Showing posts with label Anava. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anava. Show all posts

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Rabbi Anava's Miraculous Recovery [video]

Rabbi Anava is sharing what he went through and the message behind it. Rabbi Anava had a series of issues that started with a severe infection in his leg that developed to cellulitis and as a result was hospitalized so he could be treated with antibiotics straight into his blood. But very soon after it developed to sepsis and from there developed to a blood clot that traveled to his lungs and caused Pulmonary Embolism with a massive blood clot in the main artery of the lungs that nearly killed him.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Miraculous Recoveries x 2

In 1977 the Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneersohn suffered a massive heart attack on Shmini Atzeret. He had a miraculous recovery and returned home on Rosh Chodesh Kislev.

This story is all over the internet on Chabad sites, here is just one link to Wikipedia if you want to read about it.

This year, Rabbi Alon Anava was hospitalized on or around Shemini Atzeret and history has repeated itself, as on Rosh Chodesh Kislev he got up and lectured again about his second near death experience.

One Rebbe, one rabbi and two miraculous recoveries on the same dates.

Rosh Chodesh Kislev is a very auspicious date for the coming of Moshiach.  The Lubavitcher Rebbe was thought to be the Moshiach of his generation.  Rabbi Anava is definitely a candidate for ours.

Photo of Rabbi Alon Anava at Be'er Miriam during a Rosh Chodesh breakfast speaking about his recent illness and miraculous recovery - his second life after death experience!

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Prayers for Rabbi Anava

Interrupting my own break to ask you to pray for the Refuah Shleimah for Rabbi Alon Anava who is currently in intensive care in Israel due to an infection in his blood.  He is now in a life threatening situation.  Please pray for Rabbi Alon Yehuda Yosef ben Chana Miryam.  

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Dreams: Angelic or Demonic?

Source: Rabbi Shelomo Almoli - Dream Interpretation from Classical Jewish Sources

The essential characteristic of an angelic dream is that it is orderly, with no extraneous material mixed in.  Furthermore, the dreamer should not be panicked or frightened at the time of dreaming, and he must see himself as though truly awake in the dream.  If all these conditions are fulfilled, you may be certain that the dream is true, and that it comes through an angel and is a one-sixtieth part of prophecy. [Berakhot 57a]

However, a dream which comes by means of a demon is quite different.  The demon stands near the person as he dozes and whispers frightening words, a concoction of many things, into his ears.  This arouses frightening images in the dozer's mind; his heart beats wildly and he awakes in a panic.  [literally the great panic awakens him].  

The demons remain at his side, rejoicing and toying with his mind in order to frighten him, when he falls asleep they begin again.  After this happens several times [after he awakens from a doze and finally decides to go to sleep again for the night], he finally begins preparing for bed by reciting the Keri'at Shema prayer, or deals with them some other way.  He awakens and recites ''Unclean, unclean! Flee from here!'' three times.  At that, the demon will go on his way, and the sleeper will be able to rest, secure from such dreams.  

Below is a lecture on Dreams from Rabbi Alon Anava from 2018.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Gentiles and Geula

Last week Rabbi Anava spoke about the Gentiles' role in the coming of Moshiach

Further clarification is given in this video, from the 55.50 min mark

and in this one: ''Will only the Righteous survive the Geula?"

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Dreams and Mazal

I put this video on the blog two years ago, and it came up on my FB feed today.... I watched it again, and it's really a stand-out lecture.  If you didn't see it previously, take the time to listen now.  There is so much information here: about the soul, it's structure inside our bodies, it's journey as we sleep, testifying in the Heavenly Court, how to protect your soul while your sleep, all about your dreams and how to know if they are real or just nonsense, why you may feel like your are falling when you wake from a dream... and so much more.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Where is Moshiach?

Rabbi Anava asks: what are we doing wrong that Moshiach is still not here? We are already past the due date, what's going on? [includes current events, Gog u Magog, the state of the world and the fact that so many people are alone now]

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

The secrets of Kabbalah behind the month of Tamuz

A very interesting shiur about the month of Tammuz from Rabbi Alon Anava.  Tamuz is Sartan in Hebrew - ''Cancer'' in english - and I always wondered if that word had the same meaning as the disease of cancer.  [yes it does, learn why in this shiur]

Why do people write notes at the graves of tzadikim, and then tear up the notes? 

Tammuz has a great potential for problems...  Rabbi Anava explains the positive ideas behind this month's energy.

Monday, May 14, 2018

How to Ascend to the Heavens

Rabbi Anava has a very short video on how to pick yourself up after a bad day.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

The Secret of the Shape of our Body Parts 4 and 5

Parts 4 and 5 in this series from the Zohar about the shapes of the lines on our hands and face, and the shape of our body.  To see previous lectures click on the ANAVA lable below, or visit YouTube for the full list of Rabbi Anava's Zohar videos to date.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Pesach: How to See a Miracle

Rabbi Alon Anava - from the teachings of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Secrets of Face and Palm Reading

I have not yet heard these lectures, but the topic is fascinating and I'm sure everyone will want to hear them.  Rabbi Alon Anava is discussing the hidden secrets of our past and reincarnations which are marked in our facial features and on the lines of our hands. What does this extraordinary information reveal to us and how can it affect our connection to G-d and the rectification of our souls?

The shape of my face and the structure of my face features are hidden secrets of my soul. Where did my soul come from, what was it's journey and where am I going...?

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

What Happens to my Soul after I Die ?

This is part of The Zohar series, from Rabbi Alon Anava.  To see previous lectures in this series, go to Rabbi Anava's You Tube page.

''There are four levels to a man, do you know which one you are?''

Monday, February 19, 2018

The Secret of Haman and Achashveiros

Pre-Purim lecture: Rabbi Alon Anava

Everything in this world has a spiritual source including evil. Haman and Achashverosh have a secret power that suck our energy. How can I recognise Haman and Achashverosh in my life?

I found this lesson extremely interesting, highly recommended.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Can You Handle The Truth?

Can you handle the truth? An open discussion with Rabbi Alon Anava

"the most hardest klipah..... that's where Moshiach comes from'' - [just after the 18 min mark, but listen to it all ]

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Who is Adam's Second Wife? What Happens When We Sin?

Rabbi Anava has a new series of shiurim on The Zohar.

You can find a list of all of them [so far] here on You Tube

Synopsis of this shiur:
The Zohar: Page 18/b - 19/a - Parashat Vayikra

When G-d created us, he created us perfect, when we sin, we damage our perfection and bring on us a spirit of impurity. When G-d created Adam and Chava they were one body. Came another female who is the mother of all demons and evil spirits and her name is Li-Li-t (We DO NOT say her name) and at that time a thousand spirits without bodies came and stood around Adams spiritless body, all wanted to enter Adams body. When Li-Li saw that it was Chava (who’s original name was Chaya) was chosen to be Adams wife (other half) she ran away and hid in the depth of the oceans and is here to harm us human beings All this and MUCH more is this class!