Thursday, November 30, 2023

Closer and Closer

Yesterday we had another gigantic storm, the afternoon turned pitch black [it was about 4 in the afternoon] and we had purple skies and purple lightning.  The blackness was because the sun was completely blocked out by the planet Napisiti, which you can see in the second video below.  I've shown you Napisiti many times before, click here for one of recent posts  and you'll be able to see it is the same.  

At this point, I don't really care if you believe in these planets passing us by.... or not... I just cannot ignore this stuff, and it needs to be documented.  Soon enough everyone will wake up to this and realize that these "clouds" are not just clouds.

They are getting closer and closer, and we are seeing them more frequently, things are really speeding up right now.  Believe it or not, big things are on the horizon, no doubt in my mind anyway.


  1. Why? No-one has put that theory forward, they are just passing by in a totally different eliptical orbit, we go round the sun north to south [for example] and they are going round east to west, cutting through the middle. I don't think I've described that very well, there was a diagram on one of my early posts, I'll try and find it.

  2. Sorry, I deleted my comment that you were responding to. This was it:
    It these planets are traveling between the sun and the earth, it seems that this would only make sense with a flat earth model. Is this correct?

  3. Is the title “Closer and Closer” referring to Moshiach being very close or the cloud storm that seems to be approaching those locations in the photos?


  4. I was referring to the planets, but I guess it's appropriate for both things.
    Didn't notice it until you pointed it out.

  5. ANOTHER terror attack in Eretz Yisrael. AD MOSAI?! How much longer Hashem will you allow your holy nation, holy land, and holy city of Yerushalayim to be defiled by evil sonei yisrael?! When will the Geulah finally come?


  6. Yael, agree with you, it is absolutely unbearable, every second the galut is prolonged.
    It feels like we are being beaten to the point of unconsciousness, only to be revived and beaten again.


  7. Would you please publicise this:

    This motzash at 8pm, tsaaka to Hashem for the geula.


  8. Please watch this even if you don't know Hebrew,

    Harav Bentsion Mutsafi shlita, around 5.55, talking about how they are sifting through the ashes of the houses that were burnt down, to find bits of human bone, in order to bury them. He breaks down in tears, and begs Hashem to redeem us.

    For people asking why do I go on about tsaaka, it's because I see here and elsewhere so much old geula watching from the head, geopolitics, stars etc, when we are far beyond that. We should all be sobbing uncontrollably like a small child who doesn't have daat.


    1. L.L. There isn't a link attached, can you please forward a link? Shabbat Shalom

  9. Tikvah the link is the previous comment

  10. I totally agree. By haman they fasted for 3 days crying and doing teshuva. That’s how we were saved
    Pple r saying we should continue with our lives but Moshiach can come tonight if we beg Hashem and do nothing else malky

  11. I used to tell this to pple years ago but I’m not sure Hashem wants it this way. I remember the story about the 3 or 5 Rabbis who got together to try to force Hashem hand into bringing moshiach right then. ( In 1940s )A snake with a few heads scared them at the cemetery where they were and they realized Hashem wanted them to stop. There r other stories over the years I heard that certain big rabbis could have brought moshiach very easily and somehow it never ever worked out. Because of some tiny detail that they missed. I’m not sure how accurate the stories are Bec I read a lot but I realized that Hashem will is going to be done meaning we as humans don’t have so much control or power to change things. Hashem runs the world the way He wants. Unless we give up something tremendous or we go through a big humiliation . Or we make peace bet pple malky

  12. Annoymous L.L. @ 10:21

    as you say that -'Weather and stars and geopolitical signs are of no interest
    to me'

    You do not need to read about them.... simple...

    Others like me, might not see it your way.


  13. a rabbi from Har Nof just said is so succinctly:
    terror attacks' 1st goal is to terrorize the living. to take away our....everything....2nd is to kill and maim. i'm with all of you, it has been working perfectly. NOW WE MUST, MUST not let them take ANYTHING, not a second longer from us. Veiter brothers and sisters in tefila and Torah, Hashem wants an army.

  14. For me what discredits these images as something relevant is that they are singular events. I look at the moon, the sky and the like regularly, and for 20, 30, 40 years from now in the past, I don't see nothing new or strange. Photographs taken here or there, are not events of universal repercussion as it was the revelation of Mount Sinai, which was felt throughout the world and everyone witnessed or knew what was happening there. Now we are talking about the final redemption. It is not of universal transcendence that one person or a few witness Nibiru, two suns or the like and relying only in videos or photos we must believe.

  15. Edouardo I think that the things people are seeing and photographing are the objects moving into position for something big to occur that everyone will see.
    The ultimate revelations will be universal and there will be no denying, but when will that happen? That's the big question.

  16. Edouardo, Gd just might be using Niburu and other planets like these, to wake people up.

    Its there for all to see, many choose not to see.

    These are signs that something big might happen, and if it does, well the Creator of everything, is the One who can and might use these niburu to destroy the evil that is happening right now, all over the world.

    Things are happening - evil people are also being used perhaps by Hashem, to wake up mankind.

    Like happened in Sinai, is happening again and the earth is shuddering.

    Time for humans to wake up and do teshuva, and acknowledge that the Supreme and Only Creator, does it all. Amen.


  17. LL I actually didn't delete your comment from last week, but I can't find it. I don't know why it's not there, I thought about removing it but I left it there.

    However, it did disturb me, and I am not publishing any more of your psychological warfare links or news. This blog is a safe place, for me and my readers. There are things going on that I cannot deal with and I know others feel the same way. I'm sorry, but there's a limit to what I can take.

  18. LL I also want to let you know that just the sight of your initials at the end of a comment [which I now have to check FIRST, BEFORE I read the entire thing] puts me into flight or fight position. That's how much it affects me.


  19. More bizarre weather. Snow in Hawaii, which is a tropical group of islands.

    On Friday from Newsweek:

    "Nearly half a foot of snow fell at the Mauna Kea Weather Center on Hawaii Island throughout the day on Thursday. Meteorologists shared photos and videos of the snowfall across social media. The images shocked many people who have never seen snow in a tropical climate before."

    C S


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