Friday, September 20, 2024

The Light of the Moon

"... the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold...."  Isaiah 30:26

They are trying to distract everyone by arresting and jailing someone very public, who they've known about for a very long time.... but they were waiting for an opportune time, such as now, in order to distract people from what is going on above their heads.  

Have a look at these two videos of the moon last night.

And here's a few recent photos of the sun, and another object that you can see in the third photo, I guess that's the "asteroid" they talk about, but they said that was next to the moon.... not the sun.... maybe they're confused as well. 

A woman in Belvidere, Illinois took this photo of a
hummingbird, but it's not the hummingbird I'm looking at - it's the sun.


Birmingham UK

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