Thursday, September 26, 2024

Praying at the Kever of a Tzaddik

Art: SRG

by Rabbi Benjy Simons

In Parshat Shelach, the incident of the spies is told over in great length, and we have the first historical record of the concept of praying by a grave site. Rashi mentions that Calev who was the representative of the Tribe of Yehuda goes to Chevron to pray by the graves of the Patriarchs, which later became included in the tribal portion of Yehuda. He was concerned that he may be enticed by his colleagues who wished to disparage the Land of Israel, and unlike Yehoshua who received a name change and specific prayers from Moshe, Calev needed to draw down his own blessings for strength and fortitude (see Sotah 34b). 

While the Halachic commentators debate what exactly is permissible when interceding with those who have passed on, the Gemara (Ta’anis 16a) records the custom to go out on fast days to (Jewish) cemeteries and have those who have passed on to pray on our behalf. The Midrash (Sefer HaYashar Vayeishev Ch. 8) also records that Yosef prayed by his mother Rachel’s tomb when being brought down to Egypt in chains and that Ya’akov himself buried Rachel on the road to Bethlehem to enable her to pray on behalf of her children who would go into exile after the destruction of the First Temple (see Rashi to Bereishis 48:7). The Arizal writes that there exists a special energy at the grave of a Tzaddik and the Chasam Sofer equates the sanctity of a Kever with that of a Shule. 

The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch (128:13) writes in the context of the custom of visiting a cemetery on Erev Rosh Hashanah, that it is important that we not direct our prayers to the deceased, but rather may it be in their merit that we receive blessings and success. He writes that were one to pray to the deceased directly, one may be in violation of the prohibition of ‘inquiring of the dead’, and perhaps connected to why we do not know were Moshe is buried today, due to the concern that it would become a shrine and potentially likened to necromancy. 

The Zohar (Vayikra 70b) writes that when the world needs mercy and we are dwelling in pain, we go and notify those sleeping in Chevron and Hashem will do their desire and have mercy on the world. May we merit that all our prayers are answered and those who have passed on intercede on our behalf.

The Lubavitcher Rebbe would often answer requests by saying that he would pray for the person at the grave of his father-in-law, the previous Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak.

The following is extracted from "Not Just Stories" by Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski MD
Published by Shaar Press

Every person has a direct line with G-d, and we are not permitted to pray to intermediaries. Indeed, the propriety of prayers where we appear to be asking for blessings from angels or for their intervention on our behalf, is the subject of debate, and must be interpreted in such a way that does not violate our basic belief that we relate only to G-d as the One from Whom everything emanates.

Yes, there is also the concept of faith in a tzaddik, which is derived from the verse in Exodus [14:31] "They had faith in G-d and in Moses, His servant". The sages derived from this verse that believing in the leader of Israel is equivalent to believing in the Creator [Mechilta]. In addition, the Talmud states that if there is a sick person in one's household, let him go to a chacham [a wise man] to pray for his recovery [Bava Basra 116a]. Inasmuch as everyone has a direct contact with G-d and we do not work through intermediaries, why is the prayer of a tzaddik more potent that one's own prayer?

There are several ways in which we can understand the concept of faith in a tzaddik. First and foremost is that the opinion of a wise man, a tzaddik, as a Torah authority, must be accepted and followed even if we are in disagreement with it [Sifri, Deut 17:11].

There is also a concept of receiving a blessing from a tzaddik and this has its basis in a statement from G-d to Abraham "And you will be a blessing" [Gen 12:2] which the Midrash interprets to mean that G-d gave Abraham the power to bless people, and that gift has been given to other tzaddikim as well. Nevertheless, a person must understand that even though the tzaddik conveys the blessing, the origin of the blessing is G-d.

A woman once came to Rabbi Mordechai of Chernobel, pleading for a blessing to have a child. To the amazement of the bystanders, the Rabbi, who was exceptionally kind and benevolent, said brusquely to her "I'm sorry, I cannot help you". The woman left the room tearful and broken hearted.

Noting the bewilderment of his chassidim, Rabbi Mordechai said "Just wait a few moments, then go find the woman and bring her back here." The chassidim did as they were told and when the woman came back, the Rabbi asked her "What did you do when you left here?"

The woman replied "I turned my eyes to Heaven and I said "Dear G-d, the Rabbi refuses to help me. Now You are my only hope. Bless me that I have a child."

Rabbi Mordechai said to the chassidim "This woman believed that I had magical powers, and she was trusting in me rather than in G-d. When I refused her request, she placed her trust in G-d where it belongs. She will now be blessed with a child."

