Monday, January 13, 2020

Friday, January 10, 2020

What Tzaddikim See with their Pure Eyes

by Rabbi David Hanania Pinto

One who studies this Parsha [Vayechi] will notice that the word 'eyes' is mentioned several times. "Now Yisrael's eyes were heavy with age", "Red eyed from wine" and more. Why is this?

Due to Ya'akov's old age, he was no longer able to see, but this only refers to human sight. He was, however, able to foresee all that would transpire in the future with a spiritual vision, for he had rectified his eyes. Since Ya'akov's attribute was truth, as it says (Micha 7:20) "Grant truth to Ya'akov", he was therefore unable to hide what his eyes saw with Divine Inspiration and asked "Who are these?", for even though Menashe and Ephraim were considered tzaddikim, he saw that their descendants will serve idolatry.

The holy Rabbeinu Chaim Pinto zya"a, became blind in his old age yet he could perceive everything using his supernatural wisdom. Although he could not see, he was able to name every person who entered his home.

I recall an incident that happened many years ago, with my esteemed father Rabbeinu Moshe Ahron zya"a. He required a certain medical procedure on his eyes and I was directed to an expert doctor for eye disease, who lived in Manchester, England. I accompanied my father zya"a on this trip and on arriving in England, we took a taxi to the doctor's house. The taxi stopped two streets away from his house since there was no entry for vehicles, and from there we had to make our way by foot.

Wonder of wonders! My father had never been to England and was not familiar with its streets, but when we got out of the taxi he started walking quickly with his face down. He knew exactly where to turn and where to go, and I had to run to try and keep up with him, all the time wondering how he knew the way.

When we arrived at the doctor's house, Abba zya"a stopped and asked me simply, "Is this where the doctor lives?" And indeed it was the right address.

How did Abba zya'a merit attaining these holy levels? Because he rectified his eyes and was most particular to guard them from looking at forbidden sights. This is how he merited seeing things with Divine inspiration. With this spiritual vision, he knew how to get to the doctor's home, without any previous knowledge of the area.

May it be His will that we merit guarding our eyes against looking at improper sights and may we sanctify ourselves with our actions, sight and thoughts. Amen v'Amen.

So Many Sinners, How Can Moshiach Come?

Can the Moshiach come in our time, even though there are people who have not yet repented and don't keep the Torah?

Regarding the coming of the Redemption, our sages taught: “This matter depends only on repentance.” Maimonides likewise writes that “The Torah has promised that the Jewish people will ultimately repent at the end of their exile, and will immediately be redeemed.” However, the Redemption will not be delayed even if this condition is not fulfilled. There are three reasons for this:

1) There is no one who has not had at least one thought of repentance at least a few times in the course of his life. Even one such thought can transform a person from an utter rasha to a perfect tzaddik.

2) Many of those who do not keep the Torah and its commandments were not raised in observant homes, and have not had the benefit of a comprehensive Jewish education. As such, they have the halachic status of victims of duress, and the Torah exonerates them for their lack of observance.

3) The Redemption will come even before the Jewish people repent. It is written in Psalms, “And He will redeem Israel from all its sins.” Commentators explain, “Even sin will not obstruct the Redemption, for He will redeem Israel from sin.”

G-d is merciful and overlooks transgressions, as described in the verse: “Who is a G-d like You, Who pardons iniquity, and forgives the transgression of the remnant of His heritage? He does not maintain His anger forever, for He delights in mercy.”

Rabbi David Kimche comments on this verse: “As to those people who remain when the Redeemer comes..... even though their unworthy deeds could make them liable for the punishment of not being redeemed from exile, G-d will not direct attention forever to their deeds, for He delights in mercy.”

[From Exile to Redemption, pp. 128-29. Sicha of Parshat Vayechi 5751. Shabbos 68b. Bava Kama 28b. Tehillim 130:8. Meztudas David, loc. cit. Michah 7:18]


Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Result of Causing Someone Else to Suffer

וְעֵינֵ֤י יִשְׂרָאֵל֙ כָּֽבְד֣וּ מִזֹּ֔קֶן לֹ֥א יוּכַ֖ל לִרְא֑וֹת Yaakov was no longer able to see." [VaYechi 48:10]

Chazal tell us various reasons why Yitzchok became blind. but why did Yaakov become blind?

Rav Shlomo Zalman Zelaznik Ztz"l. the Rosh Yeshiva of Eitz Chaim. explained with the principle that if someone suffers on your account, you are punished, even if you have done nothing wrong. In Yaakov's case we find two people whose eyes suffered on account of him. The first was Yitzchok. who Chazal say became blind so that Yaakov would be able to fool him and take the blessings. The second is Leah. whose eyes were swollen because she was destined to marry Eisav. while Rochel was supposed to marry Yaakov.

 "Either of these two occurrences," says Rav Zelaznik, "were enough cause to warrant Yaakov losing his eyesight despite his complete innocence of any wrongdoing. If such is the Midas HaDin when we are completely innocent of any wrongdoing, certainly, if we actually play a part in the suffering of another person, we are in huge trouble."


Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Rabbi Pinto's Warning Dream Message

Latest video from Rabbi Glazerson:

''Rabbi Pinto:  In a dream I had on Shabbat, I was informed about a great shock that is going to happen in the coming days, and Jews are required to strengthen themselves in the Torah.''

There Shall Come Forth a Shoot.....

The bushfires are still raging here in Australia, but amidst all the carnage here is a sign of hope.... new growth emerging from a burnt tree.

I don't know why these fires are happening, but I guess it's part of the suffering Rabbi Kessin often talks about that needs to be experienced in order to bring Moshiach.  Australia was chosen to receive fire.  Over half a billion animals have died in these fires, who can even fathom that?

People all over the world are sending aid to Australia, as everyone knows something like this devastation doesn't just affect one country, it affects the entire world.

Australia will survive this and perhaps that's why it was chosen, because our name is ''Oz'' and that means ''strength''.  I have seen so many incredible acts of kindness and strength in the last few weeks, I'm so proud of this country.

There shall come forth a shoot out of the stem of Yishai, a branch shall grow from his roots. 
The spirit of G‑d shall rest upon him: the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of G‑d... 
Righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faith the girdle of his reins. 
The wolf will dwell with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the kid... the cow and the bear will graze... the lion will eat straw as the ox... the suckling child will play on the cobra's hole... For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of G‑d, as the waters cover the sea. - Isaiah 11:1-9

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Hints to Gog u Magog

Prophecy tells us that Persia [Iran] will initiate the final great war of Gog u Magog and will attempt to destroy the world.

Trump says that he has selected 52 targets in Iran should they seek revenge.

Gematria of  מגוג ''Magog'' is 52.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Why The Redemption Seems To Take So Long

Rabbi Kessin is shiur - Given 1/4/2020 by Rabbi Mendel Kessin We apologize for the music in the background. There was a siyum hashas celebration going on in the room across the hall.