Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Hassidic rabbis see Gaza rocket as sign to observe Shabbat

A number of rabbis are musing about the possible spiritual meanings behind Tuesday night's rocket fired at Israel and have called upon residents in the area to strengthen their observance of Shabbat as a means of ensuring the area's safety.

According to a report from popular haredi news website Kikar Hashabbat , the Sadigora Rebbe, who heads that hassidic dynasty, said Wednesday that "we have merited to see miracles since the rocket did not injure anyone or cause damage to property," crediting this to the "thousands of Jews that observe Shabbat and the right to prayer [in Ashdod]." 

The Sadigora Rebbe also took the location of where the rocket fell as a sign, since it fell close to the Big Fashion shopping mall, which is open on Shabbat.

More at J. Post

Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Vatican to Recognize ''Palestine''

ROME — The Vatican said Wednesday that it had concluded a treaty to recognize Palestinian statehood, a symbolic but significant step welcomed by Palestinians but upsetting to the Israeli government.

Read more at: NY Times

Friday, April 3, 2015

Blood Moon Predictions by Great Rabbi

A mystic rabbi living in southern Israel is urging all Jews to pray and repent as the third Blood Moon of a tetrad cycle approaches.

Rabbi Amram Vaknin, who similarly predicted the events of the Gaza flotilla and the Carmel forest fire in 2010, and Operations Pillar of Defense (2012) and Protective Edge (2014), warns that Israel is facing great judgment and potential danger at this time.

One of Rabbi Vaknin’s students, Gil Nachman, spoke to Breaking Israel News and, quoting the sage, explained that the numeric value of the Hebrew word for blood, dam, which is 44, alludes to the 44th president of the United States.

Vaknin predicted that the 44th president would bring bloodshed (dam) to the Jewish people. It should be noted that the rabbi made this prediction before President Barack Obama’s election to office. [Also see Obama and the Evil at the End of Days]

Vaknin believes that only 44 plus one, or 45, can counter the danger represented by the blood moons. This, he says, is Adam, or Man, which in this case refers to the Messiah.

The repeated number four is also noteworthy, as in addition to the value of 44 and the four Blood Moons of the tetrad, this will be the shortest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century, lasting a mere four minutes, 44 seconds.  [Note: According to this link, it will last 3 hours 29 mins]

Read more at Breaking Israel News


Monday, March 23, 2015

Israel Beware of Obama

First he comes for the banks and health care, uses the IRS to go after critics, politicizes the Justice Department, spies on journalists, tries to curb religious freedom, slashes the military, throws open the borders, doubles the debt and nationalizes the Internet.

He lies to the public, ignores the Constitution, inflames race relations and urges Latinos to punish Republican “enemies.” He abandons our ­allies, appeases tyrants, coddles ­adversaries and uses the Crusades as an excuse for inaction as Islamist terrorists slaughter their way across the Mideast.

Now he’s coming for Israel.

Continue reading at: NY Post

Click on the OBAMA label below to read the warnings that I have been blogging since 2007.

Friday, March 6, 2015

''Netanyahu Made One Mistake''

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech before a joint session of Congress on Tuesday March 3, was powerful and enthusiastically received. It exemplified leadership in a way that Americans have not seen for years. The elected leadership of the US conspicuously displayed their awesome delight from the speech; somehow it restored their own dignity and faith in the role of America today. As a result of the Jewish Prime Minister of a tiny country speaking his mind with unwavering resolve, moral clarity and historical dignity, all those present in the gallery felt better about themselves and their own duties in a confused and bloody world.

Continue at :    Netanyahu Made One Mistake

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Ta'anis Esther 5775

Something to think about 

Once there was a King in Shushan, the most powerful ruler in the world, who had a strong disdain, dislike or perhaps even hatred of Jews. 

Today there is a President in Washington, the most powerful ruler in the world, who has a strong disdain, dislike or perhaps even hatred of Jews. 

Once there was a Persian who wanted to kill all the Jews, but needed the King's authorization to proceed with his plan. 

Today there are Persians who want to kill all the Jews, but need the President's authorization to proceed with their plan. 

The King didn't really care, as long as there was something in it for him - lots of money. 

The President doesn't really care, as long as there is something in it for him - a deal with the Persians.  

The Jewish Queen wanted to tell the King what was really happening, but going in to talk to the King was dangerous. 

The Jewish Prime Minister wants to tell the President and his Congress what is really happening, but going to talk to them is dangerous. 

Some people thought she shouldn't go, it would just anger the King and make things worse. 

