Thank you Anonymous, that You Tube link is a video about the Star. Again he is saying it's possible this year, but again he doesn't know for sure. I have only seen the first few minutes of the video.
I didn't realise that Rabbi Kessin's video was only 5 minutes long, I thought it was a new lecture. Anyway, I have no interest in anymore Trump miracles right now, I'm over the whole Trump/Harris thing, and I'd be happy if I never heard their names again. Bring on Moshiach and the Kochav Yaakov, nothing else will do.
IF you count the 70 days from 25 Elul - that is the 70 days that the Star is supposed to be seen - it ends on my Hebrew birthday 7 Kislev. how amazing :) That would just be the icing on the cake for me.
There was another rabbi who said it would end on 12 Kislev but that rabbi didn't count the 70 days properly.
Devorah, in a big reader of your blog. May I ask why you don’t care for Trump anymore? He’s one of the best presidents for Israel and the Jewish nation, and America that America has ever had.
BH Trump spoke at the RJC a few days ago, some of his statements about Eretz Yisroel were so outlandish. While being the 45 President of the United States he did help Eretz Yisroel and the Jewish people in America in many circumstances. But the man’s is definitely pompous and has tremendous givah. I’m not interested in his personal life or how he conducts himself, only what he accomplished and will accomplish. Eretz Yisroel will continue to be the homeland of the Jewish people forever, without his help. We trust only in HaShem and only HaShem will save the Jewish people and Eretz Yisroel. His speech was very disappointing and I was disgusted with him after.
@ Anonymous at 10:34am, I didn't watch his speech at the RJC, but did hear him speak at a rally a couple of days ago. He said something about Israel that upset me very much, so I'm guessing you heard him make a similar remark at the RJC. He's never said anything like that before, and I've been watching him closely for the last 9 years. Now, I really appreciate the man, and have been a big supporter since 2016. But when he made that remark, my immediate thought was: be careful, Mr. President! Watch your tongue! Israel is eternal, and will continue no matter who is in office. *sigh*, I hope one of his Jewish advisors sets him straight and he drops this line from him future speeches.
It's not that I don't care for him, I just can't bear all the election stuff, it goes on and on and on....the outcome is in Hashem's Hands, I don't need to keep up with whatever happens between now and then, unless it's Geula related.
I’m so excited for Trump making America great again in 2025-2029 so that Moshiach will come in 2029 or later to an Edom that is raised up, as the Torah prophecies said will happen right before Moshiach. It’s hard accepting that Moshiach can not come now because Edom is down but we can stay strong until Moshiach comes in 2029 or later.
I also want to add, that it can come much sooner , but not before Jan/Feb 2025, as Trump has things to do make America (Edom) great. However, it’s unfortunate that Moshiach can not come today, as that would go against the many prophecies of Edom being raised up at the time Moshiach is here. And we are B’itoh so it can not come without that prophechy fulfilled. If Trump gets things done fast, we can be hopefully for MBD this coming February, the earliest.
Why do people make assumptions about when Moshiach is coming, it’s very wrong.. Unless you are a hidden Tzadik or a mystic you should not be calculating the dates of his arrival. People are desperately waiting for him ever moment of the day, some their lives hanging by a thread and you make predictions for months or years later.
Rabbi Kessin has talked about this topic and question very extensively. I am sure you have watched some of his lectures about why Trump has to come back as president to raise up Edom.
Yes I know Rabbi Kessin says it but I can't remember if he quoted the source. If anyone knows the source in the Torah, or the Zohar, of this idea that Edom is raised up at the time of Moshiach, can you please let us know. Because if that is REALLY the case, then obviously Trump will triumph, and after all the words Trump and Triumph are very similar, and I can't imagine a world where there is a Kamala person in the White House, that would be too much to bear. Anyway I just want to know where this idea of Edom rising up comes from. Otherwise I'm going to have to go back and read all the transcripts of Rabbi Kessin's lectures to try and see if he mentions it.
I guess they make assumptions because it's a process and certain things have to occur before we see Moshiach. Whilst many people, especially in Israel, did teshuva after October 7, we are far from a righteous generation, and Moshiach's arrival depends on either people doing teshuva, or a whole lot of suffering. That is my understanding, and also these are things Rabbi Kessin has spoken about as well. I know we all say Moshiach can come any day, but in order for that to happen there has to be a corresponding effort from below to make it happen, and that is probably why we have been afflicted with intense suffering right now, with the hostages etc.
