Friday, January 13, 2023

Cosmic Shemittot

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov 

Were there civilizations before ours? How can we explain archaeological evidence that dates as far back as 12,000 years? Explore the ancient Kabbalistic notion of Shemittot ("Cosmic Sabbaticals") of 7000-year cycles.

This short video is spliced together from two longer classes. For the full version Part 1 click here and Part 2 click here


batya said...

can you please let me know who the speaker is for this video?
Any thoughts about whether we all come back for every cosmic cycle? uh oh!

Devorah said...

His name is there: Rabbi Efraim Palvanov

batya said...

thank you!

Aharon said...

See Maamar in Torah Or - Shmos - by the Alter Rebbe on the Posuk "Mi Sum Peh" where the Alter Rebbe quotes this concept as brought in Sefer HaTmuna and then brings the opinion of the AriZal that this is incorrect and that there is only 1 cycle of 6,000+ years in this world. The 7th millenium is 1,000 years of Shabbos corresponding to Shabbos being the 7th day of the week.

Aharon said...

The 1st paragraph deals with the Shmita Cycle

Leah said...

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov is excellent, by the way.