Tuesday, March 26, 2024

This is Above Us Now: Between the Sun and the Earth

This video is 11 years old, and it is from a totally different source to the person I usually quote on these things.

This system has been here since 2010, and in this video you can see clearly all the planets, their colours and their names.  It is very interesting that the planet called "Nibiru" looks very similar to planet Earth. The translation of the title of the video is "Nibiru is planet number 6 in the brown dwarf Immaru's Solar System".

Note that the beginning of the video seems a bit strange, but that's just sound effects to get you in the mood for a journey to outer space....


  1. It's eerie that it's so similar, just exponentially larger....we can probably assume it has the correct bio conditions to support life....I wonder what that means. I don't think it's a coincidence.

  2. https://www.foxweather.com/earth-space/nova-explosion-new-star-visible-earth-2024

    C S


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