Friday, January 10, 2020

What Tzaddikim See with their Pure Eyes

by Rabbi David Hanania Pinto

One who studies this Parsha [Vayechi] will notice that the word 'eyes' is mentioned several times. "Now Yisrael's eyes were heavy with age", "Red eyed from wine" and more. Why is this?

Due to Ya'akov's old age, he was no longer able to see, but this only refers to human sight. He was, however, able to foresee all that would transpire in the future with a spiritual vision, for he had rectified his eyes. Since Ya'akov's attribute was truth, as it says (Micha 7:20) "Grant truth to Ya'akov", he was therefore unable to hide what his eyes saw with Divine Inspiration and asked "Who are these?", for even though Menashe and Ephraim were considered tzaddikim, he saw that their descendants will serve idolatry.

The holy Rabbeinu Chaim Pinto zya"a, became blind in his old age yet he could perceive everything using his supernatural wisdom. Although he could not see, he was able to name every person who entered his home.

I recall an incident that happened many years ago, with my esteemed father Rabbeinu Moshe Ahron zya"a. He required a certain medical procedure on his eyes and I was directed to an expert doctor for eye disease, who lived in Manchester, England. I accompanied my father zya"a on this trip and on arriving in England, we took a taxi to the doctor's house. The taxi stopped two streets away from his house since there was no entry for vehicles, and from there we had to make our way by foot.

Wonder of wonders! My father had never been to England and was not familiar with its streets, but when we got out of the taxi he started walking quickly with his face down. He knew exactly where to turn and where to go, and I had to run to try and keep up with him, all the time wondering how he knew the way.

When we arrived at the doctor's house, Abba zya"a stopped and asked me simply, "Is this where the doctor lives?" And indeed it was the right address.

How did Abba zya'a merit attaining these holy levels? Because he rectified his eyes and was most particular to guard them from looking at forbidden sights. This is how he merited seeing things with Divine inspiration. With this spiritual vision, he knew how to get to the doctor's home, without any previous knowledge of the area.

May it be His will that we merit guarding our eyes against looking at improper sights and may we sanctify ourselves with our actions, sight and thoughts. Amen v'Amen.

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