon in G-D but, instead, would think: well, maybe we can get out of this by ourselves. The fact that we’re in utter despair means that we realize we can do nothing to fix this. The Darkness itself is the wherewithal that generates the necessity of having faith and trust in G-D. Performing that mitzvah provides the merit of getting redeemed.

  2. SC: Yes I do read your comments and then delete them as requested. Just letting you know they are always read by me.

  3. Toda, thank you Devorah

    could you refer me to some blog or lecture where i could learn more about complete truasting Hashem only...

    i falter...

    I have to try harder.

    Hashem bless you and yours and all those who visit your blog.

  4. Here's a list of Emunah videos on You Tube:

  5. R Nochum Malinowitz. Daily 3 minute podcast. "Bitachon4Life"
    The best. 700 posted so far. Listen to them all.

  6. To Anonymous @ 1.03 a.m

    Thank you...



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