Are you saying that Moshiach can not come today and we have to wait until there is a lot more Teshuva done? Because I don’t see how there will be a lot more Teshuva done it Oct 7 didn’t create the amount of Teshuva you have in mind
That's what I think, doesn't mean I'm right. All the suffering is replacing the teshuva. There must be an end to the suffering, we just don't know when.
According to R Ron Chaya (RRC) we are very very very very close to the geulah. When an invited person is expected to come somewhere we must wait for him. RRC heard from someone who's connected to social networks that today the People, ie. everyone , religious , secular, are waiting for moshiach. At the funeral of murdered hostage Danino, there were 1000 ppl and all the speakers wished for moshiach to come and everyone replied amen! The People want geulah. RRC believes at least 3 million ppl are currently waiting for moshiach and those that are working in social networks told RRC that am yisrael is doing teshuva . According to a social study done by a secular org, since Oct 7 39% of Israelis have done teshuva. The real % is even way higher than than. Gemara: moshiach can only come through teshuva and if there's no teshuva Hashem puts a king that's harsh as Haman (part of Paras, today Iran) and ppl make teshuva comes out of fear. Now there is teshuva. The book of Zohar gives different options, dates, of when moshiach can come and in one Zohar it says that on ellul 25 a" star " will start to shine in the middle of the sky, without moving, with 70 "stars" around it, for 70 days, 70 represents the 70 neshamot descendant of Yaakov, that went down to Egypt. On day 1/70 the king of Rome will "die" (" " cuz these could maybe just happen spiritually) . That very same day three surrounding walls ('klipot')will fall in Rome . During 70 days there will be wars in the entire world . A powerful king will rise and make war left and right. On day 70 (12 of Kislev) an earthquake around Jerusalem , 40 km (possibly allegorical ) and a cave will get revealed out of which a fire will emanate and moshiach will reveal himself and that's the end. This 25 ellul will fall on shabbat. This year it is the case, that date falls on shabbat ! Just one option.. The gaon of vilna on tikunei Zohar: on Rosh Hashanah it will be the end of the "sentence" of Go-d's enemies. Go-d will avenge himself from all those who've hurt am yisrael and their end will be on Rosh Hashanah if it's the right date. Reb aharon steinman , a big rav of this generation, died at age approx 106, huge rabbi, and never talked before about possible dates, predicted in the past to some parents that by the time their 11 yr old son will be 18 he won't have to go to the army ( and could study Torah) because moshiach will be here. Well now the son is past 17.5 years.. Geulah can even happen in ellul the month of teshuva. Re. The Iranian threat: they are afraid to attack . In Tosfot sefer , on first page, 'avodah zarah', it says at the end of time Hashem takes a sefer Torah and says that everyone who's been busy with that that they should come one by one in order to get rewarded.All the nations come, Rome (possibly america) , Persia (Iran today) etc and Hashem tells everyone after hearing them that everything they've done only for themselves He fires them. Both Persia and Rome will last till the end of time . Tosfot asks , is written in yoma 10, in the future Persia and Rome will fight and Persia will fall into the hands of Rome , Persia will get annihilated by the Romans but if one says that these two nations will last till the messianic era it's a contradiction . Tosfot answers: it will happen, Persia will fall in the hands of Rome just before the messianic if there's a war btw Iran and america and Persia is beaten by america moshiach is here. It can happen now within one second of RRCs talk. RRC : we should all do teshuva and we'll get redeemed amen and amen!
The link Yaakov posted has English subtitles if you are able to navigate to them. Thanks Yaakov. We want the Star on 25 Elul and we want Moshiach soon after.
Not only politics here, there, everywhere, I stop myself from reading anything negative. I don't think I need to 'be aware' of what the evil are doing. It's all been done before. I prefer Torah learning. We learn we must kill ourselves for Torah a rav I heard said it best. Kill all the outside influences. Torah Torah Torah. -leah
It should also be considered that the work of God’s servants, including the Mashiach's work, is primarily a work for SHAMAYIM. It is a silent work, sometimes hard work. He needs our daily prayers. We all want to see it, but it is mainly Hashem that sees it. This is already happening. I think the Hashem servants have already begun their work in their places, but this is for heaven. Here on earth, it will only be perceived much later by ordinary people. A very wise eye maybe could be able to understand it. But in general, as happened in the redemption before, it was not noticed at the time things were happening, it was written LATER and this is also a divine providence that "protects" them. The most we can do is observe the effects around us, that appoint the arrival of the King. We can also pray. Each one can do his part on tefilah, teshuvah e tsedakah. I am praying and I hope you also do this! Stay strong! 💜
So what is Trump’s biggest mistake that may truly lose him the 2024 election?
