Sunday, July 3, 2022

Talking About the Redemption

 Rabbi Mendel Kessin on the Ari Louis Show

Excerpt: The world has no idea what is about to happen. We are talking about the Redemption, not about some (typical) historical event. We’re talking about the Redemption of mankind but it’s more than that! It’s the Redemption of Creation itself. It’s the end of the "program," which is incredible when you think about that. Therefore, the messianic era is an era that nobody can understand--nobody. It is something of such unbelievable magnificence in terms of its divinity. What is very important is that G-D has to prepare the world for this. You can’t just go from Darkness to Light; you’re blinded. G-D has to prepare. Mankind needs preparation. There has to be spectacular changes in the world.


  1. This is very long, so didn't get to all of it, but I hope to soon as it looks interesting.

    Devorah, I wonder... how is R'Kessin so sure that Trump has been honest in all his decades of business dealings?

    And speak of Divine plans (not mentioned here) I guess G-d decided to pluck another hero from this world, Dr.Zelenko zt"l. What a loss... But as per his last video, he has been at peace with the prospect, and given his health situation, I think it was wise of him to choose to relocate to Florida, as his family may be best off there.

    P.S. i just came across an interesting podcast i've not been aware of before, but it's rather intense, and you can't readily adjust the speed. Namely "Headlines" with Dovid Lichtenstein, discussing how to relate to all sorts of current events, along with relevant guests.

  2. Did Rav Kessin actually say those words... that Trump has been honest in all his business dealings? or are you assuming that because he says "Trump—I’m not going into his characteristics—is an honest guy. He has integrity..."

    Rabbi Kessin is not just a master of Torah, he is also a highly esteemed psycho-analist/psychologist not sure which one.... but he knows a lot of stuff. And if he says Trump is basically an honest man, I believe him. I also feel that way, disregarding certain things he may have done in his private life, I feel that he is essentially honest. He calls a spade a spade.
    Whether or not he was entirely honest in all his business dealings....don't know...and I'm not even sure Rabbi Kessin said those words, I certainly can't find them in the transcription. If they are there, please let me know.

  3. I actually did not say that Rabbi Kessin said he was honest in all his business dealings. I meant that Rabbi Kessin said he's an honest guy (like you quoted him). But methinks that if he's an honest guy, that should mean he's honest in all his business dealings.

    No sweat - I know Rabbi Kessin thinks deep, and I thank you for having introduced me to his interesting lectures.

  4. The essence of Trump is honesty. Whether or not he's been honest all his life is another story... but he has an honest way about him. He says stupid things, but he's being honest when he says them. That's my understanding of Trump.

  5. The opposite to Obama, who says clever things but he's being dishonest when he says them. Trump is basically good, Obama basically evil.

  6. I agree 100% Devorah.

  7. To M.M.
    Can you please post a link to "Headlines" with Dovid Lichtenstein

    Thank you

  8. Some of the most quick-witted people can simultaneously be the most stupid people. Obama was stupid in his own way too, for caving in to the Muslims. Obama's arrogance and self-servingness was stupid as well, but so is Trump's. The difference between both these guys, is that Trump can't control his emotions, whereas Obama could, and that might be why Trump is considered the more honest by many people. Granted, Trump's emotions included generosity and benevolence, whereas Obama seems highly deficient in that attribute.

    Rabbi Kessin covered "resurrection" in the interview. I could be wrong, but I believe I heard that souls are resurrected into the bodies which had done the least sins in any particular gilgul. But there's alot that seems to be omitted such as, what of those who are alive during resurrection? Can they request of the "resurrector" that they wish to be switched into a body of their choosing?

    Also, I gather that the righteous are resurrected first. Which means that many years can pass by during the ongoing-resurrection process, and meanwhile, the aged and ill might continue to die (even while resurrection of the righteous is taking place). Unless, that is, anti-aging is endowed upon living-people by the "resurrector" prior to his resurrecting the righteous.

    Finally, I think i had mentioned that there's a Jared Rand who seems to have invented a "Celestial Chamber" (formerly "med-bed") which sounds like an age-reversal "factory" - somewhat bordering on the concept of techiyat hameisim. It sounds like what Rav Dessler zt"l predicted when he said modern med. will be considered primitive. Now I ask myself - is it coincidental that such "celestial" wisdom was supposedly given to J.Rand within a decade prior to 2030 when resurrection has to happen? There's also others who are making claims to "med-beds" but they sound to me questionable. One of them is Sandra Rose Michael. Then again, lots of what J.Rand says is far-out, such as his censure of "mysticism". Not that I don't agree that many misguided & misguiding authorities are baloney artists. Yet on the other hand, the Bal Shem Tov was a mystic.

  9. Victoria, here's the link you requested:

  10. MM: I don't think you can ask to be in a certain body, no. The aged and ill will not be "aged and ill" anymore. I'm not sure about the age thing, but sickness and suffering will be removed. We will also have complete knowledge and understand the reasons for everything, all your questions will be answered at that point. We'll all be in the World of Truth here on earth.

  11. Firstly, to Victoria (and Devorah if interested):
    I found a superior link which enables speed-adjustment:

  12. Devorah, if you happen to find out any sources which state how/and/when the aged/ill get healed (such as whether Moshiach ushers that in, or would it be prior to Moshiach) maybe you could post it? Perhaps as a new blog? Thanks.

  13. I haven't read the entire site, but you may like to look at
    where he has a lot of info.
    I can ask him about it, I know the guy who made that site.
    Let me know firstly if he's got anything there that answers your question, I don't have much time today.


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