Sunday, December 1, 2019

Rabbi Anava's Miraculous Recovery [video]

Rabbi Anava is sharing what he went through and the message behind it. Rabbi Anava had a series of issues that started with a severe infection in his leg that developed to cellulitis and as a result was hospitalized so he could be treated with antibiotics straight into his blood. But very soon after it developed to sepsis and from there developed to a blood clot that traveled to his lungs and caused Pulmonary Embolism with a massive blood clot in the main artery of the lungs that nearly killed him.


  1. Baruch HaShem he is well, but he still looks frail.

  2. I mentioned in a previous post that Rabbi Anava's illness corresponded to the same dates as the Lubavitcher Rebbe's in 1977, together with their miraculous recoveries on R"H Kislev. The similarities do not end there.... as Rabbi Anava mentions in the video above, he married his wife on 14 Kislev [I think he said 16 years ago]. The Lubavitcher Rebbe also got married on 14 Kislev, in Warsaw Poland in 1928, which is no doubt why the Anavas chose that auspicious date.

  3. Where else is this video uploaded? My filter wont let me hear it....



  4. Modim, modim, modim, modim....


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