It is his repeated assertions that, if Kamala Harris is elected, then Israel will be gone in two years. He has been saying it over and over again. As much as I support and praise all he has done for Israel, and will continue doing if reelected, it is not because of him that Israel exists or that the U.S. embassy now is in Jerusalem. It is because, like Cyrus and Darius of the Bible, he merited from G-d the opportunity to be G-d’s messenger on earth to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to move the embassy. Reagan perhaps was chosen beforehand to have that opportunity but died without bringing that merit with him to the Afterlife. Trump has been uniquely blessed by G-d to have had the opportunity to bring the Camp David Accords to fruition. But it was not he who did it alone. It was G-d Who guided his success.
I fear that Trump’s constant asseertion that he alone can ensure Israel’s survival and that, if Harris is elected, Israel will not make it, practically dares the L-rd G-d King of the universe to manifest Who is in charge. And I fear that would lead to Harris getting elected just so that G-d can demonstrate that He alone ultimately guards Israel and no one else. We as humans are required by our faith and religion to do all we can in our power to advance G-d’s cause and His expectations, but only He directs the ultimate success or failure.
Literally 5 minutes ago I was listening to a Trump speech in California (I believe). He just repeated his assertion about Israel not existing in 2 years if he's not elected. Even before reading what you posted above by Rabbi Dov Fischer, I shut off the livestream of his speech and said, "you will lose this election because of this assertion, Trump!". Then I came here and happened to see your post. This is all so distressing and depressing.
Does anybody have a connection to Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump? Perhaps it would be helpful to get in touch with them and request that they speak to Trump re: stopping this nonsense about Israel ceasing to exist unless he is elected. The hubris of that assertion is off the charts. I'm guessing he thinks he's doing a good thing by expressing the urgency of the situation. But he needs to do it without - as Rabbi Fischer put it - daring the King of the Universe to manifest Who is in charge.
Not likely, Anonymous at 6:49pm. He was raised xtian, and I'm sure he doesn't think he's the second coming of the J-man. He tends to talk in hyperbole about everything, so maybe this is just another exaggeration to make a point.
What do you expect from a Goy who does not understand that HaShem runs the world when starting 74 yrs ago 6 million Jews were brutally murdered in the holocaust, we have no known number of how many Jews were brutally murdered by Stalinist Russia, the Pogrom in Chevron in 1929, the huge Antisemitism from so many so called educated Western Countries, the stated goal of the Arabs to destroy Eretz Yisroel and attempt to kill every Jew in the world. To the Goyim, they are in control and do whatever they want without any consequence and hence Past President Trump can only speak from the Goyish perspective and he cannot speak any other way and NO Goy really understands that HaShem runs the world the way he wants to all the time.
President Trump is seeing HaShems divine intervention on his life… not understanding exactly what he’s seeing… but he knows something very important is expected of him from The Divine Creator… he may just bluntly speak out what he thinks he’s understanding, but President Trump needs a Rabbi that is God fearing and Torah observant to speak to concerning these things… I wish Rabbi Kessin could/would be the one … just my humble opinion…
Rav Dov Ber Pinson - you might need to turn up the volume for this two minute lesson
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"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
Not sure I can listen to this one, I now avoid anything to do with US elections, but I'm sure it's of interest to many people.
ReplyDeleteYou and me both Devorah... and I live in the states...
ReplyDeleteIt's only five minutes long. And it appears to be recorded right after the assassination attempt. It doesn't bring into account more recent events.
ReplyDeletebreaking news :
ReplyDeleteThank you Anonymous, that You Tube link is a video about the Star. Again he is saying it's possible this year, but again he doesn't know for sure. I have only seen the first few minutes of the video.
ReplyDeleteI didn't realise that Rabbi Kessin's video was only 5 minutes long, I thought it was a new lecture. Anyway, I have no interest in anymore Trump miracles right now, I'm over the whole Trump/Harris thing, and I'd be happy if I never heard their names again.
