Tuesday, November 7, 2023

How to be Saved !

 Rabbi Yuval Ovadia spells it out in this video.

From the Zohar [from around 12:30 in the video] - note, I'm mostly quoting Rabbi Ovadia, but have changed some words and added a couple of things to clarify.  Please listen to the shiur to hear his exact words.

"A star with seven moons - a mini solar system in fact - will appear."   [To see all the posts I've done on this "mini solar system" click here]

This is the Kochav Yaakov, although Rabbi Ovadia calls it the Star of David.
Some people call it Nibiru, but there's a whole other theory that Nibiru is just a blue planet, so let's just call it the Kochav Yaakov.
The appearance of this star will be parallel to the revelation of Moshiach.

Although nothing is for sure until it happens, the rise of the jihadists around the world could lead to a war between them and the gentile nations - between Yishmael and Eisav.  Maybe Korea or China will wage war against a xtian country.  During this war, the Star shows up, causing the destruction of many places on earth.

How can we be saved?  The Prophet says anyone who will call out for salvation from the Almighty will be saved.  So many were saved during the massacre of October 7 because they called out to Hashem. These were secular Jews, not religious, and they called Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad - they just said this "Jewish Password", the first line of the Shema, and were literally saved!

He tells an amazing story of how a Jewish family were saved by this Jewish password, around the 15 minute mark, but I do suggest you listen to the entire shiur.


  1. Thanks for the upload.


  2. Hashem bless Rabbi Ovadia,

    I heard and it made me happy very happy .. he included all mankind, who adhere to God.

    Feel stronger now.

    a noahide.

  3. Some information about the Star - which I have just cut and pasted, I don't know who wrote it, it was posted on a Forum. Obviously the length of time they speak about is not necessarily correct.

    The Planet Nibiru (The one that crosses), is planet 6, orbiting a Brown Dwarf, Hercolubus, that is attached to our system (Making us a Binary), and yes again, it has a long orbit, going upwards, between Jupiter & Mars, then around our Sun, and back down, to return in another 3,657-years. NASA, first caught Nibiru coming upwards, into our system, back in 1983, with the IRIS Space camera, using Infrared. NASA caught the Nemesis system, in 2007, but has been very quiet, about it to the public.

    Currently the P7X, Nibiru is enveloped in an extensive and immeasurable cloud of iron oxide, containing all kinds of space debris and moons, the star is being captured by the NASA's SOHO probe similar to the bird, (due to its two tails), named by astronomers as the Nibiru complex. Belonging to the binary planetary system of Nemesis (Hercolubus/ Tylo).

    A magnetic brown dwarf, (the dead sun of Carloz Muñoz Ferrada).

    The P7X, Nibiru, the comet planet of the great Chilean scientist astronomer and seismologist Carloz Muñoz Ferrada, the red planet that in Sumerian design is called the one that crosses or the cruiser, has an orbital plan completely different from the planets of our Solar System, having its extremely elliptical orbit and also defy Kepler's laws, everything we know to date in terrestrial physics.

    The Nibiru complex is currently being monitored by astronomers from Sarasota / Florida / USA. (Mário Valencia-Rojas), also by astrophysicist Dr Sam (Najem Tarek) including this astrophysicist has been monitoring the visiting star for more than 30 years, since his discovery by the NASA infrared space telescope IRAS (1983), as well as by the team of astronomers, Dejan Predojevic , Gianluca Marvosi who have images and videos of telescopic captures with coordinates.

    Emphasizing that in this cyclical cosmic process "There will not be a collision". The interactions will be electromagnetic, interacting with our inner iron core (this interaction has already begun). (less than 1% of humanity is aware of what is happening).

    The intersection of Earth's orbits and P7X, Nibiru occurs about every 3,657 years. Interestingly, once every 25,920 years a rare cosmic alignment between Sun/Earth/P7X and Sagitarius A galactic center occurs. Seismic, volcanic, geophysical activities, weather anomalies, magnetosphere instabilities, auroras, bolides, asteroids are increasing.

    Everything about this planetary meeting will not be disclosed by mainstream media and much less by space agencies.


  4. If the effects of Nibiru's Approach are significant, for Earth, the effects of its tail are also significant..

    The tail is made up of a sequence of moons, of varying sizes, that travel through space and play, around Nibiru. It is also made up of a large number of asteroids, rocks and boulders, whose gravitational and magnetic force have been collecting in its dilated trajectory through space and its passage through the Asteroid Belt...

    And finally, the tail is made up of the smaller and lighter components: pebbles, sandstone, and red iron oxide powder.. And frozen hydrocarbons...
    Then the larger bodies travel in the vicinity of Nibiru, the rector body, while the lighter elements, located towards the end of the tail, are blown out by the solar wind...

    Since Nibiru has a powerful magnetic field, and since in the tail there are a lot of iron-containing bodies, and iron oxide, the tail also has a considerable electromagnetic charge... That is, it acts like a magnetic arm of Nibiru, in the distance..