The primary function of a tzaddik is to assist people in the proper service of G-d, to help them recognize their character defects and show them how to do teshuvah.

The power of a tzaddik is in his strong belief in G-d, and anyone who has that strong a belief can bring about similar results. When the tzaddik prays for a sick person, for example, and says that G-d is the healer of the sick, his belief is so strong that it actually brings down the Divine healing upon the person. In fact, said Rabbi Mordechai, the prime reason for having a relationship with a tzaddik is to learn how to perfect one's belief in G-d.


  1. R Ron Chaya shiur on moshiach and geulah part 2😀

    Including talk about the star. Will translate it later today.


  2. What do you think about this documentary We will dance again ?


  3. It says it's a "harrowing documentary" about Oct 7. That's something I couldn't watch. Just a personal thing.

  4. Translation from FR to EN of R Ron Chaya latest shiur, see above, the main points: So we're at war with,
    Hezbollah is Arabic for Go-d's troops.
    Nasralla is Arabic for the winner in God's Name. May their names be erased. In 48 h 50% of their weapons doesn't exist anymore, almost all the commanders have been killed, the story of the beepers: 500 blinded, 1000s injured, many deads twice cuz they are giving wrong numbers. Ie. We're heading towards victory . Why is it so urgent for me to talk to you? Cuz the israeli chief of staff has said that they the idf hasn't used all it forces, and yesterday Halevi has said that they were now gonna increase their attacking power. Hezbollah have 250 thousand missiles, now half is gone but they have not yet used their precision missiles , that.. are way more dangerous than the regular missiles that they're using now to attack haifa, tel Aviv, akko etc. and US gov members have written re it that these missiles are Iranian missiles that were put in Lebanon to be used if Israel were to attack iran in order to destroy their atomic centres.. These same members of US gov have said that Iran is waiting in case their two platforms, ie Gaza in the south and Hezbollah in the north , now only Hezbollah remains.. the US gov members wrote that if Iran will see that Hezbollah will start to disappear, hezbollah won't accept that and will start using these missiles. In this case say these members of US gov the US will have to attack iran. But if Iran will start attacking israel, Israel won't have a choice but intervene which is why the US has in the last days brought many troops to the region . Since Halevi has said yesterday that the idf will increase its intensity we are getting there for sure. In a few days or a few hours Hezbollah will have lost, Iran won't let it happen and it will attack , the US will attack, and when Iran attacks it will probably do so with the help of china, Russia, Korea, and the chances are big that we're then heading to a world war. That's the geopolitical analysis.
    ... Continuation in next post,

  5. .. continuation of translation of Ron Chaya shiur, see above:

    Gemara, Tractate avodah zarah: two nations will last till the messianic era: Rome and Persia. Rome ie. Not Rome of Italy but the continuation of the western civilization, ie. America. And chances are big that according to the Zohar that I cited this coming shabbat or Friday afternoon the 'king of Rome will die' , as written, could be spiritually only, like he loses his power in heaven. Tosfot: impossible that Persia will last till the messianic era cuz there's a Gemara in tractate yoma page 10: Persia will fall in the hands of Rome . Tosfot replies: it will happen just before the messianic era/moshiach. When Persia will attack Israel, as the US wrote, see above, they'll have to intervene... it's the end, moshiach comes! So understand that we are there be'ezrat Hashem! Everything aligned: the era, the texts, ..
    At this weekend must appear a new star in the sky, people wrote to the rav after his last class wherein he also talked about the star: an invisible astroid will circle around the moon for 60 days, not so significant. However there's a Nova , a small star that will explode and will be visible from earth , next to the polar star, and this star exploded 3000 yrs ago in the era of the giving of the Torah so that now it can appear, and the Zohar the rav cited last time, p212 parsha balak: ellul 25, ie. this coming shabbat a new star will start shining in the sky , for 60 days there will be wars in the entire world, and moshiach will come. That is one of the options.
    Other options that we hope: tikunei Zohar: on Rosh Hashanah the decree of the enemies of Go-d will end. It can go very rapidly, see part one above about the wars, in a few minutes everything can end. It seems inevitable to the rav. In his last class he has explained why a cording to rav steinman it can happen by Hanukkah but, it can also happen before Hanukkah! ... Continuation in next post below,

    1. BH
      Thank you very much for taking the time to translate the Rabbi Shuir.

    2. Thank you so much for translating and posting! Rav Chaya's words bring me hope and encouragement.. (And also doubtlessly, to many others)