Some people think he shouldn't go, it will just anger the President and make things worse. 

She asked the Jews to fast and pray for the success of her mission. They did so, the King accepted her words and the plot to destroy them was thwarted. 

Will we fast and pray for the success of his mission? Will the President and Congress accept his words? Will the plot to destroy us be thwarted? 

We commemorate the fasting prior to the Queen's plea to the King on Taanis Ester. 

The Prime Minister of Israel has been invited to address the United States Congress on March 3. 
This year Taanis Ester begins on March 3.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Strange Shofar Sounds in Israel

HT: Yaak

A mysterious sound of the shofar in Ramat Gan.

[Click on the EARTH SOUNDS link below to see more shofar noises around the world]


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Bring Back Our Boys !

Please pray for the 3 Israeli teenagers (ages 16 and 19) who were kidnapped by Arab terrorists on Thursday night -

Yakov Naftali ben Rachel Devorah, Gilad Michael ben Bat Galim and Iyal ben Iris Tshura
 יעקב נפתלי בן רחל דבורה, גלעד מיכאל בן בת גלים, אייל בן איריס תשורה

Sunday, March 24, 2013

What Rabbi Lau told Obama

During his trip to Israel, President Barack Obama visited the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem. Chief Rabbi Israel Meir Lau had something personal to convey.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Synchronized Starlings in Netivot

Bird watchers enjoy a rare synchronized starling flyover as they form black clouds in Israel's skies.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Obama’s ''Mask Off’'' with Hagel Nomination

Hat tip: Joe


“You know, the truth is that I’m sort of OK with Chuck Hagel as the Secretary of Defense for a simple reason. I sort of like the mask off this administration. He’s dramatically anti-Israel, he’s borderline anti-Semitic. He’s been very clear about his lack of support for the state of Israel. Look at his voting record; he’s one of only four senators who refused to sign a letter in support of Israel in October of 2000, when the Palestinians launched violence against the state of Israel. In 2001, in the middle of a war, as the PLO is waging war against Israel, there were only 11 senators who wouldn’t sign a letter urging Bush not to meet with Arafat. Hagel was one of those people.

In 2005, there was a group of 27 senators, including Hagel, there was a letter to President Bush to pressure Palestinian authorities to ban terrorist groups from participating in elections. So Hagel was fine with terrorist groups participating in elections. That, no doubt, worked out extraordinarily well in the Gaza Strip, where Hamas is now in charge. 2006, there were 12 senators, only 12, who refused to sign a letter asking that Hezbollah be designated a terrorist organization. He was against that. Hezbollah, obviously, has been launching rockets on Israel for years, and years and years. Beyond that, when it comes to Iran, this is a guy has opposed sanctions on Iran. He doesn’t like sanctions on Iran. He thinks we ought to be having direct, bi-lateral negotiations with a terrorist regime in Iran.

So, here’s my conclusion: I’m happy with him as Secretary of Defense because I’m sick of all of these people Obama trots out pretending to be pro-Israel, and all of these Jews who deceive themselves by pretending he’s pro-Israel. Let them nominate somebody who is obviously anti-Israel and borderline anti-Semitic and then we’ll at least know where he stands.

Also see Yeranen Yaakov's take on this: for those who can't read Hebrew, the gematria of Barack + Hagen equals ''Gog and Armilus''.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Extreme Weather

Severe weather that hit Israel and the region over the weekend is set to continue this week. Torrential rain has blocked roads in Jerusalem and flights to Tel Aviv have been re-routed, with sandstorms expected in Israel's southern regions. Hail and snow are also forecast. Story: Israel battered by Storms

Australia: National heat record expected
Weather analysis to be released today is expected to show Australia is sweltering through its hottest days in history.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Jews in the West Bank?

by Rabbi Aron Moss

Question of the Week:

As a believing Christian, I made a recent pilgrimage to the Holy Land. I was profoundly disturbed by the Jewish state and its criminal occupation of the West Bank. The international community has condemned this time and time again. How can you justify usurping land that belongs to others?

You are entitled to your opinion on the matter. But I hope you are consistent in your beliefs. Being that you oppose a Jewish presence on the West Bank, I assume you will not be participating in any Xmas celebrations during the coming days. According to your view, there is no reason to be merry on December 25.

The Christian holidays celebrate an event that you have named a criminal act - the birth of a Jewish baby to a Jewish family in the West Bank town of Bethlehem. Your views should not allow you to have any part in this cheer, for if you did you would be giving retroactive approval to a Jewish settlement on the West Bank that dates back more than two thousand years.