ReplyDeleteBring on Moshiach and the Kochav Yaakov, nothing else will do.
IF you count the 70 days from 25 Elul - that is the 70 days that the Star is supposed to be seen - it ends on my Hebrew birthday 7 Kislev. how amazing :) That would just be the icing on the cake for me.
ReplyDeleteThere was another rabbi who said it would end on 12 Kislev but that rabbi didn't count the 70 days properly.
Devorah, in a big reader of your blog. May I ask why you don’t care for Trump anymore? He’s one of the best presidents for Israel and the Jewish nation, and America that America has ever had.
DeleteTrump spoke at the RJC a few days ago, some of his statements about Eretz Yisroel were so outlandish.
While being the 45 President of the United States he did help Eretz Yisroel and the Jewish people in America in many circumstances. But the man’s is definitely pompous and has tremendous givah. I’m not interested in his personal life or how he conducts himself, only what he accomplished and will accomplish. Eretz Yisroel will continue to be the homeland of the Jewish people forever, without his help.
We trust only in HaShem and only HaShem will save the Jewish people and Eretz Yisroel. His speech was very disappointing and I was disgusted with him after.
@ Anonymous at 10:34am, I didn't watch his speech at the RJC, but did hear him speak at a rally a couple of days ago. He said something about Israel that upset me very much, so I'm guessing you heard him make a similar remark at the RJC. He's never said anything like that before, and I've been watching him closely for the last 9 years. Now, I really appreciate the man, and have been a big supporter since 2016. But when he made that remark, my immediate thought was: be careful, Mr. President! Watch your tongue! Israel is eternal, and will continue no matter who is in office. *sigh*, I hope one of his Jewish advisors sets him straight and he drops this line from him future speeches.
DeleteIt's not that I don't care for him, I just can't bear all the election stuff, it goes on and on and on....the outcome is in Hashem's Hands, I don't need to keep up with whatever happens between now and then, unless it's Geula related.
ReplyDeleteI’m so excited for Trump making America great again in 2025-2029 so that Moshiach will come in 2029 or later to an Edom that is raised up, as the Torah prophecies said will happen right before Moshiach. It’s hard accepting that Moshiach can not come now because Edom is down but we can stay strong until Moshiach comes in 2029 or later.
I also want to add, that it can come much sooner , but not before Jan/Feb 2025, as Trump has things to do make America (Edom) great. However, it’s unfortunate that Moshiach can not come today, as that would go against the many prophecies of Edom being raised up at the time Moshiach is here. And we are B’itoh so it can not come without that prophechy fulfilled. If Trump gets things done fast, we can be hopefully for MBD this coming February, the earliest.
Why do people make assumptions about when Moshiach is coming, it’s very wrong.. Unless you are a hidden Tzadik or a mystic you should not be calculating the dates of his arrival. People are desperately waiting for him ever moment of the day, some their lives hanging by a thread and you make predictions for months or years later.
DeleteDo you happen to know where exactly it says that Edom will be "raised up" at the time of Moshiach?
ReplyDeleteRabbi Kessin has talked about this topic and question very extensively. I am sure you have watched some of his lectures about why Trump has to come back as president to raise up Edom.
Yes I know Rabbi Kessin says it but I can't remember if he quoted the source. If anyone knows the source in the Torah, or the Zohar, of this idea that Edom is raised up at the time of Moshiach, can you please let us know. Because if that is REALLY the case, then obviously Trump will triumph, and after all the words Trump and Triumph are very similar, and I can't imagine a world where there is a Kamala person in the White House, that would be too much to bear.
ReplyDeleteAnyway I just want to know where this idea of Edom rising up comes from. Otherwise I'm going to have to go back and read all the transcripts of Rabbi Kessin's lectures to try and see if he mentions it.
I guess they make assumptions because it's a process and certain things have to occur before we see Moshiach. Whilst many people, especially in Israel, did teshuva after October 7, we are far from a righteous generation, and Moshiach's arrival depends on either people doing teshuva, or a whole lot of suffering. That is my understanding, and also these are things Rabbi Kessin has spoken about as well.
ReplyDeleteI know we all say Moshiach can come any day, but in order for that to happen there has to be a corresponding effort from below to make it happen, and that is probably why we have been afflicted with intense suffering right now, with the hostages etc.