    Since the tail stretches many millions of kilometers outward, blown by the solar wind, it is natural that one of the first signs of Nibiru's approach to Earth is the arrival of the tail to the neighborhood of the atmosphere come out ... Then, occasionally, Nibiru's tail licks, or wraps, into Earth's atmosphere, generating various effects..

    One of those effects, from our perspective, is that you can sometimes see the Sun surrounded by a strange halo, still with blue and clear sky..

    Sunlight appears to have changed color, to some extent, detail that sensitive people quickly notice.. And the sunburn also gets faster and more intense..
    Occasionally you can see glowing clouds... They are effects of light that illuminates greasy elements, which have reached the atmosphere.. Product of the frozen hydrocarbons contained in the queue...

    It is true that meteorite falling to Earth increases dramatically... The tail of Nibiru is plagued with rocks and boulders, of all sizes..


  5. Occasionally, you can see reddish sunsets, beyond the ordinary, by the play of sunlight and the refraction of light due to the effect of the Earth's gravity and its reflections through the tail of Nibiru, plagued with fine red rust dust made of iron... And sometimes you see the red or brown dust deposits over some flat surfaces, and even dust-reddish rains or snow..
    But, the tail also has an electromagnetic charge, which makes it act like an extended magnetic arm of Nibiru.. And, suddenly, the rocky layers of the Earth, under pressure or traction, with their saltwater turnips inside them, become conductors of electricity...

    Then, sometimes, the tail 'makes land', approaching those conducting elements: it produces a random, localized effect of
    Electromagnetic Pulse which induces failure in nearby electrical and electronic equipment.. Unexplained blackouts in power grids... Temporary, or fatal, faults in electronic, domestic and industrial systems.. Glitches in navigation systems, controls and avionics of aircraft.. Faults, interruptions and intermittencies, on radio and TV, and communication systems.. And others more

    I think we have been witnessing a lot of these phenomena, for quite some time now..
    That couldn't be happening if Nibiru were located beyond the Sun, (as NASA seems to be saying), as in that case the solar wind would blow the tail in the opposite direction, and not towards Earth...

    These phenomena are indicators confirming to us that Nibiru is located somewhere between the Earth and the Sun...
    Later, at some point, abundant red dust will fall, which colors the surface waters and communicates to them a bitter taste.. Just as happened in Egypt in the time of Ramses II..

    The effects of Nibiru tail can be found in all traditions, myths and legends of the original peoples..

    They can be traced to the Bible (Exodus), the Vishuddhi Marga (Tibet), the Avila and Molina (Aztecans), the Kolbrin, and many others..

    Recent Captures by Gianluca Marvosi in Russia - Two Sun/Stars -We have Type M/N class Star - Red Binary Star (Tyche Star System ) it has Stellar Planets Orbiting it - Nemesis Star is Brown Dwarf Star with 7x Planets -Moons - Binary Tri Star Type System - We have Wormwood - Captured Dead Dark Stars & Dark Planets/Dark Cores -Peter UK - Stellar Objects
    Barnard's is a dim red dwarf star, like Gliese
    623 A (M2.5V) and B (M5.8Ve)

    This dim star is the second closest to Sol after Alpha Centauri 3. It is located about 6.0 light-years away in the northernmost part (17:57:48.5+04:41:36.2, ICRS 2000.0) of Constellation Ophiuchus, the Serpent Holder -- west of Cebalrai or Kelb al Rai (Beta Ophiuchi). The star was named after its discoverer, noted astronomer Edward Emerson Barnard (1857-1923), who found in 1916 that the star has the largest known proper motion of all known stars (10.3 arcseconds per year). This high apparent speed is the result of its proximity to Sol as well as actual speed of travel through interstellar space.

    In fact, Barnard's Star is approaching Sol rapidly at 140 kilometers per second (87 miles/second) and will get as close as 3.8 light-years (ly) around 11,800 CE. Like other red dwarfs, however, it is not visible to the naked eye..

  6. Thank you for posting the shiur. It was really amazing.

  7. 1. Every day I pray for the geula shleima berachamim, despite all the horror forecasts. So hope no-one needs to be in a horror situation to be saved from.
    2. In Israel at least most of the so-called secular are not at all, have many mitzvot and good Jewish hearts and knew to cry out shema yisrael. There is a video (prior to, not on hte day) of one of the murdered al kidush hashem, singing elokie neshama shenatata bi, looking secular, singing with great simcha,kavana and emuna. We are all just Jews regardless of all the labels. All the murdered are now in the highest place in shamayim.
    3. It's true that a person who cries out will be saved, at the same time, EY is a place that is safe and protected.(Compare EY/Europe 1920s, 30s, 40s....).
    4. Imho, we should not be thinking just about how to save ourselves, but what zchut we can bring to am yisrael to tip the scales to have the geula shleima. I do not understand people still discussing by Pesach etc, we want and need Moshiach today. How can the urgency of the hour not be felt by Jews?



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