Monday, November 6, 2023

The Simchat Torah End of Days Prophecy

Rabbi Yehonatan Eybeschutz in his book Yaarot Devash haShalem [Honeycombs] 

Book 1, Chapter 5   [translation by Reuven]

"...there happened the advice of Bilaam, who said to Balak, "Your counsel, which this nation will do to your people in the End of Days" [Balak 24:14], and we were the end which is Yud Tet which is yomtov, which is Simchat Torah and like in the past when the evil inclination – Yetzer Hara- Satan happened like Bilaam's counsel in the past in which there are mixtures of men and women, men and women, single men and single women who are virgins and they will dance there and they will dance inappropriately with illicit dancing, and a great and big loophole – breach is made, and all the good that they merited from the High Holy days – Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur they will lose all the favors that they have gained and this will be such terrible days, and woe is Bilaam's advice to do in the last days, and bitter and evil is the matter for me to do."

Now you see the clear prophecy of Rabbi Yehonatan Eybeschutz, please go to Tomer Devorah and read her post Tzeva Adom!

The 10 minute video below explains it all very clearly.

  "because of our sins, the satan is in charge"

Now, that's pretty much the same thing Rabbi Anava said.... "who is running the show?"  [see comments here]

Information on Rabbi Yehonatan Eybeschutz  -click here


  1. Basically, everything Rabbi Anava said corresponds with this. I'm really glad I listened to his 3 hour shiur.

  2. The time difference between Israel and NY is back to seven hours. They both turned the clocks back.

  3. ok thanks, the World Clock should update with all the changes.

  4. I hope this means Moshiach is imminent


  5. I quoted this from the video summary given of the meeting between Rabbi Shalom and Rabbi Abitbul, but this explanation goes above and beyond. Just wow!! Thank you so much.

  6. Because of our sins the satan is in charge? Hashem is the only One in charge! We are seeing nisim. There have always been sins and Hashem was always in charge. Yes, the satan is a stick that He uses but Hashem's true trait is rachamim. It is important to stay hopeful. Even if a sharp sword is at your neck you must not with hold from yourself hope.


    הודעה חשובה מהרב יעקב זיסהולץ שליט"א - האם אנחנו בסוף הגלות רגע לפני ביאת המשיח?

    Jews of the gola have to come to Israel urgently. The danger you are in is a thousand times greater than that of EY. This is it. Geula. Moshiach. (Rav Zizholtz says to also make kabalot, lehitchazek tshuva etc, but the video is about the utter urgency of you coming to Israel, and the rav cites different tsadikiim and mekubalim).

    I'm just passing on the message. I would add, that you have to let go of whatever your 'can't' is and negative thinking. Start moving, whatever your real and perceived obstacles are. You've left it up until now, don't leave it any longer. This includes if you are sick, or broke, or whatever you feel is constraining you.

    Before the corona, I wrote somewhere that you shouldn't assume that there will always be flights, and was poo-poohed. Once again, don't assume that there will always be flights.

    Anyway, I just saw this video and am passing it on. If you're not all ready, on the verge of coming to Israel very shortly, you have not heard this enough.


  8. Nobody is poo-poohing LL. There are many of us who would make aliyah if it were possible. Geula watchers understand the issue, but people close to them, families with older members and sick people, disabled people, and people without money, cannot just get up and make aliyah. For some, the thought of running to Israel and leaving their family behind is unthinkable and the stress alone would probably kill them. There are myriads of reasons why some people cannot make aliyah, even if we know we have to, it is impossible. That's just the facts on the table. I'm not giving you excuses, I"m giving you fact.

  9. Rivkah H: obviously Hashem is ultimately in charge, but I've now heard three totally different rabbis say that the satan is running the show, or words to that effect. Remember Rabbi Kessin told us the satan is dying... this is the final death throes of the satan and Hashem has allowed this to happen. Rabbi Anava explained why...the rabbis explained it's because we attack one another with lashon hara etc etc. Sounds ridiculous but there you go. Here we are.
    We're living through it and this is what we've got. What we need to do now is change our behaviour and scream out to Hashem to bring the Geula.

  10. SC unpublished as requested.. I agree with a lot of what you wrote. I feel the same way about a lot of things.


  12. Devorah,
    There's an error in the translation.

    In the original it says:
    איעצך אשר יעשה העם הזה לעמך באחרית הימים, והיינו אחרית י"ט שהוא שמחת תורה

    י"ט is short for Yom Tov, not 19 as translated here.

    Also, the name of the book "Yearot Devash" translates as Honeycombs, not Forests of Honey

  13. Thank you, I'll fix it. I did wonder about that 19.

  14. Israeli rabbonim and other speakers are told under no circumstances are they allowed to speak about aliya on their speaking tours. I have personally witnessed the general attitude to aliya amongst frum Jews, and seen here and elsewhere the comments people leave, as well as the lack of posts on your site, possibly the most popular geula site, promoting aliya. Even if you claim that you can't why don't you encourage others?

    I am very well aware of the complexities of life. Regardless of your circumstances, you can start planning and moving forward with the things that you can do and asking Hashem to help you overcome real or perceived obstacles. I say perceived because some people's obstacles are in their minds. Someone claimed she couldn't make aliya on account of her son's medical treatment. Her US/Israel licensed doctor friend told her that that specific treatment in Israel is better and free. But despite being confronted with the facts she refuses to believe her. A popular rav says that his wife won't make aliya because her US oven won't fit into an Israeli apartment. If someone WANTS to make aliya, they can start taking the actions they can, however small and REGARDLESS of external circumstances. Nothing is stopping you from doing that. And of course speak to Hashem, and speak to rabbonim in Israel, like Rav Brody for advice. On the whole diaspora rabbis will tell you to stay put. Including very chashuva rabbonim. The spies too were the heads of the tribes. Where is the emuna? Someone made aliya with her children during corona with a complicated custody situation and no passports. The issue is not facts, but ratzon. Hashem can heal your sick relatives and give you the money you need. Hayipalei Mei'Hashem davar! It's not a question but a statement.

    An illiterate man made aliya. How was he going to make a living? He got a good, stable job in the security establishment. They needed someone illiterate to dispose of confidential papers. A Torah Jew is not restricted by facts but turns to Hashem to solve their challenges.

    Instead of writing another comment of, 'can't', why don't you start planning your aliya, blog about it, encourage others, how to overcome the challenges. Emuna and Aliya. Hashem has given you a platform. Maybe Moshiach is going to ask you why didn't you use it to encourage aliya. Maybe for that reason you were placed in the palace.

    Many Israeli rabbonim, including Rav Kanievsky zatzal, have been calling on diaspora Jews to make aliya. I am just passing on the message. The Yanuka went even further saying that Jews not making aliya is holding up the geula. That is very serious.

    It may not be convenient, but it's the truth.


  15. Isaiah 52 will will not go in haste. Hashem will go before us.


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