Are you saying that Moshiach can not come today and we have to wait until there is a lot more Teshuva done? Because I don’t see how there will be a lot more Teshuva done it Oct 7 didn’t create the amount of Teshuva you have in mind
That's what I think, doesn't mean I'm right. All the suffering is replacing the teshuva. There must be an end to the suffering, we just don't know when.
ReplyDeleteAccording to rav Ron Chaya the teshuva is happening now. According to a social study at least 39% of Israelis have done teshuva since October 7.
ReplyDeleteAccording to R Ron Chaya (RRC) we are very very very very close to the geulah.
When an invited person is expected to come somewhere we must wait for him. RRC heard from someone who's connected to social networks that today the People, ie. everyone , religious , secular, are waiting for moshiach. At the funeral of murdered hostage Danino, there were 1000 ppl and all the speakers wished for moshiach to come and everyone replied amen! The People want geulah. RRC believes at least 3 million ppl are currently waiting for moshiach and those that are working in social networks told RRC that am yisrael is doing teshuva . According to a social study done by a secular org, since Oct 7 39% of Israelis have done teshuva. The real % is even way higher than than. Gemara: moshiach can only come through teshuva and if there's no teshuva Hashem puts a king that's harsh as Haman (part of Paras, today Iran) and ppl make teshuva comes out of fear. Now there is teshuva.
The book of Zohar gives different options, dates, of when moshiach can come and in one Zohar it says that on ellul 25 a" star " will start to shine in the middle of the sky, without moving, with 70 "stars" around it, for 70 days, 70 represents the 70 neshamot descendant of Yaakov, that went down to Egypt. On day 1/70 the king of Rome will "die" (" " cuz these could maybe just happen spiritually) . That very same day three surrounding walls ('klipot')will fall in Rome . During 70 days there will be wars in the entire world . A powerful king will rise and make war left and right. On day 70 (12 of Kislev) an earthquake around Jerusalem , 40 km (possibly allegorical ) and a cave will get revealed out of which a fire will emanate and moshiach will reveal himself and that's the end. This 25 ellul will fall on shabbat. This year it is the case, that date falls on shabbat ! Just one option..
The gaon of vilna on tikunei Zohar: on Rosh Hashanah it will be the end of the "sentence" of Go-d's enemies. Go-d will avenge himself from all those who've hurt am yisrael and their end will be on Rosh Hashanah if it's the right date.
Reb aharon steinman , a big rav of this generation, died at age approx 106, huge rabbi, and never talked before about possible dates, predicted in the past to some parents that by the time their 11 yr old son will be 18 he won't have to go to the army ( and could study Torah) because moshiach will be here. Well now the son is past 17.5 years..
Geulah can even happen in ellul the month of teshuva.
Re. The Iranian threat: they are afraid to attack . In Tosfot sefer , on first page, 'avodah zarah', it says at the end of time Hashem takes a sefer Torah and says that everyone who's been busy with that that they should come one by one in order to get rewarded.All the nations come, Rome (possibly america) , Persia (Iran today) etc and Hashem tells everyone after hearing them that everything they've done only for themselves He fires them. Both Persia and Rome will last till the end of time . Tosfot asks , is written in yoma 10, in the future Persia and Rome will fight and Persia will fall into the hands of Rome , Persia will get annihilated by the Romans but if one says that these two nations will last till the messianic era it's a contradiction . Tosfot answers: it will happen, Persia will fall in the hands of Rome just before the messianic if there's a war btw Iran and america and Persia is beaten by america moshiach is here. It can happen now within one second of RRCs talk.
RRC : we should all do teshuva and we'll get redeemed amen and amen!
ReplyDeleteMoshiach is close. The contractions are painful but soon the birth
The link Yaakov posted has English subtitles if you are able to navigate to them. Thanks Yaakov. We want the Star on 25 Elul and we want Moshiach soon after.
ReplyDeleteNot only politics here, there, everywhere, I stop myself from reading anything negative. I don't think I need to 'be aware' of what the evil are doing. It's all been done before. I prefer Torah learning. We learn we must kill ourselves for Torah a rav I heard said it best. Kill all the outside influences. Torah Torah Torah.
3 weeks until 25 ellul... I also want the star
It's got your name on it Yaakov. My son is also a Yaakov.
ReplyDeleteIt should also be considered that the work of God’s servants, including the Mashiach's work, is primarily a work for SHAMAYIM.
