Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Hints to Gog u Magog

Prophecy tells us that Persia [Iran] will initiate the final great war of Gog u Magog and will attempt to destroy the world.

Trump says that he has selected 52 targets in Iran should they seek revenge.

Gematria of  מגוג ''Magog'' is 52.


  1. Right now, Drudge has a headline that says: 'Completely coincidental': Air Force launches 52 fighter jets in training exercise...

    In addition to being the gematria of Magog, 52 is also twice the number of Hashem's name (26). As we know there are no coincidences, this is clearly yad Hashem at work.

  2. America also flew a few B-52s to be stationed closer to Iran (but not within Iran's missile range).

  3. To add to my last post, Trump said he chose 52 targets to represent the 52 American hostages taken by Iran in the 1979 Hostage Crisis. Maybe Hashem was already hinting at Gog and Magog back then ;)

    Btw, the hostages were held for 444 days. Is there any significance to that number in gematria?


  4. Gematria 444 among other things equals ''they were consumed'' , ''death'' and ''and the hidden'' - from Gutman Locks Spice of Torah Gematria. I guess any one of those things is relevant, but I don't think it's really a hint as 444 can equal a lot of things that are irrelevant as well. Yeranen Yaakov is the gematria expert.

  5. Either way,things are coming down the pike and we need to daven.
    Devorah, I pray you are safe. Are the fires near your area?

  6. According to an old Hashem1.net article (which is no longer accessible), Eretz Magog is in Iran.

  7. Some interesting gematrias for 444 (from Tanach):
    1) מקדש (Mikdash)
    2) דמשק (Damascus)
    3) דם שפך (He has spilled blood)
    4) לוחת or לחות (tablets containing the 10 commandments, according to some of the spellings the Torah uses)
    5) את איביך (your enemies)
    6) לאסורים צאו (to the captives, get out) - Yeshaya 49:9 - most apropos to the hostage crisis
    7) א-ל-הים מושיב - The first 2 words of Tehillim 68:7, which is also apropos to hostages
    8) גאלתי (I have redeemed) - Rut 4:6
    9) למדי ופרס די (to Madai and Paras which) - Daniel 6:16

  8. Thank you yaak. Interesting -- especially #6 as it is found in Isaiah, one of the big Acharit Hayamim nevi'im.



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