From the Facebook page of a friend:
My grandfather was originally German, and everyone knew that German Jews [Yekers] were punctual, precise people! Time was important and in this vein, my grandfather referred to his wrist watch often.
One day, my grandmother noticed he wasn’t wearing his watch and enquired after it. My grandfather, Ephraim, replied and said, “My watch was stolen at the Mikveh.” To which my grandmother queried, “And how do you know that is where you left it?” My grandfather looked at her and said, “Because I saw the person take it from my pocket.”
This begged the obvious question, “Why didn’t you stop him?”
To which he quietly and simply replied, “I didn’t want to embarrass him.”
With those few words and his deliberate inaction we learn so much … how we should strive to be sensitive to others and to treat those that come into our realm.