ReplyDeleteIt is a silent work, sometimes hard work. He needs our daily prayers.
We all want to see it, but it is mainly Hashem that sees it.
This is already happening.
I think the Hashem servants have already begun their work in their places, but this is for heaven.
Here on earth, it will only be perceived much later by ordinary people. A very wise eye maybe could be able to understand it. But in general, as happened in the redemption before, it was not noticed at the time things were happening, it was written LATER and this is also a divine providence that "protects" them.
The most we can do is observe the effects around us, that appoint the arrival of the King.
We can also pray.
Each one can do his part on tefilah, teshuvah e tsedakah.
I am praying and I hope you also do this!
Stay strong! 💜
President AMALAK / KAMALA may cause more problems for Jews than any other president
ReplyDeleteby Rabbi Prof. Dov Fischer
ReplyDeleteSo what is Trump’s biggest mistake that may truly lose him the 2024 election?
It is his repeated assertions that, if Kamala Harris is elected, then Israel will be gone in two years. He has been saying it over and over again. As much as I support and praise all he has done for Israel, and will continue doing if reelected, it is not because of him that Israel exists or that the U.S. embassy now is in Jerusalem. It is because, like Cyrus and Darius of the Bible, he merited from G-d the opportunity to be G-d’s messenger on earth to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to move the embassy. Reagan perhaps was chosen beforehand to have that opportunity but died without bringing that merit with him to the Afterlife. Trump has been uniquely blessed by G-d to have had the opportunity to bring the Camp David Accords to fruition. But it was not he who did it alone. It was G-d Who guided his success.
I fear that Trump’s constant asseertion that he alone can ensure Israel’s survival and that, if Harris is elected, Israel will not make it, practically dares the L-rd G-d King of the universe to manifest Who is in charge. And I fear that would lead to Harris getting elected just so that G-d can demonstrate that He alone ultimately guards Israel and no one else. We as humans are required by our faith and religion to do all we can in our power to advance G-d’s cause and His expectations, but only He directs the ultimate success or failure.
Literally 5 minutes ago I was listening to a Trump speech in California (I believe). He just repeated his assertion about Israel not existing in 2 years if he's not elected. Even before reading what you posted above by Rabbi Dov Fischer, I shut off the livestream of his speech and said, "you will lose this election because of this assertion, Trump!". Then I came here and happened to see your post. This is all so distressing and depressing.
ReplyDeleteDoes anybody have a connection to Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump? Perhaps it would be helpful to get in touch with them and request that they speak to Trump re: stopping this nonsense about Israel ceasing to exist unless he is elected. The hubris of that assertion is off the charts. I'm guessing he thinks he's doing a good thing by expressing the urgency of the situation. But he needs to do it without - as Rabbi Fischer put it - daring the King of the Universe to manifest Who is in charge.
ReplyDeleteMaybe he actually thinks he is the Messiah. Especially since he survived the assassination attempt. It may be difficult to convince him otherwise.
ReplyDeleteIf you watch Rabbi Glazerson's Torah Codes, President Trump is consistently featured.
ReplyDeleteNot likely, Anonymous at 6:49pm. He was raised xtian, and I'm sure he doesn't think he's the second coming of the J-man. He tends to talk in hyperbole about everything, so maybe this is just another exaggeration to make a point.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you expect from a Goy who does not understand that HaShem runs the world when starting 74 yrs ago 6 million Jews were brutally murdered in the holocaust, we have no known number of how many Jews were brutally murdered by Stalinist Russia, the Pogrom in Chevron in 1929, the huge Antisemitism from so many so called educated Western Countries, the stated goal of the Arabs to destroy Eretz Yisroel and attempt to kill every Jew in the world. To the Goyim, they are in control and do whatever they want without any consequence and hence Past President Trump can only speak from the Goyish perspective and he cannot speak any other way and NO Goy really understands that HaShem runs the world the way he wants to all the time.
ReplyDeletePresident Trump is seeing HaShems divine intervention on his life… not understanding exactly what he’s seeing… but he knows something very important is expected of him from The Divine Creator… he may just bluntly speak out what he thinks he’s understanding, but President Trump needs a Rabbi that is God fearing and Torah observant to speak to concerning these things… I wish Rabbi Kessin could/would be the one … just my humble opinion…
ReplyDeleteI agree Trump needs to consult with a similar to Rabbi Mendel Kessin. Thank you.