Perhaps you will be joined by the UN and other humanitarian organizations around the world condemning any celebrations that are connected with this controversial birth, as such events would be recognizing the rights of a Jewish family to live on what you see as occupied territory.

However I must warn you, by espousing this view and not celebrating, you will be vastly outnumbered. The international community, by celebrating Xmas, expresses support for the fact that the West Bank has always been the home of the Jewish people.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Red Alert to Klall Yisroel in the name of HaRav Moshe Sternbuch, shilita

The Jewish people are witnessing miracles in Israel. The missiles fired at us have the power to level buildings, yet miracles are taking place and we were spared from mass destruction. Even the most secular newspapers report that there is no way to explain these events according to natural law.

While the word "miracle" has been liberally splashed around by the media, neither the secular nor the religious press grasped the vital message of the hour. The situation arouses an urgent and critical obligation for each Jew to ask himself: "Why is Hashem performing these miracles for us? How should I be conducting myself in these extraordinary times?

If we do not deal with these questions immediately, this current security crisis could – Chas Veshalom – escalate into the most dangerous period in Jewish history. Hashem performs miracles for the Jewish people so that we will become more aware of His Presence in our lives. In recent days, He has made perfectly clear that He alone wields power in the world and that no missile can harm so much as a hair on the head of a Jew without His consent. Every rocket has an address that He predetermines, though the terrorists may believe that they can aim at a particular target.

Miracles are Hashem's alarm bells, "a red alert" that we must wake up and become truly conscious of Hashem's hashgachah in our daily lives. If we ignore these messages and conclude that miracles are just a natural part of living in Israel, the tables w could – Chas Veshalom – quickly turn.

We could – Chas Veshalom – in fact be handed over to natural law, and the missiles inexplicably could – Chas Veshalom – begin to hit their targets with greater frequency. And that means that the lives of our fellow Jews – our brothers and sisters living in Israel – could – Chas Veshalom – be in mortal danger.

We must learn this lesson from the story of the meraglim (spies). When they returned from Eretz Yisrael they claimed this land was a place where miracles were apparent on a daily basis, and therefore an extremely high spiritual level would be demanded of those who dwelled there. There was no way that Klal Yisrael as a nation could maintain such a level, and therefore the spies, who were all Gedolei Yisrael, ruled that the people should not enter the land.

The opinion of the meraglim was brought before the Sanhedrin, and they concurred with their ruling. It may seem, on the surface, that their reasoning was sound, and logic dictated that it was unwise to enter Eretz Yisrael. Yet we see from the grave punishment incurred by that generation that they could not have been further from the truth. What was the mistake in their reasoning?

The answer is simple. If Hashem told us to enter Eretz Yisrael, He obviously knew that we would ascend to the spiritual level necessary for a nation that sees miracles on a daily basis. For this reason, the claim of the meraglim was heresy, and we suffer from its bitter consequences to this very day.

In more recent times, Rav Yechiel Yaakov Weinberg once told Rav Sternbuch about a meeting of secular non-Jewish and Jewish professors to discuss the authorship of the Torah. Their conclusion was that while the Torah was far too complex to be man-made, they were not ready to attribute it to a Divine source that they knew nothing about. Like the meraglim, they perceived the significance of the Divine influence, but refused to follow through by accepting the full import of this conclusion.

During the current military operation, we are facing the very same challenge. Hashem is sending us a message that we must make real changes in our lives and raise our level of consciousness of His Presence, to the point where we are worthy of such supernatural treatment. If we rise to the occasion and raise our level of emunah as a result of these miracles, then we will pass the nisayon (test), and it is very likely that Moshiach will arrive shortly.

Chazal offer us practical advice in this area, and write that reciting a hundred brachos every day and saying Amen yehei Shmei Rabba has the power to annul decrees. Reciting Tehillim is important, but we need to make sure that our tefilah is also said with the proper kavanah. Everyone should take upon themselves to do something small to raise their level of emunah.

We must consider ourselves warned by the lessons of our history: If Hashem shows us miracles and we do not respond by strengthening our emunah, His mercy could – Chas Veshalom – turn to fury and we are handed over to the forces of natural law. We dare not speak about what this could could – Chas Veshalom– lead to, but we all understand the ruthless nature and implacable hatred of the enemy we face.

Now is the time, while Hasehm continues to shower His miracles upon us, to recognize His hand in our lives on a national and individual level, to turn to Him in tefilah and teshuvah, and eagerly watch the redemption unfold before our eyes.