Wednesday, January 8, 2020

There Shall Come Forth a Shoot.....

The bushfires are still raging here in Australia, but amidst all the carnage here is a sign of hope.... new growth emerging from a burnt tree.

I don't know why these fires are happening, but I guess it's part of the suffering Rabbi Kessin often talks about that needs to be experienced in order to bring Moshiach.  Australia was chosen to receive fire.  Over half a billion animals have died in these fires, who can even fathom that?

People all over the world are sending aid to Australia, as everyone knows something like this devastation doesn't just affect one country, it affects the entire world.

Australia will survive this and perhaps that's why it was chosen, because our name is ''Oz'' and that means ''strength''.  I have seen so many incredible acts of kindness and strength in the last few weeks, I'm so proud of this country.

There shall come forth a shoot out of the stem of Yishai, a branch shall grow from his roots. 
The spirit of G‑d shall rest upon him: the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of G‑d... 
Righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faith the girdle of his reins. 
The wolf will dwell with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the kid... the cow and the bear will graze... the lion will eat straw as the ox... the suckling child will play on the cobra's hole... For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of G‑d, as the waters cover the sea. - Isaiah 11:1-9


  1. I simply cannot imagine this. I've been listening to some videos and they say it's intentionally set, but want people to believe it's global warming. Have you been hearing anything about this?
    Either way, I pray for all of you to be safe.
    I simply cannot imagine all of the damage and destruction.....
    Hashem please stop these fires....

  2. Hi Leah, these fires happened because of the combination of the lack of rain [drought] and the summer heat which is hotter than normal. Whilst there have been a few cases of deliberately lit fires, those fires are not the main problem. Australia is a huge country, most people don't realize how huge it is, and whilst we are accustomed to droughts and fires and floods, these are not normal fires. I see the Hand of Hashem in the way they have systematically gone thru the entire country. Hashem is purifying us and making us suffer, and I only hope the reason is Moshiach-connected. The Rebbe said Australia would ''see Moshiach first'' - perhaps these fires are the way Moshiach prepares us, I don't know, but I do know that people are showing amazing kindness to each other and the tzedaka keeps flowing. Last night we had a lot of rain, and I hope more is on the way.... it's not enough to stop the fires but its better than nothing.

  3. PS I am not near the fires, I am in the city.

  4. Wow, ok. I see. Yad Hashem.may you see plentiful rain and these fires stop!!!
    Stay safe!

  5. Mashiach is in Australia right now. Sign of true words: there will be huge torrential rain over Australia. Tzemach

  6. Mariel, thank you for the video, but I'm not posting conspiracy theories here, this was a fire sent by Hashem.... you need to understand Australia to understand these fires. Yes they are not normal fires, we know that, but they are from Hashem. If you were here when the winds started blowing, you would understand.

  7. Also you have to remember that most people these days do not believe in or understand God. That is why they need conspiracy theories, as they have no other way of understanding what is going on in the world.

  8. No problem, I understand. I do believe in God, I still do. But I also know there are very wicked people out there with very bad intentions.

  9. Yes evil people will do dreadful things but they cannot control the weather, even if some governments think they can. Read The Three Keys and understand that Hashem controls the rainfall.
    These fires started from the lack of rain here, and the heat... and they were fuelled by the wind, incredible wind that blew them north then south then east then west. It was very powerful and as I sat on my balcony I felt the Hand of God moving the winds. No man can cause that.

  10. Amen, Devorah! Thank you for that.

  11. May Hashem have rachamim on the people, animals and plant life of Australia and put out the fires, bringing peace and healing to the land and its inhabitants.

  12. H' uses nature to punish and cleanse; sometimes he uses the wicked also to do the dirty work, let's say. There are the ptb that have wicked intentions and are using advanced technology to try and undermine the Creator (laughable). Just the idea when you think about transhumanism, etc., you realize the extent of evil there is in the hands of the powerful. But, there might be some truth in them trying to manipulate weather, etc., they are just tools in the Hands (so to speak) of the Almighty. All who think they are gods will fail. Only HE, the Creator of all, has the power. Everything else is a joke.

  13. Rabbi Glazerson's Torah Codes show the reason why we have fires in Australia, and as I suspected but didn't say, it is because of the Same Sex Marriage vote
    click to watch on You Tube

  14. Devorah @1:41 pm: Agree. Really do believe the Torah Codes that Rabbi Glazerson reveals are for that reason as you cite in your above comment. The whole world is suffering in many ways all due for this same reason. Chaos!


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