Thursday, June 22, 2023

Masters of the Game

People ask "why are they hiding it" ?  Who are "they"?

You need only look at your Mastercard for the answer.

The main share-holders of Mastercard are the Vanguard Group, Inc. BlackRock, Inc. State Street Global Advisors, Inc.  The three largest shareholders of Pfizer, J&J and Merck are Vanguard, SSGA and BlackRock. Pfizer of course brought us the Covid vaccine.  These people control the world.

Blackrock has a half-a-trillion-dollar deal to rebuild Ukraine.

They know about Nibiru, the Mastercard logo even shows us the two suns - one yellow and one red! Of course they say it represents something else, but it's right in front of our eyes...  conspiracy theory or not, join the dots and understand. 

“The smaller investors are owned by larger investors. Those are owned by even bigger investors. The visible top of this pyramid shows only two companies whose names we have often seen…They are Vanguard and BlackRock. The power of these two companies is beyond your imagination. Not only do they own a large part of the stocks of nearly all big companies but also the stocks of the investors in those companies. This gives them a complete monopoly. A Bloomberg report states that both these companies in the year 2028, together will have investments in the amount of 20 trillion dollars. That means that they will own almost everything. 


I realize this blog post has entered the realm of conspiracy theories, but I just wanted to investigate and show you what I found.  Someone else brought the Mastercard logo to my attention and I went from there.  Blackrock and Vanguard are two words I've heard many times, so I'm not surprised at all.

My Asteroid

This was in the sky a few weeks ago, it looked like a very large star and it seemed to be moving slightly. I didn't know what it was so I just photographed it and when I zoomed in on the photo I could see it was a circle with a ring around it.  Not knowing what it was, I asked some people on a group and I was told it was an asteroid.  I love it, especially because it is MY photo and I promise you it is real. Zoom and enlarge to see more clearly.  You'll have to save the photo to your PC or phone to zoom in, I think I've enlarged it as much as possible on Blogger.

The Sun

Today is Gimel Tamuz, the day that Joshua commanded the sun to stand still in Gibeon [Joshua 10:13], and also the 29th Yarzheit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.  So here I give you some recent photos of our sun, where you can clearly see it is not normal.  There is a giant planet behind the sun, causing it to appear as if there is a giant red halo around it.  

I tried to get the videos at the end of the post, but they ended up in the centre.  Can't see to move them, so they are stuck there.

See here, another planet or moon on top of the sun, as well as the giant red halo.

This is the sun, with an asteroid passing in front of it, and there have been thousands of photos of the sun looking incredibly weird.  This has nothing to do with wildfires.

This is the sun being cut off by a planet over it.

Here you can see a giant sun or planet on top of our sun.

Wisconsin: you can clearly see the red around it.

Planet above the sun.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

The Way of Strife

"Why do you elevate yourselves over Hashem's congregation?" [Korach 16:3]

Such is the nature of a dispute that is not for the sake of Heaven, noted R' Simchah Bunim of P'shischa. It blinds the eyes and closes the hearts of the quarrelers, so that they lose their common sense.

For the Torah testifies about Moshe Rabbeinu: "Now the man Moshe was exceedingly humble, more than any person on the face of the earth." How could anyone possibly accuse him of possessing the contemptible trait of arrogance? Yet this is exactly what Korach and his assembly did, as the verse states: "Why do you exalt yourselves over the congregation of Hashem?"

Rather, this is the way of strife, the power of impurity that accompanies it totally corrupts an individual's intellect.

Source: Rabbi Yisrael Bronstein

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

The Mechanism of Man's Interaction with the Divine

 Rabbi Mendel Kessin

The Yanuka: Care and Caution

Hebrew with English subtitles

 "A person can be punished and live 70, 80 years for a claim that someone has against him... we must be careful not to harm any person..."

Ten Signs for the Coming of Moshiach

HT: Sherry

Rabbi Yehoshua Zitron


Right at the beginning when he talks about the pillars of fire and the possibility of Nibiru system causing that.... here are some current photos to give you some idea.  Nibiru is not a conspiracy, the only conspiracy is they [unsuccessfully]  try to cover it up.

