Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Details of this War: The Start and The End

 HT: Dov bar Leib 

This is Rabbi Eliyahu and Rabbi Shalom, it's in Hebrew but there is a transcript underneath which I deciphered thanks to Google translate.  As it turns out, Ari Goldwag is right !

"Welcome.. Welcome..." You may sit down, Your Honor! 

Rabbi Shalom asks: So, the rabbi said: On the day of Pesach, I showed the rabbi - the rabbi said that after Sukkot - the end of the world. 

So Rabbi Shalom asks: What is going to happen? How much longer is this going to last? 

The rabbi: The matter is like this: the sages said about the Haftar that we read on the holiday of Sukkot: "On the day Gog comes upon the land of Israel"... [In the prophet Ezekiel, in chapter 37, it appears and is written] "The Vision of the Dry Bones", it is written (ibid.): "Did these bones cry out"? 

And he continues and answers his question: that there is a war that will begin in Sukkot and end on Passover Eve! - 

And where is it written: Elijah the prophet said about the well-known verse: "And he said that there is a hand on the throne for the Lord to fight against Amalek from generation to generation." what day is it - On the eve of Passover, in the middle of the day The first half of the month is 14 days, the eve of Passover. "...because there is a hand on the throne...." - God will sit on his throne and this will happen on Passover Eve! In this second the world will end and there is a war that will continue from the evening of Sukkot until the eve of Passover. 

Her name will end, the light will go down. There will be a war, the nations of the world will intervene, there will be an atom (atomic bomb)! 

The Gra says: There will be three minutes (of a bomb) atomized and God will do the war... 

A question to the rabbi: So what should we do about sweetening these decrees? 
The rabbi's answer: By righteousness, by the Torah...by mercy, by mercy...! 

What will be with the captives? 

Rabbi Eliyahu Abutbol: BA will be released soon. The problem is that it will take time, what the sages said - and this is also who said... Rabbi Yonatan Eivshitz, zt'l. Have you seen his letter? 
Those present ask Rabbi Eliyahu, Shalita: What does he say? 

Rabbi Shalom, Shalita, reads the words of Rabbi Yonathan Eybshitz, zt'l: "And truly, in our many sins, the advice of Balaam happened, who said to Balak: "What will this nation do to your people in the end of days. Namely: "Acharit Yamim", which is the joy of the Torah, when in our many iniquities the devil rules, and Balaam's counsel is almost fulfilled in our many iniquities, in which the mixture of women and young men and virgins will dance like stags and foxes will dance there and a great breach will be made in our many iniquities..."! "That's what happened!!! The boys and girls went ... prohibitions on celibacy and there was also a statue (as everyone who saw the videos from that 'nature party / the Nova party' knows, God save us!!!!!! (And it happened) on Simchat Torah!!! here!!! 

The rabbis agree with Rabbi Shalom and Rabbi Eliyahu, Shalita: Yes, exactly like that!!! Rabbi Eliyahu continues and tells them: "And the owner of the 'honey forests' wrote these things about 300 years ago!!! The honorable rabbis say to Rabbi Eliyahu, Shalita: "This is the Holy Spirit, Rabbi, huh...? It's the Holy Spirit"!!! 

Rabbi Eliyahu, Shalita continues and says: This time has come! Here! Rabbi Zadok HaCohen of Lublin, zt'l, he says that the Messiah will come on the first day of Nissan! "In Nisan they will be redeemed and in Ha Nigal (in the month of Nisan)!" That's what everyone said!!! About the war of Gog and Magog - and redemption will be in Nisan in Israel! This is all proven!!! 

Rabbi Shalom and Rabbi Avraham Asulin say to Rabbi Abitbol: The soldiers walk with dedication.... Rabbi Eliyahu: "Sure, sure... they are great tzaddik!!! The Almighty will save them and they will not touch them! May they go healthy and unscathed in their war and so be it willed and we say Amen"


  1. This is so relieving and exciting!

    I can’t wait for Moshiach to arrive anytime between now and the first day of Nissan! I should start packing all my belongings to go to Eretz Yistael as the Geulah will be here any day!


