Thursday, March 14, 2024

Strange Skies

 This is the new normal.  Just getting started ok.... we're just getting started. 

New Mexico March 13 2024 - blue asteroid lighting up the sun

Snowtown, South Australia - Photo Charlie Lane

this is something extremely strange - Photo Charlie Lane
Minnesota March 12 2024 - Something behind the moon

Two suns?  This is our sun with the giant red halo which is the gas giant Hercolobus, and at the 1 o'clock position is something from the passing solar system


  1. Prior to the arrival of this second system, the skies looked very different, but everyone has become accustomed to the way our skies look now.
    Last night I was watching something on TV that was filmed in 2006 and there was a clip of the sunset.... the sun was just a yellow ball.... there was no red circle around it. If you can find old photos of the sunset, you'll see what I mean.
    There are some truly incredible photos coming out now, I haven't been able to find one to put on the blog as they are all copyrighted and I don't want to get myself in any trouble. Don't worry, very soon I'll have the photos I can post.

    Rebecca who is one of the team experts, came out of a store in Oklahome and right in front of her was the planet Atu, so enormous it took up the entire left hand side of the sky. So high, she couldn't see the top of it. She went Live on FB and filmed it for 45 minutes. If someone can tell me how to copy a video from FB, I'll put it up here.

    I promise you.... this is really happening. And I don't make promises that aren't real, we are living in the most exciting times.

  2. thank you Devora. looking forward to seeing the images. shavua tov


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