Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Rabbi Pinto's Warning Dream Message

Latest video from Rabbi Glazerson:

''Rabbi Pinto:  In a dream I had on Shabbat, I was informed about a great shock that is going to happen in the coming days, and Jews are required to strengthen themselves in the Torah.''


  1. The Jewish people have been strengthening themselves in Torah all around the world with the multiple Siyum Hashas.

  2. Sorry for my ingnorance, which Rabbi Pinto is this, and what are his credentials??


  3. He's a mekubal [kabbalist]. Probably a tzaddik.

  4. Shalom,

    He is a great Tzadik from Israel his name is Yushiahu Yosef Pinto Ben of Harabanit Zahari. He is also the Chief Rabbi of Morocco, he is a great Rabbi.


  5. Thanks! That helps cuz was hoping it was him..... But how can we verify this dream of his?? I actually can't get into the youtube video... is the info there? Can anybody brief me?


  6. yes It’s in the video and you can always trust Rabbi Glazerson.

  7. The dream is true, his group posted it on WhatsApp first, I’ve heard his actual voice recording in Hebrew before the English translation even came out. The recordings match. They wouldn’t have posted if it wasn’t verified first with him. I hope this helps,

  8. Rabbi Pinto stems from great Rabbis in Morocco who originally came from Portugal at the time of the Spanish expulsion of the Jews and from there to Morocco. Some of these great Rabbis of Morocco were literally miracle workers. In general, many of the famous great Rabbis of Morocco were mekubalim (kabbalists) and great Torah scholars.

  9. I’m interested in receiving the English translations from Rabbi Pintos. Is there a way I could join on whatsapp?


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