  2. Those are two very holy tzadikim in that video, you can clearly see that. I have no reason to doubt anything they are saying. However, I am just a blogger, blogging whatever I feel is right, and I cannot guarantee that anything on my blog that predicts a date is 100% correct until it has happened. Make your own enquiries and calculations, don't rely on my blog or any other blog, for major decision making.
    Moshiach can come today or sooner if we give Hashem enough reason to make it happen earlier, but I feel we are on a prophesied path to Nissan.
    But like I said, I'm just a blogger, don't make major decisions based on my blog. Do your own research and come to own conclusions.

    1. Why did you feel I am making a decision to start being ready for the Geulah based off your blog? I am making the decision because 2 huge tzaddikim said Moshiach will be here by the first day of Chodesh Nissan. This can be today, tomorrow… or the first day of this Nissan the latest. Why should I not put 100% trust in their word? They have to be right. They know a lot better than me regarding the nevuos and the situation right now.


  3. That's great Zahava, b'hatzlacha !

    1. I thought you wrote that you also trust their word 100% that Moshiach will be here before Nissan? May I ask why you’re wishing me hatzlacha?


  4. You don't want me to wish you hatzlacha? I'm genuinely saying b'hatzlacha!
    You should have success with your plans.
    I'm wishing you well, that's all.

    1. Of course , I’ll also wish you Hatzlacha! I was only asking because hatzlacha felt to me that you didn’t feel 100% confident that these Tzaddikim’s words will come true? That Moshiach will be here before chodesh Nissan.

      I’m not saying anyone needs to pack (we’ll do that when Moshiach comes with great joy), but that’s my way of being more excited.


  5. I already felt this timeline was true before I even saw this video. This video just confirmed it for me.

    All I was trying to say to people generally, not just you Zahava, is that just because I think something....doesn't mean you have to think the same thing. You can have doubts.... but I feel that as we get closer to the time, there are going to be huge things happening, and we will have no doubts left.

    I have a whole blog post I've been meaning to write about what I think is going to happen, but I haven't had time to put it together and in the meantime other things need to be blogged.

  6. I believe moshiach is coming any day. But I don’t believe any Mekubals or any predictions even based on the Zohar or from any blog. Last year there were so many ideas coming from all over pointing to 5783 as the year of moshiach. Only Hashem knows why it didn’t happen. One of the reasons I personally believe that moshiach is not here yet is that He gets much pleasure and happiness from us when we try to do the right thing knowing all the temptations this world has to offer Of course the closer u get to Hashem ur not as tempted I heard u still get rewarded as if u were fighting against a strong yetzer hora . Anyways all these predictions get me so happy and when it doesn’t happen the disappointment is very very strong ( to say the least. )I just wait for him to come and when the day passes I just wait again That wild strong hope and anticipation is not there but then again that anti climax severe depressed let down isn’t there either. For what it’s worth I believe any time this year moshiach will come Malky

  7. Malky: from your mouth to G-d's ears! I hope so.

  8. Zahava, kol hakavod to you. Be"D you have started the process and Hashem should ease your aliya, in the absolute best conditions. The sooner the better.


    1. L.L, this has nothing to do with making Aliyah. This is about packing now because Moshiach is guaranteed to come between now and Rosh Chodesh Nissan.

      We have the words of these great tzaddikim in the video, the sources they bring down, and the many other incredible sources we’ve seen over the last 4 weeks.

      Isn’t it best to be ready with most or all your belongings in case Moshiach comes TODAY, than to pack whenever he comes between now and Rosh Chodesh Nissan? Every Jew will be making Aliyah, as the Torah promises that Moshiach will bring every Jew home with great joy!



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