South Pole webcam

Around 3 mins: When he talks about the sun and the moon and the stars going dark, this could very easily occur when they are blocked by these huge planets.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

The Sufferings of the Generation before Moshiach

Text below was transcribed by Nava from the Dreaming of Moshiach Blog, in 2007.

In Gemara, Chazal tells us that three divisions of sufferings came down to the world. 

The first division of suffering was placed on the generations of the seven holy shepherds: Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov Avinu, Moshe Rabenu, Aaron HaKohen, Yosef HaTzaddik, and Melech Dovid, zs'l. 

The second division of suffering was placed on the remaining generations, excluding our generation.

The third division of suffering was placed on our generation, the last generation. 

The first two sufferings were a gradual process but the last suffering, the third, is the hardest and harshest. Whether it's an illness, unnatural death in a family, livelihood, divorce, finding a spouse, having children, etc....every Jew, regardless where, when, what, who, why, is suffering! 

This is the reason Chazal wrote in Gemara that if a person is not suffering in the generation of the End of Days, know that this person is not a Jew!

If someone tells you he is not suffering, he is not the son/daughter of Avraham Avinu, zs'l. 

Why is this very harsh decree occurring specifically in our generation, all at once and so numerous?

The suffering is a necessity required before the arrival of Moshiach Tzidkenu. Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, zs'l, explains it further in the Zohar HaKadosh, as follows: 

When Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, zs'l, (Rashbi) was hiding in the cave, he wrote the Zohar HaKadosh in Ruach HaKodesh (Divine Spirit). Thru Ruach HaKodesh, he saw that in the last generation will be in a large fire and he cried for us and said, ווי לון מאן דגרמי דיוזיל ליה - Oy to the people who will live in the last generation. Rashbi saw that our generation will transgress the Torah and commit adultery, lust, promiscuity, stealing, heresy, secularism, etc. He cried because he saw that we will need to go thru so many tests and suffering. 

But why so much suffering in our generation? Why does the Yetzer Hara (evil inclination) have so much power in this generation, more than in all past generations? 

It is because HKB'H is so merciful and so generous! The Zohar HaKadosh explains: Every soul comes into this world only for the reason to correct past lives for sins committed. HKB'H saw throughout all generations that many souls were unable to correct themselves and remained unworthy to enter Gan Eden. Even though they were reincarnated as humans, animals, in-animates, plants, food, etc., and also placed in Gehenom or Kaf Hakela. Yet, they were still unable to correct their souls. Even after so many reincarnations, these souls were unsuccessful in their tikun and were placed in Heichal HaNeshamot (hall of souls). 

The Zohar HaKadosh continues and says that HKB'H revealed Himself to the souls placed in Heichal HaNeshamot and the neshamot cried to HaShem, "Merciful Heavenly Father, help us correct ourselves, we want to succeed in cleansing our souls, we reincarnated as humans, plants, animals, we went thru Gehenom, Shaol Tachtit, Kaf Hakela... but we still have not properly corrected our souls...". 

When Merciful HKB'H heard this, He said, "I'll place you all in one generation, a generation that will have much confusion, tests, suffering, and hardships, a generation where the truth will be absent, a generation where one will be easily trapped by the evil inclination. There will be many opportunities to get trapped into terrible sins; everything will be available to you in split seconds. It will be a generation that will feel exhausted from trying to do Teshuva, the evil inclination will be very powerful and adultery, lust, temptations, promiscuity, stealing, heresy, secularism, etc. will be everywhere." "BUT, despite all these hardships, all neshamot that will succeed to pass these difficult tests and continue to have Emunah, will be tremendeously rewarded and will merit to live in the Geula." 

This is the reason the holy Rashbi also said  "Overjoyed is the person who lives in that generation." Although it's difficult to comprehend, it's important to know:  all people in this generation: you, me, him, her, them.... are all from Heichal Ha-Neshamot.