Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The Window and the Gate

Something that the RaMCHaL [Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto] writes about in his “Ma’amar Ha’Geulah” , an essay on Redemption written when he was 23-years-old, a book about the fundamental concepts of Redemption, the stages, etc. 

Here’s what he writes: 

In the beginning of time--so to speak--when the Jews left Egypt, the Divine energy of the sefirot--Divine forces that create realities - came down in a tremendous amount of Ohr--Light. The RaMCHaL calls it the “Sha’ar”--Gate. It was an opening allowing the Divine energy to come down, especially via the Beit Ha’Mikdash which was able to be the residence of the Shechinah--Divine Presence at an unbelievable level. That’s called the “Gateway.” 

When the Temple was destroyed, however, G-D closed the Gate as part of the onesh--punishment to the Jewish people. But wait! If you close the Gate--meaning you don’t allow the flow of Divine energies of the sefirot--if you stop the flow or inhibit the flow, the Creation is destroyed. There has to be a continuous, persistent flow of Divine energy, Light, that comes into Creation in order for it to exist. Shut the Gate and it is the end of all Creation. 

G-d shut the Gate but, before He closed it fully shutting off all the holy energy, He opened “Windows,” making “holes,” in a spiritual sense, so some energy comes down but not as an enormous expanse with great quantity. It’s coming down in a meager flow and that’s the energy we have as a result of our sins. That’s the concept of galut--exile, when the energy comes through Windows instead of an expansive, open Gate. This continues as the Jews sin. 

The Windows begin to lower. It’s like a house with windows that are painted black but are open. As time goes on, they slowly shut until there is almost no light entering the house. As the galut--exile proceeds and worsens as the sins of the Jews get worse, the Windows keep descending. If they shut completely, the entire beriah--Creation dissolves, vanishes. As sin continues the Windows close until the light is a sliver of a slit. That slit will sustain the entire Creation. This is what the galut is and has become. Before the Window closes completely, the Gate opens and the energy of the sefirot comes through the Gate with collossal volume and power. That’s the geulah--Redemption. The RaMCHaL uses this analogy. 

As the Windows close, that is the Darkness we see around us, the encroaching Darkness. Now we understand the concept of the “Windows” and the “Gate” and the galut being about the slow descent of the Windows creating a stark and terrible void, an absence of ruchniut--spirituality.

People don’t know their Torah. That is what “Darkness” is. 

Sources: Excerpt from Rabbi Mendel Kessin's shiur, "Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #90: Rav Chaim Kanievsky ztl-A Living Safer Torah Given: March 28, 2022,

1 comment:

  1. Astounding definition from the Ramchal! Yes, it is true. We must do mitzvos like digging in the dirt for diamonds. There's not so much time left. K'fitzas haderech- Hashem is speeding up the time. When we do Hashem's will and take it truly to heart we release The Shechina from golus that is within us.


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