Rabbi Efraim Palvanov
What is the significance of recent seismic events in Syria and Damascus? What might we expect for the region in light of ancient prophecies? Find out in this class as we explore Damascus in Scriptural and mystical texts.
Also: What is the etymology of the name “Jerusalem”? Who was the mysterious Melchizedek? And what is Zedekiah’s Cave?
Wow! What an amazing, well researched shiur! Shkoyach!
ReplyDeleteYeh, Rabbi Palvanov is hot right now... he's killing it on You Tube.
DeleteThank is so adorable !
Brilliant shiur. Thank you Rabbi.
ReplyDeleteYes I agree with everything he said... and remember Moshiach comes Motzei Shevi'it
It is motzei Shev’it now? My Jewish friend told me last year it was then. I am confused
Delete-Rebecca (Noahide)
5784 was the seventh year. So this year 5785 is motzei shevi'is - after the seventh.
ReplyDeleteWe;re not talking about shmittah years, we're talking about the 7 years as spoken of by the Vilna Gaon in the Gemarah Sanhedrin 97a.
ReplyDeleteSee link to Motzei Shevi'it post in comments above.
I also want to mention a former commenter going by the name of "I Was Asleep" who used to send me frantic comments telling me that if I didn't make aliyah I wouldn't see Geula and all Jews must make aliyah..... well if you're still there "I Am Asleep" please listen to Rabbi Palvanov at around the 51 min mark and hear what he has to say about that.
ReplyDeleteJust repeating the words of huge tsadikim. Including those that you yourself post, the Yanuka, and also Rav Anava, and rabonim of the stature of gadol hador Rav Chaim Kanievsky zatzal. Who by the way was cited by Rav Ron Shaya regarding the urgent need for aliya, 'sauve qui peut', something like run for your lives. That sounds rather frantic.
DeleteNever said that you wouldn't see the geula, be cause I've never even thought that, that's your take, but Jews not making aliya are an obstacle, and the opposite. Again just repeating their words .....
If Jews in the exile cannot see that Hashem is closing it down, they must not be asleep but comatosed. Another sign of a Jew in a spiritual coma is the lack of a longing for Tsion. Regardless of your circumstance you can long and encourage others. Tragically, the darkness is so great that galut Jews prevented Israeli rabbonim from speaking about aliya in their communities, enforcing the echo chamber. To the point of telling Rav Mordechai Eliyahu, zatzal, that it was proscribed. Can you imagine telling malach Hashem what he may or may not talk about. As for rabbonim in exile telling you to stay put, the meraglim were all of great spiritual stature. Great men can make great mistakes and do, to the detriment of all of us.
We are all aware of current events. The question is how do we respond to it. Do Jews answer Hashem's call to Tsion as best they can? Not everyone is broke and sick, many are doing fabulously. (I believe in nojewleftbehind, there has to be provision for the vulnerable wishing to make aliya too). Or do they choose to blind themselves to it.
Hitoreri, previously, I Was Asleep
Telling the Jews that they must make aliyah must be qualified - you can't just make a statement that "all Jews must make aliyah" because it is impossible for some of us to do that for many reasons. It's like telling a blind man to watch the sunset. It's a cruel thing to do.
DeleteSome people can't even leave their own house, never mind travel to Israel.
As Rabbi Palvanov said: if you CAN, and you want to, then go ahead and move to Israel.
But there is a reason why Jews are scattered throughout the world, there are still sparks needing rectification there, just like the sparks they redeemed in Rafach. Hashem put us in different places, and if it's not possible to leave, then there's no discussion.
As for those who CAN leave but prefer not to.... that is their decision, it is not for you to judge them, you don't know their challenges or their mission. Hashem is the judge, not us.
thanks for your comment Hitoreri
Hey, say that again, and now picture Hashem in front of you. I'm sorry the jig is up. No one can REALLY make aliyah. Especially if you lack emuna. If you're renting, and have no savings, open a credit card. YOU WILL GET A JOB THE SECOND YOU GET HERE. Women can be a ganenette or elderly mitapelet and men are also in need for elder care. If that's all you can do. And you will get 18k shekel within 2 mos to pay off that credit card. Schools are free and older kids can get a GED instead of bagriyot. There are rents all over the outskirts of Yerushslayim for around $1000. C'mon I am completely done with hearing you all stamping your feet...