      C S

    3. Wow, I never thought of Hezbollah as Edom, but any chance that this could be referring to Nasrallah??

  6. Devorah I can only continue to translate after you post what I've already translated so far,

  7. Amazing thank you so much Dave. It's Friday morning my time, so very close to the possible appearance of the Star.

  8. Thousands of Israelis in central Israel are in bomb shelters now.
    Continuing the translation ..

  9. Already twice blogger has deleted part 3 of the translation. Dave

  10. .. part 3 of translation of R Ron Chaya shiur:

    So, we don't know exactly when it will be. Rumor but the rav hasn't verified it: the yanuka, hopes to be in his soukah this soukoth with moshiach be'ezrat Hashem. So, it's very very close. It's up to us to make a very big teshuva, after moshiach will arrive it won't be possible anymore; b. To tell everyone listen you don't lose anything, at least do teshuva now for the holy days cuz maybe moshiach will come now, maybe we'll be in a world war, get moving a bit !!
    Now, what will now happen in Israel. The real enemy of Israel is the erev rav, ie. Jews that have a special soul that want the end of the Jewish people and they have the mastery over all key positions in Israel: justice, media, army etc. And the tikunei Zohar talks a lot about them, says when moshiach comes, the erev rav will disappear at once but if Iran will attack, there will be an big earthquake, big changes in Israel .
    Other option: moshiach comes in peace, without any spilling of blood, with peace and happiness, that's what we're hoping and praying for.
    Continuation in part 4 below,

  11. ..Part 4 of translation of Rav Ron Chaya shiur:
    In any case, we've always talked about the coming of moshiach, now that's it we're there and re geopolitics I just talked about, (see part one above) it's all written: midrash: R Yitzhak said the year when moshiach comes, the king of Iran is in conflict with the king of Arabia, ie Saudi Arabia, are sunites and Iran are Shiites, hate each other extraordinarily. The king of Arabia will consult ie ask advice in the west, by Edom. Arabia has a close alliance with america and they have no army, they have almost nothing. Have done some pact in the past with the Americans, who, have committed to protect them .. from there the strong presence of Americans in the region presently. Boats, tanks, Marines etc. The midrash continues: Iran returns and destroys the entire world. The rav asks how possible? Reply: it's enough that Iran attacks the petrol fields of the Saudis and it's over: the stock market explodes, world wide economic crash and finish. .. midrash: and all the nations of the world fall on their faces, like contractions like a woman that gives birth and B'nai yisrael too, .. panick and Hashem days my children don't fear, your time of redemption has arrived , everything I've done I've done for you, don't worry, everything will be alright. So we see now an attack by Iran that seems very very close.. Continued in part 5 below,

  12. I hope the king of Rome will be Putin. R. Kessin mentions that Rome is also known as Edom and is America (tov), Russia (ra), and Europe. Putin is very deadly and threatened now the west for supporting Ukraine. He will use nuclear weapons against any supporters of Ukraine (western countries). So, maybe Biden, maybe the Pope, and maybe Putin. But, if I would be able to choose...let it be Putin!

  13. Part 5 of translation of R Ron Chaya shiur in Jerusalem, the holy capital:

    ..So, what do we have to do? We've to get moving, each one of us, and get others to move, and tell those who are far from the Torah that if they're at least progressing they may be saved cuz not every Jew(ess) will be saved (note from me Dave: the Lubavitcher Rebbe, R M. Mendel Schneerson disagrees with that).
    3000 years ago, when one saw a prophet he or she would pass away so/ but now who will be able to see moshiach?! Merits are necessary!! I (rav Chayah) think that Hashem will put the bar very low but there's a minimum you need to be at..If someone knows, his responsibility it bigger... We must tell our fellow listen chances are that it's the end, don't do full teshuva, just one month, start to observe Judaism a little bit, maybe it will save him be'ezrat Hashem. Baruch Hashem amen and amen.

    ---- end of translation ----


  14. The translation is what we read but it doesn't have to necessarily be that way.
    The more teshuvah that is being done by our people and even from the goyim has a great impact on the Geulah. The ones behind the evil and basically we all know who they are and they will be the recipients of all the punishments. H' is All Merciful and we need to cry out and daven and, hopefully, the Geulah will come k'heref ayin with great kindness and mercy.

  15. Moshe , geulah with great mercy is an option that rav mentioned. See at the end of part 3 . Good news



  17. The prime Minister in his speech at the UN invoked Moses and said it has been 40 years since he came to the UN. He also spoke about 7 fronts reminding me in Deuteronomy that they will attack but they will flee in 7 directions.

  18. Netanyahu and the Rebbe and the United Nations
    "You can stay here until the arrival of the Messiah"


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