Sunday, June 9, 2024

Thank G-d

I hope the release of four hostages has given everyone some much needed chizuk.  

I also hope that soon we'll all be celebrating like these guys were, when their friend returned from Gaza.  


annie said...

Bless HaShem… forever

Anonymous said...

Baruch Hashem! It’s truly a miracle.

Anonymous said...

Baruch HaShem

Anonymous said...

I heard from a Rav that the 9 months of arab rule before Moshiach will be over before the 27th or Sivan (final 9 months before Moshiach). We should expect to welcome Moshiach within the next 3-4 weeks!


Gavriela Dvorah said...

Hashem Gadol!

Anonymous said...

Devorah said...

Yitzchok, I don't know what the 9 months of arab rule means, but that date of 27 Sivan equals 271 days since October 7, and 271 is the time of a pregnancy given in the Talmud.

Anonymous said...

yitschok - which Rav?

- yosef

Anonymous said...

Geulah on Shavuot according to the Zohar


Anonymous said...

Ps. .. hopefully this year!
I heard that different Torah sources gives different dates


Anonymous said...

Strangely enough 271 days from 10/7 falls out on July 4th??

Awaiting each day that Mashiach should come!!


Devorah said...

Yes that's when you include the end date, I didn't include the end date which made it 27 Sivan or July 3.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Hashem for everything!!!

Anonymous said...

Gantz stepped down????

Anonymous said...

Benny Gantz resigns from emergency government -- Arutz7


Anonymous said...

The final 9 months (since Oct 7) of golus under the rule of yishmael are coming to an end!!


Anonymous said...

I know! Was just thinking about this over Shabbos. Can’t wait for Moshiach to be here very soon!


Anonymous said...

im confused whats this 9 months thing?


Devorah said...

I don't Yosef, I guess it has something to do with a pregnancy, ending on or around American Independence Day.

How does everyone know that what I am presuming to be Galus Yishmael is ending soon?

Anonymous said...

It has nothing to do with American Independence Day. There’s a negative prophechy that yishmael will rule over Eretz Yisrael for the final 9 months of golus. We have clearly seen that since Oct 7. It ends within a few weeks. We know it because it is logical and many Rabbanim have pointed that Oct 7 was the beginning of the 9 months.


Devorah said...

Ok so now it's making sense. I hope everyone is right and this is the final 9 months.

Gavriela Dvorah said...

I think this is coming from Daniel, interpreting the clay and iron as a partnership between Eisav and Yishmael (which we see), and then Yishmael will destroy the world and head the galut, but because the feet are entirely clay, their rule will not last long, which has been interpreted to be 9 months. This is what I remember. I could be wrong. Probably am.

Anonymous said...

The Biden administration has stated that they are not happy with the hostage rescue operation since it interfere with any possible hostage deal.


Anonymous said...

For what it's worth, American Independence Day this year marks the country's 248th anniversary, or the number of positive commandments.


Devorah said...

Half of Hamas in Rafah beaten, IDF will gain full control in two weeks

In two weeks it will be 26 Sivan, which is pretty close to the 27 Sivan mentioned above.
Just thought it was interesting timing, if it's true.

Gavriela Dvorah said...

Interesting. It's so difficult to sort out the truth these days. Just recently, battalion commanders were quoted as saying that they could have already taken Rafah but that they haven't received the order. It could have been like Khan Younis, a finished operation, they said. Instead they're stuck there fighting guerilla warfare, and as you can see our casualties are mounting. Only Hashem knows.